Time Control mockup

Serving suggestion

Image files can be found in


XML pseudo layout example 


Notes:  The XML example is inspired by both Yahoo Widgets and Apple Dashboard.  I used a completely mutated form that has no likelyhood of working anywhere.

Time line suggestion

Use graphic assets from KML markup to render text bubbles. http://issues.worldwind.arc.nasa.gov/confluence/display/WWNET/KML+support+files

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  1. Sep 22, 2006

    G. Peters says:

    Randy -- doubtless too late to be of use, but perhaps for future ruminat...

    Randy -- doubtless too late to be of use, but perhaps for future ruminations and brainstorms on new features. When we put in our own custom time controller, we found that we needed a range to represent the current moment. This allows us to control what imagery is displayed based on the time it was taken. See this interface (not as pretty as yours):
    Also -- we allowed the user to zoom in and out on the time slider, to move from periods ranging from seconds to years.