Library of Congress Election 2002 Web Archive Collection This is an archived Web site from the Library of Congress. maximize
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Archived: Aug 05, 2002 at 07:38:42
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08/03/2002   12/03/2002
Anti-Defamation League: Fighting Anti-Semitism, Bigotry and Extremism Since 1913
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The Hidden Child Foundation®

When is a crime against a Jew anti-Semitic?
Read Abraham Foxman's op-ed in The Forward

Anti-Semitism Around the World
ADL Outraged by Honduran Cardinal's Jewish Conspiracy Theory

  Boston White Supremacists Convicted in Racial Bombing Plot

Symbol of Aryan Nations
Neo-Nazi Aryan Nations Splinters; Potentially Dangerous New Groups Form
Risk of violence or even terrorism grows as competing remnants raise level of anti-Semitic, racist rhetoric while promoting concept of a violent class of white "warriors for God."

Hate on the Internet: Purported "Anti-Globalization" Web Site Fronts for Neo-Nazi Group

Terrorism Extremism
Education Internet
Civil Rights Religious Freedom
Holocaust International Affairs
Nation of Islam Interfaith
Israel Western Union Offices Deleted from Company Brochures in United Arab Emirates
ADL: U.N. Report on Jenin "Shouldn't Have Been Written"
In Meeting with U.N. Envoys ADL Urges European Leaders to Stand Up Against Anti-Semitism
College Newspaper Editors to Travel to Israel for Firsthand Look at Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Media Watch
Letter to The New York Times: No Parallel Between Statements by Hamas and Israeli General. More
Letter to The New York Times: Hate Filled UN Conferences Unconstructive More
ADL to National Review: Vouchers Hurt Public Schools More
Evangelical Support Helps Israel by Abraham Foxman
Chronology of Thwarted Terrorist Attacks in Israel
What You Can Do to Support Israel
Debunking Internet Rumors
Flier at Florida Atlantic University A Hoax
The Forward Reports on ADL Efforts to Combat Misuse of Internet:  More
Fuji Film: E-mail circulating on the Internet provides false information.  More
Tommy Hilfiger: Persistent
e-mail about designer's comments on Oprah Winfrey Show re-surface.  More
ADL Publications
Extremism in America The Definitive Guide to Extremism in America is on CD. Order now!
Countering Suicide Terrorism examines the causes and impact of suicide terror and discusses how communities can cope with these horrific acts.  More>>
ADL Resources
FREE! ADL HateFilter® 2.0
A tool to help stop hate on the Web from reaching children
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Law Enforcement
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