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Embassy News

June 22, 2006
Embassy of the United States of America

Remarks by Ambassador Michael C. Polt - Atlantic Council of Serbia Annual International Conference

Five Years in the Family: Partnership, Success, Future Vision and New Challenges
Atlantic Council of Serbia Annual International Conference

Partnership, Success, Future Vision, and New Challenges -- these are the headliners for this conference. All of them important 21st century concepts. All of these are important elements of the ever evolving Euro-Atlantic relationship. All of them relate very directly to the growing relationship between the Euro-Atlantic community and Serbia. But these terms are also easily overused, misused, or misunderstood.

The United States welcomes Serbia's interest in the Alliance and supports the further development of Serbia's Euro-Atlantic ties as rapidly as Serbia is able. This can be an important part of the country's democratic political transition and of mutual benefit to NATO and Serbia.

Some in this country have recently argued for a so-called "true partnership" with the Euro-Atlantic community, "without conditions and pressures." Others have demanded what they have called "equality" in relations and complained about a lack of recognition by those outside Serbia of its achievements in meeting international obligations to date. I am concerned that such comments indeed suggest a misunderstanding of the Euro-Atlantic "partnership." This partnership cannot rely on one side delivering and the other side just promising to do so. It cannot rest on assurances of good faith or on assertions of historical grievances. It must rest on facts, actions, and a common commitment and clear articulation of values that bind the transatlantic security partners together. Each must make a tangible contribution, and not call on the other to do what it cannot or will not do itself. So what we are looking for is becoming real partners, each pulling our own weight!

Serbia belongs in the Euro-Atlantic community of nations. America and Serbia have historically been friends, including through two world wars. My government's overarching policy goal for this part of the world is to help create a Europe whole, free, and at peace. Serbia is an integral part of that whole. And Serbia can play a significant role in Europe's security infrastructure. Geographically Serbia occupies strategic ground in Europe to help stop the flow of transnational terrorism, illegal arms, drugs, and trafficked humans into and out of the continent.

Joining the Euro-Atlantic family is very much in Serbia's interest. It can help remove remnants of outdated, isolationist and nationalist thinking. It will help political stability. It will promote rule of law by building trust in transformation. And it will make the defense sector a change agent in that transformation - whether we're talking about budgetary transparency, internal controls, making operations more efficient, or privatization of state-owned property.

These institutional reforms, and the professionalization, modernization, and right-sizing of the Serbian armed forces will signal your potential contribution to Euro-Atlantic security. And until the government here removes that last obstacle to full membership, the United States will continue to use all currently available mechanisms, both bilaterally and through multilaterally, to make sure Serbia is as prepared as it can be when it comes time to cross the threshold.

Multilaterally, we support the important work that NATO's Defense Reform Group and the South East European Clearing House are doing to ensure that assistance from the Alliance and the broader community is coordinated in a way to maximize the benefit to Serbia's defense reform efforts. In addition, we continue to support the establishment of a NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade to engage with Serbia's leadership and its people to promote understanding of the Alliance and its relationship with this country.

Bilaterally, we have signed a WMD Non-Proliferation agreement that will help Serbia provide even better security at its borders against dangerous weapons. We are also strongly engaged with your leadership to conclude a Status of Forces Agreement and a Security Cooperation Agreement. The first will allow us to move forward with a State Partnership Program with the Ohio National Guard, which will allow for valuable training and education opportunities as well as potential disaster assistance, building of commercial ties, and other tangential benefits. The second will provide up to ten million dollars annually in direct assistance to the Defense Ministry and armed forces, with vastly expanded programs for military education and training as well as modernization and institutional reform.

The decisions this country's leadership must make in the coming months will certainly be challenging. If you wish to engage in a real partnership with the Euro-Atlantic community, you will find ready counterparts. But if you choose to misinterpret shared responsibilities as "pressure" or "conditionality", you will loose yourself in unconstructive rhetoric that will make your transition path harder and your wait for integration longer. None of us have an interest in that. So if you are ready, the United States stands ready to help, on our own and through the Alliance.

From Left to Right: Ambassador Michael C. Polt; Hans Ola Urstad, Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia; HRH Aleksandar Karadjordjevic

From Left to Right: Ambassador Michael C. Polt; Hans Ola Urstad, Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia; HRH Aleksandar Karadjordjevic

S leva na desno: Ambasador Majkl K. Polt; Hans Ola Urstad, šef misije OEBS-a u Srbiji, NJKV Aleksandar Karađorđević

Vladan Zivulovic, president of the Atlantic Council of Serbia, addresses the audience

Vladan Zivulovic, president of the Atlantic Council of Serbia, addresses the audience

Vladan Živulović, predsednik Atlantskog Saveta Srbije se obraća prisutnima

Ambassador Polt addresses the audience

Ambassador Polt addresses the audience

Ambasador Polt se obraća prisutnima

HRH Aleksandar Karadjordjevic addresses the audience

HRH Aleksandar Karadjordjevic addresses the audience

NJKV Aleksandar Karađorđević se obraća prisutnima

22. jun, 2006
Ambasada Sjedinjenih Američkih Država

Govor Ambasadora Majkla K. Polta

Pet godina u porodici: Partnerstvo, uspeh, buduća vizija i novi izazovi
Međunarodna godišnja konferencija Atlantskog Saveta Srbije

Partnerstvo, uspeh, buduća vizija i novi izazovi -- to su ključne reči ove konferencije. Svaka od njih je važan koncept 21-og veka. Sve su one važni elementi Evro-atlantskog odnosa koji je u stalnom razvoju. Sve one su vrlo direktno povezane sa stalno rastućim odnosom između Evro-atlantske zajednice i Srbije. Ali ovi izrazi se takođe s lakoćom preterano koriste, zloupotrebljavaju, ili pogrešno razumeju.

Sjedinjene Države pozdravljaju interes Srbije za Savez i podržavaju dalje razvijanje Evro-atlantskih veza Srbije onoliko brzo koliko je Srbija za to kadra. Ovo može biti važan deo demokratske političke tranzicije zemlje i od uzajamne koristi za NATO i Srbiju.

Neki su u ovoj zemlji nedavno zagovarali takozvano "istinsko partnersto" sa Evro-atlantskom zajednicom, "bez uslova i pritisaka". A neki su pak zahtevali ono što su nazvali "jednakost" u odnosima i žalili se na nedostatak priznanja njihovih dostignuća van Srbije u ispunjenju međunarodnih obaveza do sada. Ja sam zabrinut da takvi komentari sugerišu nerazumevanje Evro-atlantskog "partnerstva". Ovo partnerstvo se ne može osloniti na to da jedna strana ispunjava obećano a druga samo obećava da će nešto da preduzme. Ovo partnerstvo se ne može zasnivati na uveravanjima o dobrim namerama ili na tvrdnjama o istorijskim nedaćama. Mora se zasnivati na činjenicama, delima, zajedničkoj posvećenosti i jasnoj artikulaciji vrednosti koje spajaju transatlantske bezbedonosne partnere. Svako od partnera mora da pruži stvaran doprinos, i da ne govori drugome da uradi ono što ni sam ne može ili neće da uradi. Stoga ono što mi želimo je da postanemo istinski partneri i da svako od nas nosi svoje breme!

Srbija pripada Evro-atlantskoj zajednici nacija. Amerika i Srbija su bile prijatelji kroz istoriju, kao i kroz dva svetska rata. Sveobuhvatni cilj politike moje vlade za ovaj deo sveta je da pomogne u stvaranju celovite, slobodne, i mirnodopske Evrope. Srbija je integralni deo ove celine. I Srbija može da igra značajnu ulogu u evropskoj bezbedonosnoj infrastrukturi. Geografski Srbija zauzima strateški položaj u Evropi koji može da pomogne da se zaustavi protok transnacionalnog terorizma, ilegalnog naoružanja, droge i trgovine ljudima u i van Evrope.

Pridruživanje Evro-atlantskoj porodici je zaista u interesu Srbije. Može da pomogne da se uklone ostaci nazadnog, izolacionističkog i nacionalističkog razmišljanja. Pomoći će političkoj stabilnosti. Unaprediće vladavinu prava tako što će graditi poverenje u reforme. I učiniće da sektor odbrane bude faktor promene u toj reformi - bez obzira da li govorimo o budžetskoj transparentnosti, internim kontrolama, boljoj efikasnosti, ili privatizaciji državne imovine.

Ove institucijske reforme, i profesionalizacija, modernizacija i svođenje na pravu meru oružanih snaga Srbije će najaviti vaš potencijalni doprinos Evro-atlantskoj bezbednosti. I dok vlada ovde ne ukloni tu poslednju prepreku za punopravno članstvo, Sjedinjene Države će nastaviti da koriste sve sadašnje dostupne mehanizme, i bilateralno kao i multilateralno, da obezbede da Srbija bude spremna, koliko to može biti, kada dođe trenutak da pređe prag.

Multilateralno, mi podržavamo važan posao koji obavljaju NATO Grupa za reformu odbrane i Forum za pomoć zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope da bi obezbedili da je pomoć Saveza kao i šire zajednice koordinisana na takav način da maksimalno koristi radu Srbije na reformi odbrane. Pored toga, mi i dalje podržavamo osnivanje Kancelarije za vojnu vezu sa NATO u Beogradu koja bi radila sa rukovodstvom Srbije i njenim narodom na unapređenju razumevanja Saveza i njegovog odnosa sa ovom zemljom.

Bilateralno, potpisali smo Sporazum protiv širenja naoružanja za masovno uništenje koji će omogućiti Srbiji da obezbedi bolju bezbednost na svojim granicama protiv opasnog naoružanja. Mi smo takođe dosta angažovani sa vašim rukovodstvom na zaključenju Sporazuma o statusu snaga i Sporazuma o bezbedonosnoj saradnji. Prvi sporazum će nam omogućiti da krenemo dalje sa Programom o međudržavnom partnerstvu sa Nacionalnom gardom Ohaja, što će pružiti prilike za dragocenu obuku i školovanje kao i moguću pomoć kod prirodnih katastrofa, izgradnji komercijalnih veza, kao i ostale opipljive koristi. Drugi Sporazum će pružiti do deset miliona dolara godišnje u direktnoj pomoći Ministarstvu odbrane i oružanim snagama, sa znatno proširenim programima za vojno školovanje i obuku, kao i modernizaciju i institucijsku reformu.

Odluke koje rukovodstvo ove zemlje mora da donese u predstojećim mesecima predstavljaju izazov. Ako želite da se angažujete u istinsko partnerstvo sa Evro-atlantskom zajednicom, naći ćete spremne partnere. Ali ako izaberete da pogrešno protumačite zajedničke odgovornosti kao "pritisak" ili "uslovljavanje", izgubićete se u nekonstruktivnoj retorici koja će učiniti vaš put tranzicije težim i Vaše čekanje na integraciju dužim. Nikome od nas to nije u interesu. Stoga, ako ste vi spremni, Sjedinjene Države su takođe spremne da pomognu, same i preko Saveza.


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