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2003 Press Releases

USOP Chief Denounces Formation of "Union of Serb Municipalities of Anamorava / Pomoravlje" (March 28, 2003)

Mr. Reno Harnish, Chief of Mission of the U.S. Office Pristina, denounced the formation of the "Union of Serb Municipalities of Anamorava/Pomoravlje," as "yet another attempt to create artificial sovereignties based on ethnicity."

Speaking from the U.S. Office on March 28, Mr. Harnish reiterated the U.S. Government's full support for UNSCR 1244 and stressed that the United States continues to support a unified Kosovo with a single set of political institutions serving all of Kosovo's people. "This is the second attempt to create a union of ethnically-based municipalities. We remain steadfastly opposed to any attempt to create institutions based on ethnicity and view this as very unhelpful. After the first attempt to create such a union, that was roundly condemned by the International Community and Kosovo government institutions, this latest union reflects the intent of some ethnic Serb leaders to oppose the integration of Kosovo's ethnic communities and their apparent opposition to supporting a multi-ethnic Kosovo," said Mr. Harnish.

"We are heartened," continued Mr. Harnish, "by the fact that members of the Povratak coalition, as well as many other ethnic Serb leaders in Kosovo, have distanced themselves from this unconstructive effort and have made it clear that they do not support this union. Their approach is the best one - working within the institutions of self-government and with the International Community to resolve the real issues that confront the people of Kosovo.

"There already exists an 'Association of Kosovo Municipalities,' which exists to serve the needs of all of Kosovo's municipalities, whatever their ethnic composition. This association was set up to foster cooperation among the municipalities and to unite Kosovo's communities around common interests. This is the way forward for all of Kosovo's ethnic communities and we urge Kosovo's ethnic Serb leaders, municipal assembly presidents, and all other officials to represent their constituencies through Kosovo's recognized institutions and to work together for the common good under the processes laid out under Resolution 1244," concluded Mr. Harnish.

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