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U.S. Time Periods
-1607: Three Worlds Meet (24)
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1914-1945: World Wars (103)
1945-Present: Contemporary America (56)
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U.S. Time Periods » 1914-1945: World Wars

Eleanor Roosevelt: American Visionary
features photos and artifacts from the life of one of the most dynamic and controversial First Ladies in U.S. history. She was the first First Lady to hold regular press conferences and to routinely travel the nation. She held prestigious positions throughout her life, serving as delegate to the newly founded United Nations, draftee of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and chair of the first Presidential Commission on the Status of Women. (National Park Service)

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Image of Eleanor Roosevelt, 1950 -- FDR Library 09-2466

Eleanor Roosevelt, 1950

 This website also appears in:
U.S. History Topics »  Famous People »  Leaders
U.S. History Topics »  Movements »  Civil Rights
U.S. History Topics »  Movements »  Women's History
U.S. Time Periods »  1914-1945: World Wars » 

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