Week of 8/6/01:
Q: An aircraft "radome" is an external dome-shaped housing that covers the onboard radar system. Fighter aircraft, for example, usually have cone-shaped radomes on their noses to cover the radar antenna and equipment mounted on the forward bulkhead. Conventional radomes are typically made of composite materials that are transparent to radar emissions so that the radar can "see" what's ahead. Some so-called "bandpass" radome designs, however, are constructed of materials that are transparent to only one frequency -- that of the aircraft's radar. Why would aircraft designers care about making a radome opaque to all but one radar frequency?
A: If you're looking to make a stealthy aircraft, bandpass materials for the radome come in handy. They prevent an enemy's radar penetrating the radome and bouncing off your radar dish back to the enemy receiver.
Congratulations to Norm Worthen.
As Norm points out, a conventional radome that is transparent to all frequencies is not stealthy. An enemy radar can get an excellent return echo if its signals bounce off an aircraft's antenna and other items inside its radome, much like the reflection from a cat's eye in a dark room. A bandpass radome helps to eliminate this effect.
- The Aeroquiz Editor


Week of 8/13/01:
Q: When landing in an ordinary commercial jet, you often hear a roaring sound coming from the engines just after touchdown. This is the sound of the thrust reversers deploying and the engines coming up to power. The "backwards" thrust and engine drag provided by the thrust reversers help stop the airplane. Thrust reversers sound like a good idea, don't they? Would you be surprised -- or alarmed -- if you knew commercial jets of the future might not be equipped with thrust reversers?
No one got the correct answer. The question stands another week!
- The Aeroquiz Editor


Week of 8/20/01:
Q: When landing in an ordinary commercial jet, you often hear a roaring sound coming from the engines just after touchdown. This is the sound of the thrust reversers deploying and the engines coming up to power. The "backwards" thrust and engine drag provided by the thrust reversers help stop the airplane. Thrust reversers sound like a good idea, don't they? Would you be surprised -- or alarmed -- if you knew commercial jets of the future might not be equipped with thrust reversers?
A: Engines like Pratt & Whitney's experimental Advanced Ducted Propulsor, which has a variable pitch geared front fan, might use a reverse-pitch setting to provide the desired backward push, like with the reverse pitch of normal propellers.
Congratulations to Nicolas Cousineau.
Most of the time, only a relatively small fraction of the stopping force actually comes from the reversers -- the brakes on the landing gear do most of the work. Reversers are also heavy, costly, and are maintenance items. They are also the primary source of noise once the airplane has landed on the runway. And spooling the engines up quickly for every landing fatigues them. Indeed, for these reasons, thrust reversers are actually fastened shut on some aircraft. As for the future, some innovative jet engine concepts can reverse thrust in other ways. As Nicolas notes, one version of Pratt & Whitney's proposed Advanced Ducted Propulsor engine has variable-pitch fan blades that can rotate and supply a backwards thrust. But it is difficult or impossible to reverse thrust for some of the more exotic advanced engine concepts currently on the drawing board. And since certification regulations do not call for reverser deployment on landing (the regulations actually forbid their use!), you may see "reverser free" aircraft someday. But it's hard to tell. One situation where reversers are extremely important and effective is when brakes are ineffective -- such as when landing on a slippery runway!
- The Aeroquiz Editor


Week of 8/27/01:
Q: According to U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations (Part 25.733e, to be exact), any tires mounted on braked wheels for airplanes heavier than 75,000 pounds must be inflated with dry nitrogen or other gases shown to be "inert." What's wrong with using ordinary air?
A: Well, the phrase "inert" gas says it all. When you see the pictures of the white-hot brakes at the rejected takeoff test, when you know that the tires are made of rubber and so could burn, when you know that the tires will let go their gas content in the process, as a cooling measure, you sure prefer to have them inflated with something that will not promote fire at all.
Congratulations to Nicolas Cousineau.
Although they are rare and used only during emergency landings, maximum effort stops can result in very hot brakes. It is not impossible for grease, oil, or the tires to smolder on such a landing, and the last thing anyone would want would be air from a burst tire to feed the fire.
Interestingly, engineers design thermosensitive fusible plugs to be used near the wheel spit that safely vent the tire pressure if the local temperature reaches a predetermined level.
As stated in the regulations, the gas used to inflate the tires must be dry, since ambient temperatures at cruising altitudes are very cold. A chunk of ice, even a small one, inside a tire can throw the wheel off balance during landing. Carbon dioxide, for this reason, is also a poor choice for an inflation gas.
Dry nitrogen is desirable for other reasons as well. It does not promote rust and it will not oxidize the rubber compounds inside the tire.
Contrary to many responses to this week's question, nitrogen offers no real weight advantage over ordinary air. The difference in weight between an air-filled tire and a nitrogen-filled tire is very small!
- The Aeroquiz Editor