Cassini Launch Movies

  1. Cassini Processing (200x150 MPEG 2.5Mb)
  2. Spacecraft/Vehicle Integration (200x150 MPEG 4.2Mb)
  3. Cassini Launch (240x180 MPEG 1.0Mb)
  4. Cassini Launch from VAB (240x180 MPEG 259Kb)
  5. Cassini Launch from Pad (280x210 MPEG 345Kb)
  6. Cassini Launch from NASA Causeway (240x180 MPEG 332Kb)

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Authors: Michael T. Downs and Jim Dumoulin/ NASA Payload Operations
Curator: Jim Dumoulin / NASA Payload Operations

Last Revised: Thu Oct 15 04:39 EDT 1997 (J. Dumoulin)
A service of NASA/Kennedy Space Center Public Affairs Directorate, Hugh Harris,Director (