From: Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 12:49 AM To: Subject: "dockets 00N-1396 and 00D-1598 Dear FDA Commissioner, My name is Victoria Abram and I am a student at Texas Woman's University in Dallas, TX. I am majoring in Food Science in Industry and Business. I would appreciate it if you would make more of an effort to educate people about genetically engineered foods, since there is already a genetically engineered food supplement, known as tryptophan. This supplement has already killed 37 people and disabled 1500 others. Many scientists have significant concerns about the environmental and health risks associated with genetically engineered foods. For example, Food manufacturers are selling potatoes and corn that have been genetically engineered to contain the Bt toxin (Bacillus thuringiensis). The Bt toxin stays in the cell structure of the plants and is deadly enough to kill insects. We are being told that these foods are safe for human consumption, but we have heard that before about DDT, EDB, and many other pesticides which were later shown to be cancer producing. In Europe genetically engineered foods are required to be labeled and very few people want to purchase them. Here in the United States, government supervision has been minimal, and biotech companies have been able to flood the market with genetically altered foods. I do not want to eat genetically engineered foods that contain the Bt toxin. Nor do I want to eat "Roundup Ready" soybeans or other future products such as tomatoes that contain the gene from a fish! But without labeling, I cannot avoid it. As an individual, I am concerned about my health and am very disappointed that the FDA continues to ignore the safety concerns of it's consumers. It appears that the FDA is choosing to help the companies producing biotech products and ignoring the health of its consumers. I urge you to change the policy on genetically engineered foods to one that protects the right of the consumer. Please write back to me and let me know if you intend to support labeling legislation for genetically engineered foods in the U.S. Senate. Similar labeling legislation has already been passed into law in Europe, Australia and Japan. Thank you! Sincerely, Victoria Abram