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  Size Identifier Title Creator/Author (s) Pub Date Adopt-A-Doc
  20420857 Long-term outcome following breast-conserving surgery and radiation therapy Gage, Irene ; Recht, Abram ; Gelman, Rebecca ; 1995 Sep 30 -
  20423294 Outcome following concurrent chemotherapy (CT) and reduced-dose radiation therapy (RT) for patients with early stage breast cancer Dubey, Ajay K. ; Recht, Abram ; Shulman, Lawrence ; 1997 Jul 01 -
  20428753 Is machine energy (4-8 MV) associated with outcome for stage I-II breast cancer patients? Monson, Jedidiah M. ; Lee, Chin ; Nixon, Asa ; 1997 Mar 15 -
  20417400 Factors associated with regional nodal failure in patients with early stage breast cancer with 0-3 positive axillary nodes following tangential irradiation alone Galper, Sharon ; Recht, Abram ; Silver, Barbara ; 1999 Dec 01 -
  20420657 Pathologic margin involvement and the risk of recurrence in patients treated with breast-conserving therapy Gage, Irene ; Nixon, Asa J. ; Schnitt, Stuart J. ; 1995 Jul 01 -
  20420658 Relationship of tumor grade to other pathologic features and to treatment outcome for patients with early-stage breast cancer treated with breast-conserving therapy Nixon, Asa J. ; Gage, Irene ; Connolly, James L. ; 1995 Jul 01 -
  20420660 Breast-conserving therapy (BCT) in stage I-II synchronous bilateral breast cancer (SBBC) Gollamudi, Smitha V. ; Gelman, Rebecca S. ; Peiro, Gloria ; 1995 Jul 01 -
  20420756 Risk of local failure in breast cancer patients with 4 or more positive lymph nodes treated with breast-conserving therapy Lingos, Tatiana I. ; Nixon, Asa J. ; Connolly, James L. ; 1995 Jul 01 -
  20425578 Non-breast cancer mortality after conservative surgery and radiation therapy (RT) to the left breast Nixon, Asa J. ; Gelman, Rebecca ; Bornstein, Bruce A. ; 1996 Sep 01 -
  20417429 The significance of extracapsular extension of axillary lymph node metastases in early-stage breast cancer Hetelekidis, Stella ; Schnitt, Stuart J. ; Silver, Barbara ; 2000 Jan 01 -
  20423441 Treatment-related toxicity from a randomized trial of the sequencing of doxorubicin and radiation therapy in patients treated for early stage breast cancer Hardenbergh, Patricia Harrigan ; Recht, Abram ; Gollamudi, Smitha ; 1999 Aug 01 -
  20425576 The influence of infiltrating lobular carcinoma on the outcome of patients treated with breast-conserving surgery and radiation therapy Bornstein, Bruce A. ; Peiro, Gloria ; Connolly, James L. ; 1996 Sep 01 -
  20425579 Treatment-related cardiac toxicity from doxorubicin (DOX) and radiation therapy (RT) in patients treated with breast-conserving therapy Harrigan, Patricia M. ; Recht, Abram ; Payne, Smitha G. ; 1996 Sep 01 -
  20425843 Stage IA-IIB Hodgkin's disease: management and outcome of extensive thoracic involvement Hughes-Davies, Luke ; Tarbell, Nancy J. ; Coleman, C. Norman ; 1997 Sep 01 -
  20425848 Intracranial germinoma: the case for lower dose radiation therapy Hardenbergh, Patricia Harrigan ; Golden, Jeffrey ; Billet, Amy ; 1997 Sep 01 -
  20429466 Concurrent CMF and radiation therapy for early stage breast cancer: results of a pilot study Dubey, Ajay ; Recht, Abram E-mail: ; Come, Steven E. ; 1999 Nov 01 -
  20430778 Is radiation alone adequate treatment to the axilla for patients with limited axillary surgery? implications for treatment after a positive sentinel node biopsy Galper, Sharon ; Recht, Abram ; Silver, Barbara ; 2000 Aug 01 -
  20430779 The relationship between lymphatic vessel invasion, tumor size, and pathologic nodal status: can we predict who can avoid a third field in the absence of axillary dissection? Wong, Julia S. E-mail: ; O'Neill, Anne ; Recht, Abram ; 2000 Aug 01 -
  20425964 Treatment outcome after tangential radiation therapy without axillary dissection in patients with early-stage breast cancer and clinically negative axillary nodes Wong, Julia S. ; Recht, Abram ; Beard, Clair J. ; 1997 Nov 01 -
  20702204 Radiation therapy for orbital lymphoma Zhou Ping ; Ng, Andrea K. ; Silver, Barbara ; 2005 Nov 01 -
  20793366 Long-term outcome and mortality trends in early-stage, Grade 1-2 follicular lymphoma treated with radiation therapy Guadagnolo, Beverly A. ; Li Sigui ; Neuberg, Donna ; 2006 Mar 01 -
  20849989 A prospective study of conservative surgery without radiation therapy in select patients with Stage I breast cancer Lim, May ; Bellon, Jennifer R. ; Gelman, Rebecca ; 2006 Jul 15 -
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