remarks file generate/generatemetal.inp remarks Sample: generate protein structure with metal cluster topology {*Append the metal cluster*} autogenerate angles=true end {*topology. *} mass SC 32.0600 mass FE 55.847 RESIdue FS4 {*Generate the cluster itself. *} {*The name FS4 has to match what*} {*you are using for the residue *} GROUP {*name in the coordinate file. *} ATOM FE1 type FE charge 2.5 end ATOM FE2 type FE charge 2.5 end ATOM FE3 type FE charge 2.5 end ATOM FE4 type FE charge 2.5 end ATOM S1 type SC charge -2.0 end ATOM S2 type SC charge -2.0 end ATOM S3 type SC charge -2.0 end ATOM S4 type SC charge -2.0 end bond FE1 S1 bond FE1 S2 bond FE1 S3 {*These are connectivities.*} bond FE2 S1 bond FE2 S2 bond FE2 S4 bond FE3 S1 bond FE3 S3 bond FE3 S4 bond FE4 S2 bond FE4 S3 bond FE4 S4 END {*Generate the patch topology,*} {*which will be used in the *} PREsidue PFS4 {*PATCh command. *} GROUp MODIfy ATOM 1CB CHARge=0.00 END MODIfy ATOM 1SG TYPE=SC CHARge=-1.00 END GROUp MODIfy ATOM 2CB CHARge=0.00 END MODIfy ATOM 2SG TYPE=SC CHARge=-1.00 END GROUp MODIfy ATOM 3CB CHARge=0.00 END MODIfy ATOM 3SG TYPE=SC CHARge=-1.00 END GROUp MODIfy ATOM 4CB CHARge=0.00 END MODIfy ATOM 4SG TYPE=SC CHARge=-1.00 END ADD BOND 5FE1 1SG {*These are the covalent bonds*} ADD BOND 5FE2 2SG {*between the CYSs and the *} ADD BOND 5FE3 3SG {*cluster. *} ADD BOND 5FE4 4SG {*Autogenerate does not work yet*} {*for patch residues. *} ADD ANGLe 1CB 1SG 5FE1 ADD ANGLe 2CB 2SG 5FE2 ADD ANGLe 3CB 3SG 5FE3 ADD ANGLe 4CB 4SG 5FE4 ADD ANGLe 1SG 5FE1 5S2 ADD ANGLe 1SG 5FE1 5S1 ADD ANGLe 1SG 5FE1 5S3 ADD ANGLe 2SG 5FE2 5S2 ADD ANGLe 2SG 5FE2 5S1 ADD ANGLe 2SG 5FE2 5S4 ADD ANGLe 3SG 5FE3 5S3 ADD ANGLe 3SG 5FE3 5S1 ADD ANGLe 3SG 5FE3 5S4 ADD ANGLe 4SG 5FE4 5S2 ADD ANGLe 4SG 5FE4 5S3 ADD ANGLe 4SG 5FE4 5S4 END end parameter {*Append parameters for metal*} bonds SC FE 1000.0 2.33 {*cluster. *} bonds FE FE 1000.0 2.75 bonds SC SC 1000.0 3.60 bonds CH2E SC 1000.0 1.81 angle SC FE SC 500.0 112.0 angle FE SC FE 500.0 75.0 angle FE SC CH2E 500.0 109.5 angle CH1E CH2E SC 500.0 114.400 ! eps sigma eps(1:4) sigma(1:4) ! (kcal/mol) (A) ! --------------------------------------- nonbonded FE 0.1 1.15 0.1 1.15 nonbonded SC 0.0430 3.3676 0.0430 3.3676 nbonds {*This statement specifies the*} atom cdie shift eps=1.0 e14fac=0.4 {*nonbonded interaction energy*} cutnb=7.5 ctonnb=6.0 ctofnb=6.5 {*options. Note the reduced *} nbxmod=5 vswitch {*nonbonding cutoff to save *} end {*CPU time. *} end {*Split the coordinate file into*} {*two files, one containing the *} {*protein coordinates, the other*} {*the metal cluster *} {*coordinates. *} {*First, generate protein.*} segment name="2FXB" chain @TOPPAR:toph19.pep coordinates @test_2fxb_protein.pdb end end coordinates @test_2fxb_protein.pdb {*Now generate metal cluster.*} segment name="2FXB" chain coordinates @test_2fxb_metal.pdb end end coordinates @test_2fxb_metal.pdb {*Now generate the *} {*covalent links between the*} patch PFS4 {*cluster and the protein. *} reference=1=( resid 11 ) reference=2=( resid 14 ) reference=3=( resid 17 ) reference=4=( resid 61 ) reference=5=( resid 82 ) end flags exclude vdw elec end {*Do hydrogen building w/o vdw*} {*and elec. *} hbuild {*This statement builds missing *} selection=( hydrogen ) {*hydrogens, which are needed for*} phistep=45 {*the force field. *} end constraints fix=( not hydrogen ) end {* Minimize hydrogen positions. *} flags include vdw elec end minimize powell nstep=40 end constraints fix=( not all ) end write coordinates output=generatemetal.pdb end write structure output=generatemetal.psf end stop