OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR. PEKING UNION MEDICAL COLLEGE PEKING, CHINA February 27, 1930 Dear dan: I have just received your personal letter of J8nuar.p Znd, cnc! an aw ?arently official lattx of the szme date. The offjcial lettor Coes not sew to require reql-j, but I vmn5 to exyress qr gratitude not only for your offer to he'lr, us jfi mery wa;r qossi919, hiit, also ?or -11 th~f, ;TOTI have done ig 1;Es 7ast. '?e my not k~v3 been ver.1 s?~ccessful. in sxnressine our feelings on %h= subiect, but the fact is tbat we apnreciate deeply tbe PriendRr 1.nd hel?ful sr)irit of all kh3 qernbers of the Paris office of t?ie Foundn%ion. afraid thst KC were asking too much of you, hut. I sball. feel less hesltation on tFa% scorc in ",e fvtiire. At fims, I have b39r The -6.simderstandj nTp in rop.rd to 'Gh? transnortationof Dr . Roenlili ms nct of any i,nmortance, nncl r:d apnreciated '~113 fact thit ir, ms c!u3 to pour desire to heln us when it was difficult for. us to des1 with the situition direct- ly. You 1ril-l be pleased to kno~d thcit Dr. Hoennli seenls to be as hanpy in his Dosition I-ere 8s any man could xe'll be, Chinese is quite unusual, and I think it safe to say that he FILS enc?eared him- sslf to everyon,.: with *,-honl ke l-es cone in contact. collage is undoiibtedly goinz to Trove an snormous asset to 11s. R5.s fondness for China ?nd tho Pis me,4>-=rshir) in ow Pearcefs death is, of cowse, a grsrtt versonal loss to 1'13, since xe I crtnnot rsnlize that he is no lonser ir! the office in war3 very intimate. New York, eswcially s;Iice I an still rsceiviqz letters fron him, and ner- bans shall for a we'x or two more, __ 8s far 7s our v;ork is concerned, it mkes th3 fxtura seem very uncertain, since, with the exception of Dr. Carter, there is nox no one jn the New York office who 'mo~s mch about our China work. 89 L Dr. Alan Gr,3tgg - 2- February 27, 1930 I have, hovisver, been very Yavorsbly in?ressed by 'dr. "%son's attitude or? qll tke questions vikich I haard hirn discuss In P?ew York, and it has heen partjcularly %ratifying to Te tl?.lt bs was disnosed to take an intsr3st in what we were doing, 4'16 in general to back UD recomnendations fro? ths field for actual pro.jects. FIe writ3s qe that Ye hon?s to be Fere sorrle tire xithin the rlext t1:ielve rmnths. 1 wondm vk-sther ;To I v,ill be askeu 50 EO to Few Yor1.r to succeed Dr. Pearco. now have x very imortant job in Pari s, Rn? th7t it "1.1.7 be mors iznortmt for you to ss3 tbrouqh the nroject for the TJniv2rsity of Ppris than to 50 to +,he head ofs'jce. If you should go to TTew york, it, wodd he a source of great satisfsction to Te, an$ I should hope thqt ;ro:i could nlan to visit China within the not too distant future. I wish things .light 7;;ork out; thzt w~y, thouzh I ranlj ze you 1,iith qll coo6 wishes, Yours sincerely, Ijr . n1q-n Gregg The I.,oclrefeller Foundation 20 3ue ds 13. Bau~t? Pwis (8) France