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Question of the Week: What Means Are Available To Resume a Path Toward Israeli-Palestinian Peace?
Posted by DipNote Bloggers on Dec 29, 2008 - 06:49 PM

A pall of smoke rises after an explosion from an Israeli missile strike Gaza, Dec. 29, 2008. [AP]

DipNote Editors' Note: Due to ongoing events in the Middle East, this entry will remain the "Question of the Week" for two weeks.

Although conflict between Israel and Hamas continues, polls conducted prior to the recent violence indicated that majorities of both Palestinians and Israelis favored a peaceful, negotiated solution to their differences.

What possible means are readily available to resume a path toward peace between Israel and Palestine?

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USP in Minnesota writes:

My fellow citizens, Please, lets be realistic and put our heads together. First however, allow us to RECOGNIZE, an indisputable fact: There are ONE BILLION MUSLIMS. The "equation" includes more than the Palestinians. More than the "real estate" in question. More than a concrete issue. The problem before us, stems from a psychological seed, planted deep within the brain of many Arab people, as well as, lets be HONEST, many non-Arab people, of all walks of life. The SEED planted in these minds is HATE / ENVY. For whatever reason, from whatever source, it exists. In the case at hand, these emotions are directed towards the Jewish People at large. These two emotions are tragic. They are also REAL. RECOGNIZE.

Since we are all in agreement that these emotions drive humans to become very angry, we are also all in agreement that anger breeds violence. That said, we find ourselves in a fight. One that doesn't start or end with the Middle East. One that starts and ends with EMOTION. UNDERSTAND.

We can not "defeat" ONE BILLION angry humans. RECOGNIZE that we will not nuke any one because are force is not driven by hate, envy, anger, etc. Our energy is driven by Defense, Preservation, Advancement. We will not try to obliterate anyone. . . But they will.

They will because Anger is driving there mind, body, and soul. They HATE. They ENVY. UNDERSTAND.

Yes, some of us have also been consumed with these self destrustive characteristics as well, unfortunately. . . but the guy that, literally, presses the button that starts the FINAL WAR, is NOT filled with any SELF DESTRUCTIVE EMOTIONS. HE IS SOUND. He knows the implications and ramifications of his actions. He is not driven by anger.

But the next nuclear power obviously is. This is SERIOUS.

The only advise I can offer is to extend an olive branch. The HATE and ENVY and ANGER must be exstinguished in our FELLOW HUMANS. STOP calling them adversaries. Change the WHOLE approach. WE WILL NOT DESTROY THE ENTIRE PLANET AND 99.9% OF ITS OCCUPANTS. We will swallow OUR PRIDE and PLAY PSYCHOLOGIST. PEACE. NOT VICTORY.

TIGHTEN UP & SUCK IT UP my BROTHERS...Or be prepared to reap the whirl-wind.

Gentleman, it has truly been a pleasure -- USperson

Posted on Fri Jan 09, 2009

Joe in Tennessee writes:

1. Here are quotes from the leadership of Hamas: Hamas Cleric Muhsen Abu Ita: "The Annihilation of the Jews in Palestine Is the Most Splendid Blessing for Palestine"; March 25, 2008
Islamic cleric on the Jews: "As Muslims, our blood vengeance against them will only subside with their annihilation"

A sermon last Friday by a prominent Muslim cleric and Hamas member of the Palestinian parliament openly declared that "the capital of the Catholics, or the Crusader capital," would soon be conquered by Islam. Now you tell me how you can deal with such hatred of not one, but two religions and all democratic ideology?

Hamas is a threat to the entire stabilization of world peace -- there is no middle ground with them until the reality of death and the free world intervenes, then they simply start over. We should be helping Israel with troops for elimination.

2. Why is there not a concerted effort to CLOSE the tunnels from the Egyptian side? Would that not aid in lowering the threat to Israel? Talk accomplished nothing when Hamas simply kept sending missiles. Do you actually think that Hezbollah was NOT INVOLVED yesterday, or that there is not a group of Hamas residing in Lebanon? You cannot simply shoot off a rocket like a roman candle and you cannot purchase them like firecrackers.

3. The State of Israel has simply had enough and it has been a long time coming. The Free world should have had enough by now and not sent Hamas a cent unless they were willing to comply to peace totally.

The innocent only suffer when they do not stand together and even in this case, have had more than ample time to move out of harms way.

Posted on Fri Jan 09, 2009

Doyle in West Virginia writes:

1) Do not blame the Israelis. It is no different than someone setting up missle and mortar bases in Dallas and started shooting into Fort Worth. Or if someone started lobbing missles across the border from Mexico or Canada. Wait long enough and we will want to attack. Well Israel has faced such attacks since their re-birth in 1948.

2) There are no such things as Palestinians. They are now, and have always been, Arabs. Bleeding hearts in Hollywood, DC, and around the world aren't going to change that, no matter how many times they tell the lie. Palestine was a fiction created by map makers to erase the existence of Israel. Read your history and see for yourselves. And to top it off, Palestine was a version of the word Philistine.

3) Ever notice how the media focuses on "Palestinian" wounded but you hardly ever hear about the people who are killed/wounded in terrorists attacks in Israel. Why? Because the media is afraid of Islamic terrorists (not the lie of militants, but the truth of terrorists) strapping on a bomb and paying them a visit.

4) My last point, if the world wants peace in the Middle East, disarm the Islamic countries, file charges against the government of Russia for arming and supporting Islamic terrorists in the world courts with all fines to be paid to the families of terror victims, and support Israel. Let them do the job of protecting their people, without anyone (including Rice, Bush, Obama) saying one word. Israel is a sovreign nation, with full rights to protect its citizens, from all attacks, foreign and domestic.

Posted on Fri Jan 09, 2009

Victor in Washington writes:

Cutting through the smoke, mirrors and myriad of details, there is one answer to all our planets social problems. From environmental to governmental. Just like in our american society, unless you can show self defense, you should not have the right or the power to attack another. If you wish to do so, you must use the law to acquire the right. World law is attainable. And a world court is what we must use to agress another nation. You make your case, it goes to vote and majority rules. By the nations for the nations. There has never been in the history of mankind a united nations. Those two words being used together insults the intelligent. There is a way there however. Do not be diverted by appearances and work hard to see how butt naked the emperor is. America will lead due to its diversity of citizenry and our recent historical struggle for civil rights. We have credibility. we are a white nation with a black leader. Which direction we steer the ship is the question. Comes with our status responsibility. I can not write slowly, I have not the room or the time. You must use your mind. Technology wields a double edge. It cares not and it will not slow down. There is only one real common interest and humans are part of that interest. Humans are as environmental as the air and water. Listen closely to our leaders, search hard for the right one, and hope they have the how to we as an environment need. When the fire burns your butt, you will learn who is responsible. Listen and watch closely, do your part, use your vote wisely. I promise you from one brother to another that a united nations can be built and peace on earth is possible. And I ain't no liberal. It is not overwhelmingly impossible as most believe. Bruce Lee was probably the most physically accomplished we in the west know of, and his most profound quote was "the most difficult aspect in the development of martial arts is being honest". The more of us that make the broader connections and get out of the forest of minutia, the greater our odds of accomplishing the only real goal in front of us today, that being to simply survive.

Posted on Thu Jan 08, 2009

Susan in Florida writes:

To understand the situation in Israel is to understand the history of the Jewish people. Perhaps they were not so determined to have their own nation before World War II and Hitler. Many German Jews lost their lives because they could NOT believe that their country would betray them and kill them. They saw themselves as Germans first and believed in their fellow citizens and in their government. What we see today is a people who are no more prideful or arrogant than any other nationality. What is going on in the Middle East is a fight for survival. Israel was "created" in 1948 as a response to the systematic extermination of the Jews. Please, if you ever get a chance to visit one of the Holocaust Museums, do go. There are only two in the world, one in Israel and one here in the U.S., in Washington, D.C.. See why the motto of the Jewish people today is "Never again". This is not "pride", it is, rather, self-preservation.

Posted on Thu Jan 08, 2009

Carol in Canada writes:

I am sicken by people's attitude when it comes to indigneous people. Look at what the canadians made my people become and look at what they continue to do. Your govenment spoke in front of the whole world to try clean his conscience of what the government and church did to my people. The policies of genocide and these have been implemented world wide to our indigenous people. We have won the white war, but they don't want to give up , that is why they continue to try kill us all off. They know who has inherent right to protect this land and it's people. We all know why canada and israel are together, because they have the same policies they hide behind. These policies of genocide protect them and does nothing for us. Israel will not stop just with the palestinians. When they were dealing with the Nazi, no one stepped in to help them. So when they accomplish what they want from GAZA.....do you think they will stop there? NO! how i know this, i am an indigneous woman and i live and see what is being done to our land, our traditional territories,our medicines, our wildlife, our water , our children, our women and our men. And they are not stopping and no one is helping because they are to afraid to speak out about the injustice, but people are slowly waking up and soon, everything will change, including the attitude of society against our indigneous people.Take a good look at the pictures that are being broadcast.....what pictures do you see...i see a nation being slaughtered in front of the whole worlds eye and all you can talk about is israel. Lets get the story correct. A nation is being murdered and killed and no one is saying anything...of course you will blame the palestinians. Yes they have pride because they are palestinians, the first people of this land. The abuser is always trying to direct the attention elsewhere because they don't want to admit what they are doing is wrong. The abuser is always directing the attention to those who are getting hit the hardest, such as the first people of this occupied land they call CAnada. Now tell me what i am saying is not true. Did you become outrage when the government got up and admit to the whole world that they and the churches, sexually abuse, violated and raped, murdered and sodamized first native children. Did you become upset when all our native women died and went missing and they found them at a farm where they were murdered , slaughtered and killed. NO, and your still making excuses for a country that canada is standing with, and watching as innocent people are being slaughtered and murdered. No your making excuses, and of course as an individual, what rights do you have. You've educated yourself on fabricated, biases stories and the history is most likely not even correct. I know canada's history is incorrect. Look at the history of the first people before you make any judgement on our indigenous people around the world. Look at what canada is doing to the fist people of this land. Educate yourself before you make a bias opinion. The palestinians already won the war, they have the inherent rights to what is theirs to protect. But isreal is not ready to accept this, nor is canada, that is why they continue to do what ever they can against the first people of this stolen and occupied land. Educate yourselves before you make judgement. Your on stolen and occupied native land if your in this place called 'Canada".

Posted on Thu Jan 08, 2009

USP in Minnesota writes:

Ladies and Gentlemen, Please, enough with the elementary blame-game. This is not 1948. The fact of the matter is: Palestine is now Israel. Like or dislike; this is reality. We are referring to an Internationally recognized, Sovereign Nation. Not some cracker-jack, "pro democracy", McLean Masterpiece, rising from the ashes of internal conflict.

Israel is legitimate. They are NOT going anywhere. They will NOT be "defeated." They are on the map until the ENTIRE slate is wiped clean. These FACTS may not comfort everyone, but they are FACTS. Hamas KNOWS they are INCAPABLE of waging war with The State of Israel. The unbalance of the pendulum is FLAGRANT. Yet they continue to display "militant" aggression. Why?

Well, after boiling all complexities away, it really comes down to PRIDE. Sift a little WRATH in there, along with a tinge of "Divine Justice" and a dose of Judgmental Indoctrination and you have your self a fresh concoction of HATE. Plain and simple. {an argument can also be made for ENVY.

Many Palestinian People are filled with HATE towards ALL JEWISH people... NOT JUST THE ISRAELIS... Similar are the sentiments of numerous Arabic Tribes of Islamic Doctrine. Not all. But numerous. The source can probably be attributed to the feudal, childish, arguments made by some shallow minded individuals, concerning which, of Abraham's seed... grew into Gods chosen people. Many Muslims believe the Jews are a fallen tribe, no longer worthy of Gods Grace.

Many Israelites, on the other hand, believe, obviously, that they TRULY are favored in the eyes of the All-Mighty. This belief also establishes a foundation of PRIDE. The Israelis ARE a PROUD bunch. Indisputable. In there eyes; they DESERVE that land. It was ALWAYS theres. Though never before have they been capable of defending it... UNTIL NOW.

To many Jews it is TRULY believed that this land is SACRED. Forever it has been stolen from them. Many Tribes and Creeds have played the role of "thief." Terrorists are just the current adversary. Many Jews have nothing personal against the Palestinians or any Muslims for that matter. They truly believe in there right to have a sanctuary. Which is understandable...and agreeable.

...But they are still PROUD. Too PROUD to set the Palestinian People back on there feet. To PROUD to humble themselves a bit to display LOVE and MERCY on the desolate and unfortunate HUMANS who are unlike them...of another creed, a separate doctrine. It is no secret that Many Jews hold a clinically psychological superiority complex. Not All...But Many. This entails them to TRULY believe that they are better than Palestinians, or any one else for that matter. They TRULY believe in ENTITLEMENT. This is evident. This WILL NOT change. Above Statements are Cultural, Anthropological, FACTS. It is not my intention to pass judgment; Only to RECOGNIZE and INFORM.

As far as Sustainable Peace in the Middle East is concerned. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN WITH PRIDE, HATE, and ENTITLEMENT at the fore front of the equation. Israeli Defense Forces have mobilized and attacked. Point of no return. They MUST NOT STOP UNTIL THEIR ENTIRE MISSION IS ACCOMPLISHED! There can be no "seize fire" until Hamas is imprisoned or, I hate to say it, . . .

Israel has the intelligence and operational resources to cripple this faction. Once done, the State of Israel needs to either financially set the Palestinians Up For Life {they are capable of this} and help them to relocate East of Israel [hey, how about prime land in IRAQ, hmmm...} thus Displaying HUMILITY, LOVE and MERCY. Help win the hearts and minds of the entire world! OR, Go into Gaza, Nation Build them a respectable infrastructure, and TRADE with them.
Or maintain the self-righteous status quo... and be prepared to reap-the-whirlwind.

Gentleman, it has truly been a pleasure. -- us person

Posted on Thu Jan 08, 2009

Joe in Tennessee writes:

For those more experienced in the use of misinformation and Propaganda:

If you think that only one group is represented, simply look at the overall Propaganda as it is unfolding out of this conflict..this is not the result of a small Al-Qaida mind set. It is already putting the next administration up on the block ... :

Posted by: kdriggers on Jan 07 - 12:42

Al-Qaida's No. 2 leader lashed out at President-elect Barack Obama in a new audio message Tuesday, accusing him of not doing anything to stop Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip, according to an intelligence monitoring center.

...and if you do not see this for what it is: empowerment through lies or evil empowering itself; because, this is not a truth statement at all and the average terrorist, even an educated one, would not have the capacity to string the use of the press in this manner.

It is part of a long range objective to enhance power as a collective; thus, providing more leverage for either group. This is old time, professional undertaking people...


Posted on Wed Jan 07, 2009

Joe in Tennessee writes:

Quote:Well first its nice to meet you, but from ATL, GA it looks like the Palestian people have adopted the ideology of our founding fathers of liberty or death. If the Palestinians are prisoners in their own country, and can't elect their own government, or participate in their own governance how are they free? If their children are killed with no one being brought to justice are they free? END QUOTE

1. It is NOT THE PALISTINIAN peoples, it is a minority which has been politically undermined by everyone from Russia to Syria and Iran who have created fed this problem and in no way reflects all the Palestine peoples.

2. Hamas has OPENLY STATED: We will use our children and families to hide under .etc. Israel has been dropping leaflets asking the innocent to leave the area?and in the streets the Hamas snipers are using children walking across streets to hide behind and take their shots at Israeli troops. It is evil creating more evil for empowerment.

3. It is a Ghetto situation; but, on an International and National level. Palestine has had no realistic Governing force at any given time in recent history. There has always been internationalist cultural conflict within their social sphere, none of which are premised on a continuity for development and peace between each other much less with Israel. All the recent gains have been ruined by this one terroristic group which are no better than any Gang-bangers in a ghetto.

5. You misunderstood my Canadian reference...certainly we would not, that was the point.

You need to see the bigger picture in all this and that President Bush was right all along, this is all part of a larger plan by a colective group who are in fact EVIL...

Today alone, as someone mentioned Iran: Turkey holds suspicious Iran-Venezuela shipment
Associated Press Writer

ANKARA, Turkey -- Turkey was holding a suspicious shipment bound for Venezuela from Iran because it contained lab equipment capable of producing explosives, a customs official said Tuesday.

Suleyman Tosun, a customs official at the Mediterranean port of Mersin, said military experts were asked to examine the material, which was seized last month, and decide whether to let the shipment to go to Venezuela.

Authorities detected the equipment during a search of 22 containers labeled "tractor parts," Tosun said. They were brought to Mersin by trucks from neighboring Iran, he said. Turkey's Interior Ministry said an investigation was under way.

"Experts from Turkey's Atomic Institute determined there were no traces of radioactive material, but said the equipment was enough to set up an explosives lab," Tosun said. "We have asked the military to send experts to determine whether to resume the shipment."

Some barrels, labeled with "danger" signs, contained chemicals. Tosun said details were still unclear. An Iranian embassy official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media, said the shipment contained "nothing important."

Iran and Venezuela operate various joint ventures in Venezuela, including plants to assemble tractors and cars. The two countries also have agreed to team up on petrochemical projects.

This is not meant as any political representation: but, as the cards are playing out at the end of President Bushs term, all he stated from the start of the war is unfolding in front of a Free Press which seems to refuse seeing things as they actually are... what Truths are being seeded by them? Only sensationalism premised on pity for each separate story to sell and maintain interest, nothing that shows the entire conflict as it exist in totality or how it is in effect part of a larger problem with other players.

Without realizing the total effect of the combined efforts of these underlying countries who support and create conflict through small ideological groups and eliminating that problem, there will be more Gaza type conflicts throughout the world...and more stories and pictures to sell.

Posted on Wed Jan 07, 2009

Jordan in South Dakota writes:

To answer the question directly, I believe we have several ways of approaching the issue at hand.

First, I believe that the United States and Russia should hold each other accountable for small arms sales, just like they hold each other accountable, sort of, with nuclear arms. Given our two nations seem to sell to every man, woman, and child in the world; I think we may have contributed to some of these problems. Second, I think we should conduct propaganda operations in the Middle East. Where did our propaganda machine from WWII go? If you win the minds of the people, you win. This is a war more about ideology and beliefs than of anything else. Third, I think the final blow will come through economic warfare organized to attack the machinations of specific terrorist organizations. I think President Reagan may have had some worthwhile thoughts on this matter that were applied to Communism, another ideology that we fought and overcame.

Also, given this another form of asymmetric warfare, I think we should reference T.E. Lawrence and some of his thoughts and experiences on the matter.

Those that don't know history, are doomed to repeat it.

Posted on Wed Jan 07, 2009

Zharkov in U.S.A. writes:

The way to get peace with Palestinians is to buy their land in a civilized manner.

There is no country on earth where a government or group of governments can forcibly take land away from people without starting a fight, unless they buy the land from them.

Purchase is what should have been done in 1948.

Presently, the Israeli nation is a "tenant by force of arms", courtesy of the United Nations and Britain, and the best way to convert its tenancy to ownership is to buy the land from the previous owners. Not all of Palestine was owned, but the lands that were owned certainly entitle the prior owners to compensation for that loss.

Posted on Wed Jan 07, 2009

Solomon in Madagascar writes:

Mr president and commadeur of the all defence in usa and peole american. and secretary of state.gov defence Happy new Year Mr president and secretary and all people usa.

To be us corespondence and the petagone have sabotage and gafe. we need confurme you and your family and secretary rice on security renforcement us force special. confurme and renforcement the us all troup in all country we iself and defend on armement and soldier. When us peaces we already build and realize for waranty security defence us people jewish and America and the all acompany of us in the world ,we need stoping us war in palestin and use for excecution us respect and accept us peaces world for protect the democracy and right of man and we need change us position and orientation for finish us work war on terrorism and deliver the us peaces in the world ,but we never quiter us army in all coutry iself and defend.

Mr president us war not finish ,and there is very hard, because the leader and chief the all action terrorism in the world and he mersenary and he millis and he acompany never arest and iself and destroy ,we need prepare the next high war use for we finish us work and building the Peaces and democracy a long time ago in the world I wait your help and suport for, realize my traveling for us all project and us new high strategy of war US009. I'm already send message for give my advise high precition on against the problem of food and economic in the world on U.S FOOD in Healt Army. Thank very much The God Israel us protege.

Posted on Wed Jan 07, 2009

Jordan in South Dakota writes:

I think that Israel's actions in Operation Cast Lead are wholly justifiable. Just in the time frame of the inception of Operation Cast Lead, Israel has been bombarded with 325 rockets, 122 mortar rounds, and the use of I.E.D.s.

Hamas was formed in 1987 from the Muslim Brotherhood. "Harakat Al-Muqawama Al-Islamia," or Hamas, is just another fundamental Islamic Resistance Movement which is bound on the ideology of destroying Israel. From their inception as an organization, their goal has been to see the destruction of Israel as a safe-haven for the Jews.

Recently, a U.N. school was hit killing 40 people. However, in response Prime Minister Ehud Olmert authorized humanitarian aide to be delivered into the Gaza region. I think this shows Israel's humanity and dignity. A mistake was made, but an effort to recoup from that mistake was also made.

A report published in December 2007, stated that since 2001, 2,383 rocket attacks have hit inside Israeli land. The escalation of the rocket attacks on Israeli soil has caused an issue with their national security, infrastructure, and operations.

Quite simply, we are talking about the defense of a nation. Efforts immediately prior to these attacks were being made to relinquish some of the land acquired in the 1967 War (6-Day War) of Israel. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said in September of this last year:

"We have to reach an agreement with the Palestinians, the meaning of which is that in practice we will withdraw from almost all the territories..."

Hamas, instead of embracing one of the greatest opportunities set out before them, has quite literally blown it away at this point.

I think that the U.S. should explore putting diplomatic restrictions on Russia, for under-the-table support of these groups through arms sales. Also, sanctions against countries like Syria and Iran, not only benefit Israel, but the United States as well. As there is an increasing threat developing from Iran, actions taken early on that restrict our trade or cooperation with them could be beneficial in the event that the United States would shift over from Iraq, using it as a spring-board, to attack neighboring Iran. I use the allusion of spring-board, from an idea from WWII, that Nazi Germany would use England as a "spring-board" to attack America. In the same sense, I think that Iraq can be used as a strategic site to maintain solidarity for the United States' interest within the Middle East.

At the end of all of my banter, there are simple ideas behind it all. First and foremost, nations and their governments first and sole responsibility is to protect their citizens and nation. Second, they are to secure their interests above the interests of others. The American's way of life is dependent upon this concept. I enjoy my luxurious, capitalistic, democratic lifestyle. Third, kill or be killed. The ideas of preemptive strikes have evolved since the Carthaginians and Romans through the implementation of Economic Warfare, and it's evolution since WWII. The use of diplomatic sanctions and economic leverage can be used to divert wars before they happen. If these tactics fail, then the Machiavellian saying from the Prince, of to rule "by arms or by fortune," still prevails to this day and age. There is a time that in order to insure the sovereignty of your nation, you must resort to arms.

Posted on Wed Jan 07, 2009

Zharkov in U.S.A. writes:

It is shameful that the U.S. government has not maintained neutrality in this dispute, and now even goes so far as to be lying (again) about who started a war -- the same as it did during the Georga-Russia war.

The fact is, there are two sides to this story and we are only being told about one of them -- the Israeli side.

We may never be told by our own government what Israel did or did not do to break the ceasefire agreement.

We are never told WHY rockets were fired at Israel after the brief period of peace.

Why does our government always repeat Israeli propaganda when Israel's own news media often contradicts that?

Every ceasefire agreement places obligations on each side. Every such agreement requires each party to do, or refrain from doing, something. What, exactly, was Israel supposed to do during the cease fire? What was the Israeli obligation and how did they carry that out? If we listen only to our U.S. government, we would never know.

Posted on Tue Jan 06, 2009

Sam writes:

No peace in sight for those who live in Gaza, just the sounds of gunfire, rockets and Israeli jeeps blasting Matisyahu! Sooner or later President Obama will have to choose a special envoy to the Middle East. If Benjamin Netanyahu wins the election in February the choice should be quite simple; Connecticut's Senator Joe Lieberman. Who else would be so perfectly suited for the one sidedness of the assignment? He's also an independent; the perfect bipartisan selection! In 2007 I attended CUFI's night to honor Israel at the Washington Convention Center. It was a very impressive event. I hope someone has installed secure voice and email terminals at John Hagee's residence. It appears as if GOD has put him in a position where he knows a lot of very important individuals in Israel.

Posted on Tue Jan 06, 2009

JM in Georgia writes:

Joe from Tennessee says, "I am amazed that given the fact NOT ONE NEWSPAPER, Not one American I know of, nor one Leader in the free world would condone the theology and actions of Hamas,..."

Well first its nice to meet you, but from ATL, GA it looks like the Palestian people have adopted the ideology of our founding fathers of liberty or death. If the Palestinians are prisoners in their own country, and can't elect their own government, or participate in their own governance how are they free? If their children are killed with no one being brought to justice are they free?

Do you honestly think if Canada was controlling America and creating a situation similar to the one in GAZA that Americans would just peacfully negotiate for decades?

Posted on Mon Jan 05, 2009

JM in Georgia writes:

If there are 1.5million people living in an area about 25 miles long, how can anyone expect the military and extremists of Hamas not to operate in areas surrounded by civillians? Civilians are everywhere. The responses that they are using civilians as shields and Hamas is responsible for the deaths caused by isreals missles and tanks is ridiculous propoganda. It is a much more speedy victory to political power if you are willing to anhiliate your enemies. Isreal's government officials are just too politically afraid to give up what is necessary to negotiate fairly with the Palestinians. The people of Palestine are still human beings no matter how inconsequential Isreal, Bush and Rice make their lives out to be. Unbelievably, Israel seems to have missed the lessons from the Nazis that all human life is special and worth saving. If you live by the sword you'll die by it. Israel must face the fact that their country is not the same nation from the Bible, and that they obtained their country through illegitimate means.

Posted on Mon Jan 05, 2009

Joe in Tennessee writes:

1. What is being overlooked greatly here is the acceptance of the Palestine people to accept accountability of their people; that means all their civilian population. They do not because they cannot and are under direct threat from this element, which means, in effect, there is no solvent leadership.

2. If we had a radical element or segment of population here in America, or in most civilized populations, who decided to send rockets into Canada, what do you think our Governmental position would be? Would we say: OK, let us talk to these guys and get things straightened out! Then say, OK they will stop for a while and then when they proceed again, do the same? That is not even realistic valuation in thinking.

a. Do you honestly think there is anyone has the right to terrorize another nation?

b. Do you think the Government of that nation has a responsibility to control this population element?

c. If the Government of the nation terrorizing another does nothing, or is unable to prevent cross border conflict, is it not the right of the Nation being terrorized to react?

3. It is obvious that the intent, if there is one beyond the ideological conflict by Hamas, is to form a separate Palestinian state which is under total control of this minority. I presume they are doing so with the help of a third and possibly fourth party. They have had talks with both Iran and Syria to install a future Navy base there and why?

4. Economics, there is an abundance of oil reserves both on the strip and offshore and Hamas wants total control of that element. If this was not the case they would have worked toward development of the resources for their people.

I am amazed that given the fact NOT ONE NEWSPAPER, Not one American I know of, nor one Leader in the free world would condone the theology and actions of Hamas, much less actually live under the law as they present it would not help in eliminating Hamas, not help them.

The Palestine people have a responsibility to their neighbors as well as the to and by the Palistine Government and they have proven without reservation they will not help, will not stop, will not turn in the people responsible and have no remorse for the Jewish State and innocent peoples they have killed in the last forty years. Hamas wants Israel to invade them and to be honest; I would not put it past them to kill their own citizens just to make Israel look bad.

They have left Israel no choice. Israel has done all it could, including the ejection of their own citizens on land they did not have to give back.

Israel has proven their peaceful nature and intent as well as bending over diplomatically from world presure; Palestine has shown and proven their intent and path.

Posted on Mon Jan 05, 2009

Zharkov in U.S.A. writes:

The longer term objective of the Israeli war plan, as formulated by Israeli policy makers, is the expulsion of Palestinians from Palestinian lands:

"Terrorize the civilian population, assuring maximal destruction of property and cultural resources? The daily life of the Palestinians must be rendered unbearable: They should be locked up in cities and towns, prevented from exercising normal economic life, cut off from workplaces, schools and hospitals, This will encourage emigration and weaken the resistance to future expulsions" Ur Shlonsky, quoted by Ghali Hassan, Gaza: The World's Largest Prison, Global Research, 2005)

Operation "Cast Lead" is part of the broader military-intelligence operation initiated at the outset of the Ariel Sharon government in 2001. It was under Sharon's "Operation Justified Vengeance" that F-16 fighter planes were initially used to bomb Palestinian cities.

Posted on Mon Jan 05, 2009

Donald in Virginia writes:

5 January 09

@ Jane in Australia -- I don't think it's childesh that someone launches missiles at anyone? I agree with Susan from Florida that Hamas has said it many times, they would destroy Isreal given the chance. They would fight to the last breath, for what I have no idea.

It's not ignorant or childesh, it's self preservation. I have seen over the years how Isreal had made many steps towards peace and offered many things to these groups to bring about peace. "Give someone a foot, they take a yard" well Hamas has bad blood. I don't think its the people of Hamas, it's the terrorist within them that have put the safety of all people in the firing line.

Now what is childesh is when people cannot communicate and work out their problems and it does lead to war. Education is a powerful tool. People of both sides need to be educated to prevent future wars. They need training on how to Love thy Neighbor, not build weapons to destroy thy neighbor!

"Maybe both sides needs a shipment of Viagra and with a big Happy Face on the box"? It's quite possible that both sides needs more love than war!

@ Sam -- I can agree with most of your views as well. United States has made some mistakes over the years. How we blamed Iraq for what happened with 9/11 is beyond me. I always thought it was Usama Bin Laden's group responsible for the World Trade Center and the Pentagon attacks.

It all boils down to People. If the people can learn to get along in life and live together. You can have many settlements but if the people will not face each other, talk to each other, and go to school with each other, than they will only continue to hate each other. The turnaround process needs to happen and remove the hate and plant new seeds of hope and pray that both sides can end the violence. They both need to finally accept one another on earth as a person, show respect for one another, be nice to one other and live peaceful with one another.

I pray for Peace, that all people can work out their problems verbally. Communications is a wonderful tool when used properly. We all should pray for Peace. A Ceasefire, end of attacks on both sides. ABOVE ALL HOW DO WE PREVENT THIS FROM EVER HAPPENING AGAIN? REMOVE THE HATE THAT BOILS THE BLOOD AND PLANT NEW SEEDS! BRING ABOUT MORE HAPPY FACES :)

Posted on Mon Jan 05, 2009

Jane in Australia writes:

As with Sinn Fein and the IRA, who lay down the battle and were willing to negotiate was there any possible hope of rational peace.

Till the respective leaders do so and lead by example and be willing to concede to peaceful negotiation there can be no peace. The breaking of the truce is irrelevant, which side provoked first is childish and ignorant.

Can always hope for the new generation to prove that the elders that lead them to war, have only their selfish interests at heart.

Negotiation, compromise, education, respect. Words yes but both sides of the fence do deserve a better way of life.

Posted on Mon Jan 05, 2009

Sam writes:

Donald and Susan say this is a Biblical problem. There is no problem with the Bible, the problems are with people. What scriptures offer a road map to peace in the Torah, New Testament or the Koran? Years ago I was attending a Church in San Antonio. I was told that peace could be obtained in the Middle East if certain scriptures were adhered to. I forget which passages were used but they were from the Hebrew Scriptures (Torah/Old Testament), a major or minor prophet. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you should be the strategy implemented by both sides in this conflict. That should settle the issue. Just little things at first like, if you don't bomb our children we won't bomb yours. But one has to be really careful when using scriptures to justify military intervention. Let's not forget that it was the evangelical right wing of the Republican Party that got us here. The PNAC's, the AEI's, the Heritage Foundations, think tanks, beltway bandits, contractors, NEOCONS, Vulcan's and special program groups all mislead the American people and the international community. America needed to respond to 911 but did we not learn anything from the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan? If the sole reason for invading Iraq was to change the dynamic in the Middle East then we were successful! Hamas, Hezbollah and Tehran will be eternally grateful that we removed there stumbling blocks for them. Everyone has a book, the Iranians will hold up the Koran and thank GOD when oil prices go up and Western economies suffer. The Israelis will use the Torah as a property deed of sorts. The American ecclesiastical community will use a scripture like Genesis 12:3 to justify total support for Israel. Books like the late great planet earth, End of Days and Epicenter will fill the shelves of book stores and polarize millions. Knowledge is out there but not wisdom, (the application of knowledge). Information but no revelation as I hear it said on wednesday/friday nights and sunday mornings. When I lived in Texas it was easier for me to side with Israel on every issue. I did not live next to Muslims. In Addis Ababa my neighbors were Muslims. Now I listen to an issue before making a discussion. Back to my PMBOK!! PS: The Sunday read section of the Washington Times contains some very interesting reading. I can hear Jack Sparrow saying, "bloody pirates mate." U.S. mission to the African Union has another success story.

Posted on Sun Jan 04, 2009

Peter in California writes:

These are the requirements for any peaceful settlement:

1. Recognition of each others' state's and government's right to exist.

2. A determination of whether Gaza will be independent of, or part of, the Palestinian Authority. To be determined by a referendum within Gaza and Palestine, to be certified by independent international monitors.

3. A recognition of prior agreements and concords, such as the Wye River Memorandum, Camp David 2000 Summit, Beirut Summit, etc.

4. A significant return to negotiations regarding the 2003 "Road Map" for peace.

5. Financial Stimulus for both parties for peace. Tie international aid and investment to peace and accord. While permitting certain forms of humanitarian and basic economic support (food, fuel, etc.), have the US, EU, and other top 20 economies tie more advanced forms of finance and economic development to Israel and Palestine based upon specific curtailments of violence by their own societies. If there was profit to be found in peace, more people would choose it. Terrorists, militants and pro-conflict zealots would then lose popular support by alienating the rest of the world and making their own people suffer. Moderates would then be incented to calm radicals and extremists in their populations. Put some billions into peace, and see who responds. Pay only a little up-front as incentives and as "seed capital" for programs. Then ramp up payments and investment as people prove they can indeed manage their own societies.

6. Work towards border openings and diplomatic relations for Gaza based on management of violence and corruption.

7. Try to elevate the Geneva Accord back to the table, and find out what specific objections there are towards it in both Palestinian and Israeli circles. Find the specific objections, and see what can be done to produce a gap-analysis compromise settlement. Phase in compliance to a permanent settlement over time based on conformance of both parties.

8. If need be, consider authorizing an international peacekeeping force of up to 10,000 to go between Israel and Gaza, and to patrol Gaza. Have it comprised of members of Islamic states to prevent issues of non-Islamic military being present. Give them the right to police the Gaza strip, including shoot-to-kill orders for people who set up rockets to kill civilians in Israel. Ensure neutral nations provide logistics, accounting, and judiciary/military police to prevent collusion and/or illicit arms shipments coming in to fuel Gaza militant groups clandestinely.

Posted on Sun Jan 04, 2009

Susan in Florida writes:

All the comments that have been written so far have missed the point. The bottom line is this...Hamas, and the Arab nations, have one goal and that goal is to destroy Israel. They have "stated" this on more than one occasion. There will be no peace in the Middle East because "peace" has never been the objective. The goal, for centuries, has always been the same. The elimination of the Jews, period. And on this I do agree with Donald in Virginia, it is Biblical. Mankind will not solve this situation.

Posted on Sat Jan 03, 2009

Sam writes:

Israel could not have picked a better time to launch this offensive. The Diplomatic clout of the current administration is all but exhausted. In the past four years has there been a single foreign policy success story? Has any US lead Diplomatic initiative yielded fruit? Annapolis, Pakistan, Somalia, South American, Darfur and North Korea have all been horrific failures! I would love to see the GAO numbers for all the Secretary's travels to the Middle East. One would think that something positive should have occurred from all that shuttle diplomacy. Quick question, what do the crewmembers of the Sirius Star and the residence of Gaza have in common? Answer; they have been shamelessly abandoned by the international community! The British FCO could care less about insurance rates going up for cargo shippers. Somali pirates threaten shipping and Lloyds of London profits skyrocket! The White House, State Department, AIPAC and CUFI support this invasion of Gaza 100%. Who helps the people of Gaza? No one! The Israelis will be assisted by members of the Joshua Fund. Tonight the Security Council will convene; some members will be recalled and paid time and a half to attend the meeting. Others will probably attend via conference call from upscale town houses in Manhattan. The attack will be condemned but the bombs will still fall. Phone calls will be made to leaders overseas but nothing will be accomplished to stop the suffering/killing. Since Hamas members are Shia Muslims instead of Sunni, their brother will betray them as well. The extent of Sunni support will be lip service and demonstrations outside Israeli Embassies in foreign capitals. Shameless, utterly shameless.

Posted on Sat Jan 03, 2009

Zharkov in U.S.A. writes:

The internet is flooded with the accusation that Hamas attacked Israel first, but for some strange reason, the news media never mentions WHY Hamas fired the rockets.

Do we really know who violated the cease fire first?

Can we believe ANYTHING about what we are told of this war?

Palestinians claim that part of the cease fire agreement was to be the lifting of the Gaza blockade by Israel. The cease fire became effective but the blockade was not lifed as the Palestinians had expected, and they accuse Israel of violating the cease fire.

Israel claims to have undertaken to ease its blockade of the enclave, but Israeli spokesman Mark Regev said before the ceasefire went into effect that it would be a "staged process."

"When calm is established, other matters will follow, including the liberation of the sanction regime," he said. Palestinians say this never happened as promised.

When Al-Hayat asked him why rockets were still be fired from the Hamas-controlled Gaza against Israel in violation of the ceasefire accord, Abu Marsuk said the rockets were not fired by Hamas members.

He accused Mohammed Dahlan, a deputy of the rival Fatah organisation and former head of the Palestinian security service, of being behind the latest attacks.

Both Fatah's military wing and the radical Islamic Jihad organization have taken responsibility for different rocket launchings since the ceasefire.

So what do we know for sure about this war?

Not much, I think.

Posted on Sat Jan 03, 2009

Donald in Virginia writes:

I don't think anyone wants to see innocent people being destroyed on earth. We all know who launched the intial attacks into Isreal. A day when people can live without trying to destroy mankind will be a good day. Everyone in the world has the right to Defend themselves in harms way.

A power struggle between people. Over land or over religon?

The war between the Jews and Arabs is Biblical.

The bottom line is we all should all pray for a Peaceful solution and hope that an agreement will be signed and adhered to in present and future.

Enough bloodshed in the Middle East!!!

I just think all the money, time and politics placed on these two has been in vein.

Why can't everyone just get along in the world without having to destroy each other? Why can't Jews and Arabs accept they are different and have unique views without having to lead to war. The both have very strong ties to religon and yet in the years on earth they continue to hate each other with a passion.

The problem I see it's a group of people who do not want Peace and will only cause more hate, more destruction, more acts of terrorism and put more innocent people in the path of war or death.

The entire Middle East is a boiling point. This message should be about how people on earth can stop or end the violence and communicate as adults. We Americans have seen firsthand, time and time again how only a group of people want to make names for themselves and its all for nothing.

Terrorism is just plain evil. The change that needs to come about is how all Arab States can offer solutions as well about the people who conduct these acts of terrorism. Kings and Prime Ministers should be involved to prevent these kinds of attacks.

"The United Nations should be involved bringing resolve to this present conflict. The Arab League should also be present to offer its suggestions to bring peace. When Israel, and all Arab States can agree on Peace and educate the people to prevent this from ever happening again, then and only Then their will be Peace between them."

When everyone can read from the same sheet of music and dance the night away in Peace, Victory Happens on both sides. When people can learn to live with each other and not fight then we all can celebrate happiness and live another day! As so as it is written.

Godbless and pray for Peace for mankind.

Posted on Sat Jan 03, 2009

Henry in Florida writes:

Just stop that Israeli agression now.

Posted on Sat Jan 03, 2009

Zharkov in U.S.A. writes:

One thing is crystal clear - the path to peace in the Middle East does not begin in America. We have tried without success for over 60 years to resolve this problem and it is insane to continue to believe it will be somehow magically be solved on this side of the world.

Israel was initially populated with European Jews fleeing Nazi Germany. Some on this blog may be surprised to learn that America did not commit the Holocaust and was not the colonial power in control of Palestine before 1948. Hitler was not elected president in America, much to the disappointment of Wall Street, and we have no guilt for what he did to the Jews.

The weight of the Israeli-Palestinian problem rests on Europe, not America. We, as the great intermeddlers that we are, have failed to resolve anything.

It is up to Israel and it's Arab neighbors to settle their problems, not us, and they are big, wealthy nations populated by adults who can made decisions for themselves without our help. Let's allow them the chance to do so.

Posted on Sat Jan 03, 2009

Joe in Tennessee writes:
Don't you think you might be giving Hamas a little too much credit for having the required intellectual capacity to be defined as evil?
You have answered your own question: If I honestly care about my Peoples welfare, how intelligent is it to put them in harms way vs. building infrastructure from newly given natural resources; especially given the fact no matter what is done internationally, it will be more than a decade for oil not to have a major impact on all developed societies?

They are simply trying to establish a separate Palestine for that exact purpose down the line which is adverse to all democratic ideologies and personal freedoms. They are EVIL in every respect sir, from methodology and ideology to resource obtainment only to gather for weapons and not peace or development.

The shame is, the more air time they get, the more empowerment they receive globally.

I suggest you all study the history of Hamas and realize that you who are here able to write what you believe would not under their rule. Why would you mandate that on anyone else? They are not a flexible theology, nor honorable to their word. They only use cease fires to rebuild arsenals which are channeled in from Syria and Iran. They have proven their intents repeatedly for decades now. Who among you would want to live in their political state or religious state ...as well as mandate your children to do so? If not, why defend them?...because your free to do so...

Posted on Sat Jan 03, 2009

Albert in U.S.A. writes:

Return the Gaza street to it's original creator, Egypt. Let Egypt deal with Islamic Brotherhood relative Hamas. After all the Islamic Brotherhood is also an Egyptian creation. Then there is the issue of "Arab wombs" as a weapon, the invention of none other than Arafat himself, an Egyptian calling himself something else. But all knew what he was because of his "funny accent."

Posted on Sat Jan 03, 2009

John in Greece writes:

@ Eric in New Mexico -- With all the respect Eric, trying to define evil is a dangerous path.

When you give "bad" a hypostasis, automatically you accept God too.

All of which is not bad, at least for me, because "in God I trust." But then, there is no evil, as long as God is the strongest and BETTER of all.

So, there is no Evil. There are only people, simple human beings like us, who can not exercise GOOD, as good enough we could have done it, if we had tried better.

That's the problem with Palestinians, among many other people on earth: They think that our Good is their BAD, while they are sure that their GOOD must become our GOOD...

P.S.: tough issues though, my dear Eric. Best Regards!

Posted on Sat Jan 03, 2009

John in Greece writes:

According to my opinion: we should abandon mathematics and start geometry.

It's the first time -- it happens in the region for decades though -- that "political-religion science" must become stronger than "practical sciences."

What I mean is that you cannot easily have a logical approach, being sure that all the ships will follow the right GPS.

Middle East, AND THE NEIGHBORS, is not that easy to analyze.

It's maybe the only one area in the planet, where many CIRCLES can become a SQUARE! And probably the SQUARE: a CIRCLE!

I really do not know the area and it's too complicated for me, far more than simplifying it as just an Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The best way to describe my thoughts is this:

I invented a new "game" ...as Eric in NM would say- called "Scramble-Diplomacy:"

Here are the letters (circles&squares):

Hamas/Fatah and many other smaller "neighboring" religion sub-squares





plenty of sheikhs in smaller countries in the region that nobody can be sure how they play the game or, how they will react in various future circumstances, depending on how the story will go.

Do you think that this scramble is playable and simple?

Do you think that it's simple enough to find the word "peace"?


SD is right: continue "working toward a cease-fire that will not allow a return to the status quo ante and that will be durable.!" (as Dr. Rice said)

Posted on Sat Jan 03, 2009

JM in Georgia writes:

With the U.S. invasion of Iraq all the way to the Isrealies declaring war on the Palestinian people, it appears that this new millenium has brought the death of the rule of law. Judge, jury, and executioner are now duties of leaders of countries and their militaries. The only humane way to bring about a sustainable peace is to end these governments based on religious beliefs, and instead base them on representation by the people it governs. Since Isreal is effectively governing the Palestine lands, it only makes sense that they allow these people to represent themselves in the government that is controlling their borders and assainating their elected officials. Instead of 2 countries living side by side warring with each other, you should make 1 country with laws applicable to all.

Posted on Fri Jan 02, 2009

Richard in Texas writes:

It is unconscionable that the United States places all blame for the tragic events in Gaza on Hamas, calling on them to stop firing rockets into Israel, while offering blind, total support to Israel. What's happening is heartbreaking -- and to hear the U.S. and Israelis placing all blame on Hamas with no acknowledgment of the circumstances in which Gazans have been forced to live is tough to stomach.

This sort of one sided approach is the cause of many, if not most of our problems in the Middle East, including many people's hatred of us as a nation. In the future we must respond much more harshly to Israel's policies of continuing to support illegal settlements, continuing to ignore UN resolutions and the International Court of Justice, and in military strikes like those of this weekend. Palestinian rocket fire at Israeli civilians constitutes a war crime and those responsible for it must be prosecuted. Israel is obligated to defend its civilians, but it must do so in compliance with international humanitarian law.

Posted on Fri Jan 02, 2009

Kirk in Kentucky writes:

There will never be peace until one side or the other gains the decisive advantage in war and crushes the other. The path for peace will open when one side is completely disarmed and occupied, probably the Palestinians. Or at least rendered so incapacitated that they lose the will to fight. Frankly, I'm tired of hearing about it. Israel is smaller than New Jersey and yet accorded a disproportionate amount of our national attention and finances.

Since neither side has the collective will to refrain from ignorant savagery, let them reap the consequences. A quick military conclusion is sometimes more humane than slow stranglation, anyways.

Posted on Fri Jan 02, 2009

Donald in Virginia writes:

2 January 09

"When people of all races all religions and from all countries can finally sit down and end the violence, communicate their views without the use of swords, then we will have peace on earth!"

Posted on Fri Jan 02, 2009

Mack in The Netherlands writes:

UN resolutions on the matter and a consideration to the Arab peace initiative. There are many possible ways to bring peace. There are well hearted people believe deeply in peace. So far the USA and its policies has been one of main obstacles to bring peace. The U.S.A. will be an asset for peace if it simply stop the role of mediation between the parties and let a fair and responsible country to play this role. Don't take my opinion as a criticism, I'm just being honest. The U.S.A. has failed to live up to its duties and promises toward its moderate friends in the region. It has no credibility but I think you know it already.

Posted on Thu Jan 01, 2009

Donald in Virginia writes:


I don't think anyone really truly wants to be at war, or to continue fighting for a cause that cannot be won. My view is "bad programming robot" we have now seen history repeat itself because people have a root to being programmed with the wrong message.

I believe the Hamas people have shame written all over their faces from this war. They continue to launch attacks and then scream timeout when it doesn't go their way like kids act in a school yard.

The solution to this problem I believe comes down to simple programming of the mind. It appears to me that for whatever reasons these Arabs can no more find peace than we can find the Top Terrorist in the world.

It's quite possible they just do not want to live in peace. You give someone a foot and they take a yard. You can also take a horse to water and it may not drink. We can try to force the hand for peace but if it's not in their hearts to find peace, they will never get it.

In a way, I think one other solution might be for God to solve this problem. He has been keeping an eye on the events so maybe he has a plan, a vision or maybe a great idea that will solve it once and for all. Maybe we all can put our trust in God's plan and see what he comes up with to find Peace.

I just think it alot like a computer "Gargage in, Gargage out" you can brainwash a computer in its language. Generations, we all have been programmed or brainwashed in some things in life. We have all had some kind of training, education, have skills, have knowlege, but how did we get all this intelligence?

- Peers
- Teachers
- Ministers
- News Media
- Books and videos
- Mentors
- Friends & Family
- Schools, Colleges
- Social activities

The people of Hamas shouldn't be making rockets but only to destroy human life. They should be displaying the white flag for surrender and find peace. They should be baking cookies or cakes not making devices that would only cause more deaths. Both sides need to find common ground and accept the good and the bad of what they like or have an opinion to what they don't like, but to destroy mankind because of land or because of religion is just plain wrong.

"My prayers will always be that Peace will be found. People can respect other peoples view, points, respect the religion, the way of lives, but also to put an end to the attacks, end to destroying and focus on the living. The true light in darkness only shines when your fears are gone! Focus on the good things, not embelish on the negative which continues to destroy human life like cancer!

God bless!

Happy New Years!

Posted on Wed Dec 31, 2008

Eric in New Mexico writes:

@ Joe in Tennessee -- Joe wrote:

"Hamas is an evil which needs to be eliminated from this sphere we call earth..."

With all due respect Joe, and in agreement with all aspects of your post with this one caveat;

Don't you think you might be giving Hamas a little too much credit for having the required intellectual capacity to be defined as evil?

Evil by its nature, can only exist through the total lack of empathy. It requires a fair degree of stupidity to consciously circumvent this natural human emotion on the part of an individual, let alone a government or other political entity.

Posted on Wed Dec 31, 2008

Eric in New Mexico writes:

@ Robert in Florida -- If Abbas and the PA inherit Gaza as a result of Israel actions to completely remove Hamas physically from the political spectrum, then Israel will have no need to blockade Gaza to prevent arms and munitions sent from Iran being used upon them by terrorists. Abbas won't buy what Iran is selling on an ideological level either.

I don't like it any more than you do, but I understand why Israel is forced to take these steps.

And legally, they do have the right to self defense.

I do however think that Israel and her government should draw some lessons learned from the U.S. in the sense that we've not only addressed terror through military might, but also engaged in nation building as a means to help populations achieve a better future for themselves and their children.

Posted on Wed Dec 31, 2008

Joe in Tennessee writes:

I would say a reality check by Palestine Leadership and some guts to go againist a false population base ideology for the greater good of it's people.

I had the good fortune to meet Golda Meir many, many years ago to do some work for the Great Country of Israel. Oddly, my team mate was a Palestinian, #$%^a, and we worked together to solve a problem which falsely misrepresented the Palestinian people and created deep problems within the Hebrew/Jewish community. The problem was solved with the aid of a Palestine: because, the offensive actions taken were considered offensive to both cultures and any future development.

The criminal hold that Hamas now has over the new government is indicative of the non developmental aspect of all criminal elements in the limitations and control of its population by keeping it in chaos and poor. Certainly there is a more educated and business element of Palestine which should peruse the elimination of such negative persona and work WITH Israel in their elimination.

It is a shame that a false political structure re-seeded by Russian Communist methodology decades ago when the U.S. maintained the backing of the Israel State ruins any fiscal development of the Gaza strip which would help it citizens...and:

To think that any proposed caretaker of their community would rather maintain war and have its people starve, rather than develop its natural resources (oil in this case) of land given in a desire of Peace by Israel, should more than prove the true nature of Hamas; which is one not representative of any Good and Graceful God, including that of Islamic or Muslim nature.

They are an Evil which needs to be eliminated completely and should be done with the co-operation of the International community as well as viable and competent Palestine Officials. People of this nature hold no place in society today and are detrimental to the citizens they supposedly represent as well as creating International conflict. Who are they to be respected in any official capacity that they are even given creedence at all?

"Idleness is the devils workshop.." and perhaps a realistic leadership in Palestine would realize that development within the Gaza strip is more beneficial than any idealistic war which serves no beneficial purpose and one which is not of any Good God in any Scope of any Faith on this earth. Free Trade developement is a good tool here you would think.

This past summer, Iran and Syria tried to make a deal with Hamas to use the shoreline for a base...again, neither of which are Palestine or care about the people, only the strategic location of the Gaza strip and the oil. The innocent people mean nothing to them, it is one evil feeding upon another for no good end purpose.

If a cancer was creeping upon its citizens, I know of no competent leader who would not eliminate it.

May God, YHWH be with all Israel in this time and may Palestine Leaders realize what is in the best interest of its people and help eliminate the cancer which is growing in it's land...

Bimheirah b'Yameinu, may this problem be solved...

Hamas is an evil which needs to be eliminated from this spheare we call earth...HATE can be spelled HAMAS theologicaly and we need no more of it...

Posted on Wed Dec 31, 2008

Robert in Florida writes:

Israel must submit to a truce and end the blockade. Only then will the climate of hopelessness and desparation subside in Gaza. The genocide must stop, and the Israelies must submit to the mandates of the United Nations which they have for all too long ignored.

For well over a year, there have been repeated calls from the United Nations and respected leaders throughout the world urging Israel to end its unlawful blockade of Gaza. The present Israeli government refused, and now our government blames the Palestinians/Hamas for "breaking the truce." Exactly what kind of truce is it that bars the international media, imposes a military blockade, and permits a humanitarian crisis against helpless civilians?

The United States must recover its senses and reclaim its heritage of justice and truth so that we may once again become the honest and respected broker of a fair and just peace. Until these things happen, I see little hope for lasting peace in the Middle East.

Posted on Wed Dec 31, 2008

Millie in U.S.A. writes:

@ Yael in West Virginia -- To Yael (and others that may make such assumptions),

I was quite interested to read in the paper today that over 80% of Israel's favored the bombing into Gaza to attack Hamas, while only some 30% actually thought it would hurt or remove Hamas. It seems 50% of the polled Israel's are OK with punishment upon Hamas and Gaza civilians for peace or justice. That seems disturbing and although I heard some fantastically absurd hate mongering comments and rants from Israel's I am aware enough to know that such ignorant comments I hear (such that all Arab are born evil, whether in the middle east, USA or anywhere)is not the viewpoint of all Israelis. In my personal and direct experience I know such absolutes and cruel majority group-think does not exist within the Palestinian majority as well.

Yael, unless you have interacted (non-confrontationally) with Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza and even spent time in their cities and villages I am confident that your viewpoint on a whole group of people is uninformed and peppered with your personal political, historical and religious viewpoint. Thus, the means to peace if for people like Yael, average Americans, Palestinans and Israelis to personally educate themselves on a personal level on the humanity on both sides of this conflict. Then, get involved, joined organizations and entities to seek peace.

Posted on Tue Dec 30, 2008

Penelope in U.S.A. writes:

Having recently return from the West Bank and Israel in the last few weeks I was deeply saddened by the situation. Where "separate but equal" is considered acceptable, daily discrimination, mistreatment and humilation are a reality it is hard not to imagine the people and particularly the Palestinian youth are not impacted. However, I found in the West Bank and through several countries I traveled in the Middle East that Palestinians seek the same needs nearly all Americans desire. In this majority there is great opportunity to work for peace. This vast resource for peaceful opportunity can only truly be tapped when the discrimnation and unnecessary hardships applied upon the West Bank (and Gaza) are eliminated or at least minimized to level acceptable to our concepts of humanity.

This Palestinian majority can help as a tool for peace, but the crucial component is the means to gain their support by eliminiating the inhumanity of the situation. In my endless talks with everyday Israelis, Palestinan, Arabs and Christian of the region and those inbetween I have realized the best means for immediate and lasting peace is the use of America as a true mediator and if this is not possible, the removal of the US from the process. Over the years the US has not met the minimum requirements to consider itself a mediator; i.e. objective, without predetermined viewpoints and decisions, and equally fair and separate from both sides in the dispute. No genuine mediator can claim to support one side unwaivering and expect the other side to feel the mediator is non-bias and fair. I would prefer the US over all other countries to be this genuine mediator as it has the economic, military and political persuasion to enforce the agreements upon both sides. The means are simply up to the Bush Administration in their last three weeks to truly be the mediator the world needs. If not, it seems we must step aside as we (America) have lost our way.

Posted on Tue Dec 30, 2008

Robert in California writes:

@ Zharkov in U.S.A. -- You are more right than you know about "creating new nations out of other people's land." The land of Israel has been historically Jewish for over 3,000 years. There have been several Jewish states existing for centuries. There has never been an independent Arab state in that land, under the name of Palestine or any other.

Posted on Tue Dec 30, 2008

Edite in Canada writes:

From the age of reasoning and on..... 12 years and up.... gather together 2 guys and 2 gals from each representative age groups such as 12 year olds, then 15.....,18.....21.....25 and on up through the ages. Equal numbers of Palestinian and Israeli children and students are gathered together in a common room , neutral in its decor,conducive to conversation and reaching solutions voiced by the generations that will be most affected in the future.... their children's children. Ask them how they would like to see these issues resolved so that everyone can live in peace, harmony and friendship. After all, we have the same hunger, the same thirst, the same need for love, the same need for laughter and sunshine......and we shed the same blood...it runs together as one colour.....

Posted on Tue Dec 30, 2008

Zharkov in U.S.A. writes:

The State Department has tried for over 40 years to solve this UN problem and obviously has failed, repeatedly, with road maps, processes, accords, agreements, cease fires, ad naseum, while the U.N. does nothing for the situation it created.

The one way that might have settled the matter was if the people in Palestine had received in 1948 full compensation for taking of the lands they claimed were theirs. Money damages might still be offered but the cost will be much more today than it would have been in 1948.

Regardless, the conflict between Israel and arabs now is a blood feud that neither side is willing to forget. Enough people have been killed on both sides so that neither side will shed tears over genocide of the other.

This conflict is a natural result of a fiat global government arbitrarily taking land from one group to give to another. If the UN cannot resolve this conflict to the satisfaction of both sides, perhaps it should cease creating new nations out of other people's land.

Posted on Tue Dec 30, 2008

Jay in California writes:

Abandoning apartheid might be a good start.

Posted on Tue Dec 30, 2008

Eric in New Mexico writes:

This depends on what means one wishes to use to remove roadblocks to peace.

In the case of Hamas, obvously a decision has been made to use whatever means neccesary.

I think that average Palestinians need to take stock of who they elected in Gaza. Now they are reaping the results of letting terrorists run their affairs.

If anyone now thinks their best interests were served by allowing their elected to launch rockets into Israel during the middle of an ongoing peace process, they did not want peace in the first place, and cannot call themselves "oppressed" or "victims" being these are qualities of life born through their own stupidity.

This is going to go on for awhile so I suggest the international community think about evacuating women and children from Gaza to temporary safe haven, and send the bill to Hamas.

Posted on Tue Dec 30, 2008

Yael in West Virginia writes:

If there is a path to peace, it does not run through the U.S. State Department, where the "foreign desks" of Arab countries outnumber Jewish ones fifty-something to one. Sadly, the U.S. has not been an honest broker in recent "peace talks," and in fact has betrayed Israel's trust by not keeping the commitment -made to Ariel Sharon in the famous April 14, 2004 letter- that the Roadmap and only the Roadmap would oblige the signatories. The Bush administration -and specifically Secretary Rice- have surreptitiously replaced the Roadmap with the "Annapolis process," consisting of $1.7 billion dollars to the Palestinian Authority, multiple Israeli concessions and negotiations over borders and the status of Jerusalem held in secret. It is obvious to astute and dedicated observers that "Annapolis" is code for the Saudi Plan (for Israel's destruction).

It goes something like this: Israel surrenders Judea, Samaria, the Golan Heights and Jerusalem and accepts millions of foreign-born, hostile Arabs within its (1949) "Auschwitz" borders. The Arab world will graciously and generously "recognize" the existence of Jewish state that is defunct and defenseless.

Israel rendered the Gaza strip Jew-free and then gave it to the Palestinians in exchange for nothing, and proceeded to absorb thousands of rocket attacks from the gifted territory, in addition to releasing hundreds of convicted terrorists from Israeli prisons, dismantling checkpoints and opening crossings to hostile enemies. The Palestinians have made not a single contribution nor concession in the so-called peace process and the United States has asked of them only that they accept our hundreds of millions of dollars in aid as tribute, and keep making the same old worn and broken promises to try and stop killing Jews.

To my mind there is only one "means" to peace and it depends entirely upon the attitude of the Arabs to Jews and to Zionism. Until that changes, nothing will change.

Posted on Tue Dec 30, 2008

DipNote Bloggers write:

@ Bennett in New Jersey -- The source of the poll referenced by Yael in West Virginia appears to be: http://www.pcpsr.org/index.html.

Posted on Tue Dec 30, 2008

Bennett in New Jersey writes:

You would be a lot more believable if you would provide a link to that poll. I have heard many claims that such a poll exists, but no one who has made such a claim--including Condoleezza Rice--have ever produced that poll.

Posted on Tue Dec 30, 2008

DipNote Bloggers write:

@ Yael in West Virginia -- You're absolutely right Yael. In fact, you're actually reinforcing the point of this question. Polls conducted after the current wave of violence began indicate growing skepticism. However, polls conducted by the same source prior to the current wave of violence (i.e. December, 2007 and March 2008) indicated a greater willingness to favor a peaceful, negotiated solution to their differences. Regardless of past poll results, the focus of this question is to explore the best means to move back toward the path to peace. Thanks for your question.

Posted on Tue Dec 30, 2008

Matt in Michigan writes:

The U.S. needs to avoid condemning/endorsing either side in this conflict and urge Israel to behave like a modern nation state should, exhausting diplomacy and cooperating with international bodies to broker a continual process.

The U.S. State Department also needs to publicly acknowledge that it has actually made use of terrorists and terrorist groups in its own efforts to secure its national interests and stop talking like it has a place to condemn the actions of Hamas.

The U.S. needs to stop sitting back and throwing armaments at this conflict and play a tireless role in contributing to an international process of peace brokering.

Posted on Tue Dec 30, 2008

Herb in Pennsylvania writes:

Relocate all Arabs to Arab lands - it will be less expensive in human and financial terms for the betterment of all.

Posted on Tue Dec 30, 2008

Yael in West Virginia writes:

Can you be more specific about the polls you reference, because a poll headlined in the New York Times in March showed that "Most Palestinians Favor Violence Over Talks." http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/19/world/middleeast/19mideast.html?_r=1

Here's a quote:
RAMALLAH, West Bank A new poll shows that an overwhelming majority of Palestinians [84%] support the attack this month on a Jewish seminary in Jerusalem that killed eight young men, most of them teenagers, an indication of the alarming level of Israeli-Palestinian tension in recent weeks.

The survey also shows unprecedented support for the shooting of rockets on Israeli towns from the Gaza Strip and for the end of the peace negotiations between Palestinian and Israeli leaders.

The pollster, Khalil Shikaki, said he was shocked because the survey, taken last week, showed greater support for violence than any other he had conducted over the past 15 years in the Palestinian areas. Never before, he said, had a majority favored an end to negotiations or the shooting of rockets at Israel.

"There is real reason to be concerned," Mr. Shikaki said in an interview at his West Bank office. His Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, which conducts a survey every three months, is widely viewed as among the few independent and reliable gauges of Palestinian public opinion.

Posted on Tue Dec 30, 2008

Albert in Pennsylvania writes:

None as long as Arabs want the destruction of Israel. They continue holding Arab refugees in camps supported by the UN and we pay for it as a weapon against Israel. Israel absorbed more Jewish refugees from all Arab lands now empty of Jews.

Hamas reason for existence: The destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic state instead.

No peace possible today. QED

Posted on Tue Dec 30, 2008

Albert in Pennsylvania writes:

Hamas charter is to destroy Israel and replace it with an Islamic state. No peace is possible with Hamas. Israel has to eliminate all the leaders of the terror group called Hamas.

Posted on Mon Dec 29, 2008

Roger in North Carolina writes:

A resolute demand from the U.S. that Israel take the lead by actively promoting peace regardless, not throwing gas on the fire unproportionately. As long as the U.S. permits Israel to act like WE did in Iraq... It will never end.

Posted on Mon Dec 29, 2008

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