FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 29, l987 FTC COMMISSIONER STRENIO URGES AUTO INDUSTRY TO CUT PRICES TO GAIN EDGE ON RIVALS American car manufacturers must cut prices if they want to become more competitive with foreign producers, Federal Trade Commissioner Andrew J. Strenio, Jr. said Friday. Commissioner Strenio, speaking in Chicago at the Conference on the Future of the Automobile Franchise System, said price reductions are the best way for the industry to regain market share, restore domestic employment and "revive the reputation of American car manufacturers as decisive price leaders, not docile price takers." By slashing prices now, Commissioner Strenio said, the industry would "intensify the competitive squeeze already placed upon foreign producers by virtue of the changes in the exchange rate over the last year." Acknowledging that price cutting "would not be painless," Commissioner Strenio said the move nonetheless "would deliver the message to American consumers that we really want your business, while informing foreign competitors that we mean business." Commissioner Strenio said the American automobile industry in general must become more efficient and more aggressive to recapture lost segments of the American market and to do better in foreign markets. He said that the industry seems more receptive today to innovation, whether in manufacturing or in distribution. Commissioner Strenio also noted other recent FTC actions involving the automobile industry, including enforcement of the used car rule. The FTC Tuesday filed a complaint charging a Maryland car dealership with violating the used car rule, Commissioner Strenio said. The rule requires dealers to display window stickers on vehicles offered for sale, telling buyers if the vehicle is being sold with a warranty and the warranty's terms. The FTC is investigating several other cases, said Commissioner Strenio, adding that "you can definitely expect more enforcement actions as long as our investigations indicate non- compliance with that rule." Copies of Commissioner Strenio's speech are available from the Public Reference Branch, Room l30, 6th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580; 202-326-2222; TTY 202-326-2502. # # # MEDIA CONTACT: Jim Pinkelman, Office of Public Affairs, 202-326-2l78 (StrenAuto)