1996 California Hydrologic Data Report


                            11407800  JACKSON MEADOWS RESERVOIR NEAR SIERRA CITY, CA

LOCATION.--Lat 39°30'33", long 120°33'08", in NW 1/4 SE 1/4 sec.18, T.19 N., R.13 E., Sierra County, Hydrologic
   Unit 18020125, Tahoe National Forest, on right bank at Jackson Meadows Dam on Middle Yuba River, 0.7 mi
   downstream from Pass Creek, and 5.7 mi southeast of Sierra City.

DRAINAGE AREA.--37.6 mi2.

PERIOD OF RECORD.--November 1964 to current year.

GAGE.--Water-stage recorder.  Datum of gage is sea level (levels by Nevada Irrigation District).

REMARKS.--Reservoir is formed by an earthfill dam.  Storage began Nov. 9, 1964.  Usable capacity, 66,700 acre-ft
   between elevations 5,933.0 ft, bottom of intake tower, and 6,036.0 ft, top of radial spillway gates.  Dead
   contents, 2,500 acre-ft.  Records, including extremes, represent total contents.  See schematic diagram of
   Yuba River basin.

EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum contents, 71,100 acre-ft, May 31 and June 1, 1993, elevation,
   6,037.78 ft; minimum since reservoir first filled, 2,500 acre-ft, Sept. 27-29, 1976, elevation, 5,933.1 ft.

EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Maximum contents, 70,900 acre-ft, May 19, elevation, unknown; minimum,
   29,400 acre-ft, Nov. 24, elevation, 5992.30 ft.

                         Capacity table (elevation, in feet, and contents, in acre-feet)
                  (Based on table provided by Nevada Irrigation District, dated February 1965)

                                    5,930      2,000          5,990    27,600
                                    5,940      3,920          6,000    35,300
                                    5,950      6,760          6,010    43,900
                                    5,960     10,600          6,020    53,200
                                    5,970     15,400          6,030    63,000
                                    5,980     21,000          6,040    73,500

                                        DAILY OBSERVATION AT 2400 HOURS

DAY       OCT      NOV      DEC      JAN      FEB      MAR      APR      MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP

  1     43000    29800    29500    34500    39800    54600    54900    56100    69300    68800    68500    60200
  2     42500    29800    29500    34600    39800    54600    54900    56700    69300    68800    68300    59900
  3     41900    29700    29500    34700    39900    54600    54800    57100    69200    68800    68200    59600
  4     41300    29700    29600    34800    41500    54700    54800    57400    69200    68800    68000    59300
  5     40700    29700    29600    34900    44500    54600    54800    57700    69100    68900    67800    59000

  6     40000    29700    29600    35000    45700    54600    54800    58000    69100    68900    67600    58700
  7     39400    29700    29600    35100    46500    54600    55000    58300    69000    68900    67300    58500
  8     38800    29600    29600    35200    47100    54500    55100    58500    68900    68900    67000    58200
  9     38200    29600    29600    35200    47700    54500    55200    58700    68600    68900    66700    57900
 10     37600    29600    29600    35300    48100    54500    55200    58900    68400    68900    66400    57600

 11     36900    29600    30100    35400    48600    54600    55200    59300    68200    68900    66200    57300
 12     36300    29600    32600    35500    49100    54500    55100    60000    68100    68900    65900    57000
 13     35700    29600    32900    35500    49500    54500    55000    60800    68000    69000    65600    56700
 14     35100    29500    33100    35600    49900    54500    55000    61900    67800    69000    65300    56400
 15     34500    29500    33200    35700    50200    54400    55100    64100    67600    69000    65000    56300

 16     33900    29500    33300    36500    50600    54400    55300    65700    67500    69000    64700    56000
 17     33400    29500    33400    36900    51600    54500    55200    63900    67500    68900    64400    55800
 18     32800    29500    33500    37200    52500    54600    55100    62100    67700    68900    64100    55500
 19     32200    29500    33500    37500    53400    54700    54900   e70900    67800    68900    63800    55200
 20     31700    29500    33600    37700    54100    54800    54800    70500    67900    68900    63500    54900

 21     31100    29400    33600    37900    54600    54800    54700   e70400    68000    68900    63200    54600
 22     30500    29400    33600    38100    54700    54900    54700    70400    68100    68800    62900    54300
 23     30000    29400    33700    38300    54800    54800    54800    70100    68100    68800    62600    54100
 24     29900    29400    33700    38600    54800    54800    55000    69900    68200    68800    62400    53800
 25     29900    29400    33700    38800    54700    54700    55200    69800    68300    68800    62100    53500

 26     29900    29400    33800    38900    54700    54700    55400    69800    68400    68700    61800    53200
 27     29900    29400    33800    39200    54600    54700    55400    69800    68500    68700    61500    52900
 28     29900    29400    33800    39300    54600    54800    55400    69700    68600    68700    61300    52600
 29     29800    29400    33900    39400    54600    54700    55500    69600    68700    68700    61000    52400
 30     29800    29400    34100    39500      ---    54700    55600    69500    68700    68700    60700    52100
 31     29800      ---    34400    39700      ---    54600      ---    69400      ---    68600    60400      ---

MAX     43000    29800    34400    39700    54800    54900    55600    70900    69300    69000    68500    60200
MIN     29800    29400    29500    34500    39800    54400    54700    56100    67500    68600    60400    52100
 a    5992.86  5992.32  5998.76  6005.02  6021.42  6021.45  6022.48  6036.07  6035.48  6035.37  6027.40  6018.82
 b     -13800     -400    +5000    +5300   +14900        0    +1000   +13800     -700     -100    -8200    -8300

CAL YR 1995   MAX 69700  MIN 20700  b +13700
WTR YR 1996   MAX 70900  MIN 29400  b  +8500

  e Estimated.
  a Elevation, in feet, at end of month.
  b Change in contents, in acre-feet.

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Last modified: Wed Nov 25 11:51:49 PST 1998