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Western U.S.


Great Basin
  • Great Basin
  • R2ASMClw
  • Aspen with Mixed Conifer-- Low to Mid-Elevations
  • R2ASMCup
  • Aspen with Mixed Conifers--High Elevations
  • R2ASPN
  • Stable Aspen/Cottonwood--No Conifers
  • R2BLBR
  • Blackbrush
  • R2CHAPmn
  • Montane Chaparral
  • R2CRBU
  • Creosotebush Shrublands With Grasses
  • R2MGCOws
  • Mountain Meadow-- Mesic to Dry
  • R2MGWAws
  • Great Basin Grassland
  • R2MSHBwt
  • Mountain Shrubland With Trees
  • R2MTMA
  • Curlleaf Mountain Mahogany
  • R2PIJU
  • Juniper & Pinyon-Juniper Steppe Woodland
  • R2PIPO
  • Interior Ponderosa Pine
  • R2PSMEdy
  • Great Basin Douglas-Fir--Dry
  • R2SBBB
  • Basin Big Sagebrush
  • R2SBDW
  • Black and Low Sagebrushes
  • R2SBDWwt
  • Black and Low Sagebrushes With Trees
  • R2SBMT
  • Mountain Big Sagebrush
  • R2SBMTwc
  • Mountain Big Sagebrush with Conifers
  • R2SBWY
  • Wyoming Big Sagebrush Semi-Desert
  • R2SBWYse
  • Wyoming Sagebrush Steppe
  • R2SBWYwt
  • Wyoming Big Sagebrush Semi-Desert With Trees
  • R2SDSH
  • Salt Desert Shrub
  • R2SFPI
  • Spruce-Fir / Pine Subalpine

Northern & Central Rockies
  • Northern & Central Rockies
  • R0GFDF
  • Grand fir/ Douglas-fir/ Larch Mix
  • R0GFLP
  • Grand fir/ Lodgepole/ larch/ Douglas-fir mix
  • R0JUNIan
  • Ancient Juniper
  • R0LPDFnr
  • Lower Subalpine Lodgepole Pine
  • R0LPSFcr
  • Lower Subalpine, Wyoming and Central Rockies
  • R0MCCH
  • Mixed Conifer-Upland Cedar/Hemlock
  • R0MGRA
  • Mountain Grassland
  • R0MTSB
  • Mountain Shrub--non-sagebrushes
  • R0PGRn
  • Northern Prairie Grassland
  • R0PICO
  • Persistent Lodgepole pine
  • R0PIPObh
  • Ponderosa Pine -- Black Hills - High Elevation
  • R0PIPObl
  • Ponderosa Pine--Black Hills Low Elevation
  • R0PIPOnp
  • Ponderosa Pine -- Northern Great Plains
  • R0PIPOnr
  • Ponderosa Pine Northern and Central Rockies
  • R0PPDF
  • Ponderosa Pine-Douglas-Fir
  • R0PSMEco
  • Cold Douglas-fir
  • R0PSMEdy
  • Xeric Interior Douglas-fir
  • R0PSMEms
  • Warm Mesic Interior Douglas-fir
  • R0RIPA
  • Riparian-- Wyoming
  • R0SBBB
  • Basin Big Sagebrush
  • R0SBDW
  • Low Sagebrush Shrubland
  • R0SBMT
  • Mountain Big Sagebrush Steppe and Shrubland
  • R0SBWYwy
  • Wyoming Big Sagebrush
  • R0SPFI
  • Upper Subalpine Spruce-Fir-- Central Rockies
  • R0WBLP
  • Whitebark Pine and Lodgepole Pine, Upper Subalpine Northern and Central Rockies
  • R0WERC
  • Western Red cedar
  • Western Larch, Lodgepole Pine, and Douglas-Fir Mix

Pacific Northwest


Eastern U.S.

Great Lakes
    bullet Great Lakes  
    bullet R6BSOHMosaic of Bluestem Prairie and Oak-Hickory
    bullet R6COLLffConifer Lowland, Embedded in Fire-Prone System
    bullet R6COLLifConifer Lowland Embedded in Fire-Resistant Ecosystem
    bullet R6FPFOglGreat Lakes Floodplain Forest
    bullet R6GLSFGreat Lakes Spruce-Fir
    bullet R6GLSFifMinnesota Spruce-Fir Adjacent to Lake Superior and Drift and Lake Plain
    bullet R6JAPIGreat Lakes Pine Forests: Jack Pine
    bullet R6JAPIopGreat Lakes Pine Barrens
    bullet R6JPOPMNJack Pine / Open Lands with frequent (high)fire return interval
    bullet R6MABAMaple-Basswood
    bullet R6MBMHWGreat Lakes Maple-Basswood Mesic Hardwood Forest
    bullet R6MBOAMaple - Basswood - Oak - Aspen
    bullet R6NHHEglNorthern Hardwood-Hemlock Forest (Great Lakes)
    bullet R6NHMBNorthern Hardwood Maple-Beech-Hemlock
    bullet R6NOKSNorthern Oak Savanna
    bullet R6OAHIOak-Hickory
    bullet R6PIOKPine-Oak
    bullet R6RPWPffRed Pine-White Pine With Frequent Fire
    bullet R6RPWPifRed Pine- White Pine With Less Frequent Fire
    bullet R6WPHEffGreat Lakes Pine Forests: White Pine-Hemlock Frequent Fire
    bullet R6WPHEifWhite Pine-Hemlock


Northern Plains

Southern Appalachians

South Central
    bullet South Central  
    bullet R5BSOWInterior Highlands Dry Oak/bluestem Woodland/glade
    bullet R5BSSABluestem-Sacahuista
    bullet R5DGRADesert Grassland
    bullet R5FOWOdmInterior Highlands Dry-Mesic Forest and Woodland
    bullet R5GCPFGulf Coastal Plain Pine Flatwoods
    bullet R5GCPPWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine--upland+flatwoods
    bullet R5GCPUWest Gulf Coastal Plain Pine-Hardwood Woodland/Forest Upland
    bullet R5LOSApaOak Woodland / Shrubland / Grassland Mosaic
    bullet R5MQSAMesquite Savanna
    bullet R5OAHIdyInterior Highlands Oak-Hickory (Pine)
    bullet R5OASAOak Savanna
    bullet R5OHSAOak-hickory Savanna
    bullet R5PIBSPine-Bluestem
    bullet R5PRBLBlackland Prairie
    bullet R5PRSGSouthern Short/Mixed Grass Prairie
    bullet R5PRTGSouthern Tallgrass Prairie
    bullet R5SHNSShinnery oak-mixed grass
    bullet R5SHNTShinnery Tallgrass
    bullet R5SHSTSouthwestern Shrub Steppe
    bullet R5SOFPifSouthern Floodplain
    bullet R5SOFPrfSouthern Flood Plain-rare fire
    bullet R5XTMBCross Timbers


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