January 5, 1955 Dear Bruce: 1 have had your draft for some few days now, but first got &II time and courage to go into it summarily just now, I am quite optimistic that we can get togsthe over it, though .we may have (by ample prscedent) some discussion over style. I think it should be possible to shorten the exposition considerably without impairing ite clarity or content, but this will take some working out. As to the data, taken overall, they pardllel quite closely my c>;m Ftxperience with SW-666, and except -where some specific amenda- tfons CJr generalizations are needed, it probably will not be necessary to cay .qore than that they aocord. 1 do notice that you have had a few examples yourself of clones that were partly swozms4 partly %&linesll. X0t.U. you consider soms tarminological rumination further? I am not very happy about '!semi-clone I', nor, much better&about uniXnear, and XF'.' still *trying $0 think "f any better. HOK about some of the following: primdgeniti.ve, monochotomous, or (what I would vote for tentatively) (uni)-catenate. The last has the advanta e of suggesting a number of correlated nouns and adjectives- chain $ as the generalization of a trail); oligo-catenate; branched, etc. There are also a nuj&er of more or less precise analog&as to catenate inheritance, for example Jennings, 1908, Jour. Exp. Zool. 357'7, &Lch suggested ,this 3erninology. I am trying to collect instances for discussion. Aside from style, the principal exception that I would take to the draft is that it is ratti too peremptory in affirming the favored hypo- thesis. I am reminded of the fate of 'the original hypothesis of abortive transduction, which also seenrad quite unec~uivocally suopbrted; But as you will have a better opoortunity to judge, I am sure we can agree about this, and without weakening the exposition. The historical develop*& is not :luite accurate (at least for my own psyche, and, e.g., I used trap droplets right from the start,