2005-06-15 18:45 Ed Larty * setup/: mytmp, packages-R1.17.0-tmp: # tmp file in anticipation for frozen release R1.17 tomorrow noon, June 16 2005 2005-06-15 18:30 Robert Hatcher * DatabaseTables/DbuTables/define_dbu.mysql: new columns in definition of DbuRunSummary and DbuDaqFileSummary tables. 2005-06-15 17:20 Robert Hatcher * DatabaseUpdater/: DbuDaqFileModule.cxx, DbuDaqFileModule.h: Changes to module to account for filling addition of new table data members, fAuxConfigText to DbuRunSummary and fRecSetsNotLIOnly to DbuDaqFileSummary. Allow the module to be configured as which RawConfigFilesTextBlocks go into fAuxConfigText and which go into the separate table. 2005-06-15 17:14 Robert Hatcher * DatabaseUpdater/: DbuDaqFileSummary.cxx, DbuDaqFileSummary.h: new data member contains the number of record sets that didn't consist solely of "LightInjection" (ie. what job control would count if I/O were configured to only read "DaqMonitor" and "DaqSnarl" streams) 2005-06-15 17:12 Robert Hatcher * DatabaseUpdater/: DbuRunSummary.cxx, DbuRunSummary.h: Additional data member "AuxConfigText" is the part of the ConfigFilesText that will change on a run-by-run basis (read liStartTime.config) that would break the sharing of those entries amongst different runs. 2005-06-15 16:56 Robert Hatcher * MINF_Classes/: MINFAttParticle.cxx, MINFAttParticle.h: Some printing tweaks that have been sitting in my test release for ages. 2005-06-14 20:28 tjyang * NueAna/: CompareAll.cxx, CompareMD.cxx, CompareMD.h, LinkDef.h, NueRecordAna.cxx, macros/RunAllCompare.C, macros/RunMDCompare.C, macros/gen_md.C: add code for data/mc comparison, I don't think I actually changed CompareAll.cxx or RunAllCompare.C, I may just touch them. 2005-06-14 18:06 Brett Viren * BeamDataUtil/test/BDTestData.cxx: Tweakage 2005-06-13 20:07 Robert Hatcher * TriD/TridControl.cxx: the very latest ROOT changes the table type behind TEnv, so when creating an iterator don't do it via an intermediate pointer, ie. not as TOrdCollection* table = env.GetTable(); TIter next(table); but instead: TIter next(env.GetTable()); 2005-06-12 19:30 Sue Kasahara * GeoGeometry/macro/: drawC000AVt.C, drawC000PVt.C, drawC001AUt.C, testGeoDrawCalDet.C: scripts to draw caldet components. 2005-06-12 19:04 Sue Kasahara * GeoGeometry/macro/: drawN001AUf.C, drawN001AUfcoil.C, drawN001BUf.C, drawN001PUf.C, drawN002AVp.C, drawN003AUp.C, drawN006AVf.C, testGeoDrawNearDet.C: Macros to draw components of near detector. 2005-06-12 17:32 Sue Kasahara * GeoGeometry/macro/testGeoDrawNearDet.C: Fix drawing of near detector to better center in z. 2005-06-12 17:14 Sue Kasahara * GeoGeometry/macro/: drawF001AVt.C, drawF001AVtcoil.C, drawF001AVtwithbox.C, drawF001BVt.C, drawF001PVt.C, drawF002AUt.C: Scripts to draw components of far detector geometry. 2005-06-12 14:42 Sue Kasahara * GeoGeometry/: GeoGeometry.cxx, GeoGeometry.h, GeoPlnNode.cxx, GeoScintMdlNode.cxx, GeoScintMdlNode.h, GeoScintMdlVolume.cxx, GeoScintMdlVolume.h, GeoScintPlnNode.cxx, GeoScintPlnNode.h, GeoScintPlnVolume.cxx, GeoScintPlnVolume.h, GeoSteelPlnVolume.cxx, GeoStripNode.h, GeoStripVolume.cxx: GeoGeometry.h/.cxx: Implement previous dummy methods: virtual GeoSteelPlnNode* GetSteelPlnNode(PlexPlaneId planeId) const; const std::vector& GetScintPlnNodePtrVector(); const std::vector& GetSteelPlnNodePtrVector(); const std::vector& GetPlnNodePtrVector(); virtual void GetZExtent(Float_t& zmin, Float_t& zmax, Int_t isup = -1) const; virtual TVector3 GetHallExtentMin() const; virtual TVector3 GetHallExtentMax() const; Repair methods: virtual void GetZExtent(Double_t& zmin, Double_t& zmax, Int_t isup = -1) const; virtual PlexPlaneId GetPlaneIdFromZ(Double_t z) const; to work with new geometry. New method: static std::string GetGeoCompatibleName(std::string name); to replace "-" with "h" and "/" with "f" in names used to define detector components, since hyphens conflict with "-" used in defining composite shapes, and "/" conflict with global path names. Cleaner implementation of detector geometries: - bounding box of scint/steel plane pair is determined from scint/steel plane volume shape size after construction - separate methods BuildFar/Near/CalDetGeometry have been consolidated into one BuildDetector - removed unused Materials/Mediums - removed pre-build rotaton matrix list in favor of only building as necessary - fixed implementation of near and far detector coils to be closer to true representation, but still use hardwired values and parameters need checking. GeoPlnNode.cxx: Implement previous dummy method: virtual Float_t GetHalfThickness() const; GeoScintMdlVolume.h/.cxx: New methods: GeoStripNode* GetStripNode(const PlexStripEndId& seid) const; std::vector GetStripNodePtrVector() const; Modify to improve smoothness of module coil hole cut out. Make use of GetGeoCompatibleName to define volume/shape names. Scint module color is now blue. GeoScintMdlNode.h/.cxx: New methods: GeoStripNode* GetStripNode(const PlexStripEndId& seid) const; virtual std::vector GetStripNodePtrVector() const; GeoScintPlnNode.h/.cxx: Implement former dummy methods: virtual Int_t NumberOfStrips() const; virtual std::vector GetStripNodePtrVector() const; virtual std::vector GetScintMdlNodePtrVector() const; New method: virtual Int_t NumberOfModules() const; GeoScintPlnVolume.h/.cxx: New methods: virtual Int_t NumberOfStrips() const; virtual Int_t NumberOfModules() const { return GetNdaughters(); } virtual std::vector GetStripNodePtrVector() const; virtual std::vector GetScintMdlNodePtrVector() const; GeoStripNode.h: Change to comment. GeoStripVolume: Strips are now grey. 2005-06-11 05:49 avva * Contrib/sergei/OmHistory/: histmanmapimpl.cpp, omhistorymain.ui, omhistorymain.ui.h: Added separate input box to add filename pattern (like "*.root"). 2005-06-11 04:21 avva * OfflineHistograms/: DigitHistogramBlock.cxx, FitTrackHistogramBlock.cxx, FitTrackHistogramBlock.h, GNUmakefile, HistManHistogramBlock.cxx, HistManHistogramBlock.h, HistogramBlock.h, HistogramBlockFactory.cxx, HistogramBlockFactory.h, OfflineHistogramModule.cxx, OfflineHistogramModule.h, ShowerHistogramBlock.cxx, ShowerHistogramBlock.h, StripEffHistogramBlock.cxx, StripEffHistogramBlock.h, StripHistogramBlock.cxx, StripHistogramBlock.h, TrackHistogramBlock.cxx, TrackHistogramBlock.h: Added DigitHistogramBlock, StripHistogramBlock. In all other files, added missing $ to '$Id:'. 2005-06-11 03:41 avva * OfflineHistograms/DigitHistogramBlock.h: Digit hist block. 2005-06-10 20:08 cbs * NueAna/NueRWHelpers.cxx: fixed bug in nue->nue oscillations 2005-06-10 18:20 kordosky * Mad/MadMKAnalysis.cxx: fix so trees are not written in memory as a result of inadvertant gDirectory movement in other code 2005-06-10 16:11 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/DbiCascader.cxx: Embryonic version shear detection. Should we ever need to introduce another backward incompatible change like the ROW_COUNTER column addition, a system will be developed to prevent versions of the DBI from connecting to databases whose layout they don't support. 2005-06-10 16:06 cbs * Mad/: MadCluAnalysis.cxx, MadCluAnalysis.h: updates 2005-06-10 15:53 avva * OfflineHistograms/: FitTrackHistogramBlock.cxx, OfflineHistograms.C, TrackHistogramBlock.cxx, cleanoldfiles, dccpnewfiles: Renamed time slope histograms from TimeSlopeY, AbsTimeSlopeY back to TimeSlope, AbsTimeSlope. 2005-06-10 14:55 cbs * NueAna/NueSensitivity.cxx: fix 2005-06-10 14:50 cbs * NueAna/: OscProb.cxx, OscProb.h: new osc probs 2005-06-10 14:24 Brett Viren * BeamDataMonitoring/TargetModule.cxx: Ah, newbies, gotta love em (cause you'll go to jail for doing what you really want to them). Remove gcvt entirely and use Form - which was being used *anyways*.... 2005-06-10 14:12 cbs * NueAna/: NueRWHelpers.cxx, NueRWHelpers.h: Added an approximation to osc prob including matter effects. 2005-06-10 13:48 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: ThroughAna.cxx, ThroughAna.h: [no log message] 2005-06-10 13:47 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: ShowerAna.cxx, ShowerAna.h: Several Histograms and cuts 2005-06-10 13:46 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: PlotMan.cxx, PlotMan.h: Add CamAna::Finish 2005-06-10 13:42 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: ChangeMe.cxx, ChangeMe.h: Add Finish 2005-06-10 13:41 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/CamAna.h: Add the Finishing move 2005-06-10 12:27 vahle * NueAna/macros/: AddFiles.C, AnalysisFunctions.C, MakeASPIDTree.C, MakeRandFile.C, RunFastReweight.C, chooz.C: Added plots to AnalysisFunctions, added functionality to chooz.C, other cosmetic fixes 2005-06-10 09:32 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/test/: DbiValidate.cc, DbiValidate.hh: Fix mis-ordering of clean-up statements. Don't print warnings during preparation clean-up 2005-06-10 09:21 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/doc/ChangeLog: Further ORACLE support: DbiStatement now accumulates all the warning messages. 2005-06-10 09:21 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: DbiStatement.cxx, DbiStatement.h: Further ORACLE support: DbiStatement now accumulates all the warning messages during statement execution as the ORACLE translation can generate multiple SQL commands to be executed by a TSQLStatement, but that TSQLStatement holds only the warning associated with the last command that was executed. 2005-06-10 09:20 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: Dbi.cxx, Dbi.h: Respond to change in the DbiStatement (it now accumulates all warnings). 2005-06-10 08:37 hartnell * CalDetTracker/: CDAna.C, CDAnalysis.cxx, CDSimpleMC.cxx, CDSimpleMC.h: The versions used for my thesis (submitted last Wednesday - wohoooo!). 2005-06-10 06:39 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/test/DbiValidate.cc: Fix MSG lines - output was being attributed to Dbm 2005-06-09 23:55 George Irwin * BeamDataMonitoring/TargetModule.cxx: Add MacOSX implementation for gcvt function missing from stdlib on MacOSX. 2005-06-09 17:36 vahle * NueAna/: data/biguniformnumbers-specialforchris.txt, macros/AnalysisFunctions.C: biguniformnumbers, special, for chris 2005-06-09 17:31 George Irwin * NueAna/NuePrint.cxx: Convert isinf,isnan to TMath equivalents for platform standardization. 2005-06-09 17:16 tjyang * NueAna/: ANtpEventInfoAna.cxx, ANtpEventInfoAna.h, ANtpEventInfoNue.cxx, ANtpEventInfoNue.h: Add a new variable in ANtpEventInfoNue.h: hotch to mask the hot channels in near detector data. hotch==1 means at lease one channel in that event has abnormal ADC counts(larger than 60000). No effect on FarDet. 2005-06-09 15:26 thosieck * BeamDataMonitoring/: HadMuMonModule.cxx, LossModule.cxx, TargetModule.cxx: Added style changes, and added returns so that values were not put in histograms when beam intensity is less than 0.1 e12 and when bpm position is greater than 990 mm, more is coming 2005-06-09 14:33 Brian Rebel * AnalysisNtuples/Module/ANtpInfoObjectFillerBeam.cxx: fix bug in filling hadronic final state information 2005-06-09 14:19 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/importer_mail_logentries.pm: Suppress SPILLTIMEND DbiLogEntry reports 2005-06-09 14:04 Brian Rebel * AnalysisNtuples/Module/ANtpInfoObjectFillerBeam.cxx: forgot to commit this one yesterday. it changes horn_current to hornCurrent in the ANtpBeamInfo object filling 2005-06-09 13:19 vahle * NueAna/: MSTCalc.cxx, macros/AddFiles.C, macros/MakeRandFile.C, macros/MakeTJPIDTree.C, macros/NueReweightFast.C, macros/RunFastReweight.C: Fixed bug in copy constructor of MSTCalc, when trying to copy the arrays, must check that the arrays in the original are not of zero length 2005-06-09 04:00 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/: NuePrint.cxx, NuePrint.h, macros/PrintAnaNueTree.C: Adding setup to change default values for tracks 2005-06-09 03:59 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/macros/CreateChain.C: Order files to create chain and take chain name as input 2005-06-09 01:15 boehm * NueAna/NuePrint.cxx: Minor tweak to the logic of including variables 2005-06-08 22:54 George Irwin * CandChop/BiggestChopModule.cxx: Fix typo: vetoedLi misspelled as vetedLi in declaration. 2005-06-08 19:42 kordosky * Mad/MadMKAnalysis.cxx: fix small memory leak... one must delete momentum 4 vectors! 2005-06-08 19:30 Brian Rebel * AnalysisNtuples/: ANtpBeamInfo.cxx, ANtpBeamInfo.h: add a few more variables to the info object, including protonIntensity and targetPosition. eventually ANtpHeaderInfoBeam will become obsolete 2005-06-08 19:28 boehm * NueAna/AngClusterFitAna.cxx: Another divide by something really really close to zero error fixed 2005-06-08 19:12 Brett Viren * BeamData/python/main/poll-acnet.py: Handle arrays 2005-06-08 19:06 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: UtilShw.cxx, UtilShw.h: Fix up the InFid to NotFid, returns true for non-fiducial X,Y,Z Modify IsThr to deal with this change and add IsFC and IsPC 2005-06-08 18:49 Brett Viren * BeamData/python/bdp/roto.py: Add the creation of a symlink to tickle the BeamData dbu process. 2005-06-08 18:48 Brett Viren * BeamData/python/main/ssh_tunnel.sh: Example to start needed ssh tunnels for running behind firewall 2005-06-08 18:38 boehm * NueAna/: ANtpAnalysisInfoAna.cxx, AngClusterFitAna.cxx: Adding some debugging statements and fixing a divide by zero in AngClusterFit 2005-06-08 18:38 Brett Viren * BeamData/python/sourceme-coop.sh: Setup for the BNL co-op cluster 2005-06-08 17:35 Brett Viren * BeamDataUtil/BDProfMon.cxx: Use Voltage instead of Charge to do weighted average 2005-06-08 16:02 Brett Viren * BeamDataUtil/BDSwicCalibrator.cxx: Change from GPD to GPR pressure sensors. The ones on the detectors are getting hosed from radiation so we now rely on the ones in the racks. 2005-06-08 15:33 Brett Viren * BeamDataUtil/BDTarget.cxx: Skip zero'th BPM array element as it is just the average of the per batch values and now a per batch value itself. If there is but one batch, then return it as this is from the days before we read out the full arrays. 2005-06-08 15:13 musser * CandTrackSR/: AlgTrackSRList.cxx, DBtxt_AlgTrackSRList_FarBeam.C, DBtxt_AlgTrackSRList_FarCosmic.C, DBtxt_AlgTrackSRList_NearBeam.C, HoughViewSR.cxx, TrackClusterSR.cxx: TrackClusterSR: change == definition to include timing in addition to seid agree\ment AlgTrackSRList: for cosmics, make sure that isDone is sent only if tracks found \that span slice plane extent in BOTH views DBtxt_AlgTrackList: for cosmics, reduce values of Trk2DLinA0 and B0 to be more c\onsistent with previous incarnation of IsBestClusterInPlane. for all, increase Trk2dSigmaA from 2 to 3 sigma. 2005-06-08 13:02 Nathaniel Tagg * MessageService/MsgService.h: Further fix the macro logic so that the new __attribute__ flag on the CVSID isn't seen by the CINT precompiler when #including MsgService.h in an ACLiC-compiled macro. (Whew!) 2005-06-08 12:53 cbs * Mad/macros/NueOscProb.C: File contains an approx of the nue appearance prob with matter effects 2005-06-08 12:47 cbs * Mad/macros/OscReweight.C: Oscillation reweighting functions, including nue appearance 2005-06-08 12:33 kordosky * Mad/MadMKAnalysis.cxx: small modifications, zeroing some variables, etc 2005-06-08 12:32 kordosky * MCReweight/BeamEnergyCalculator.cxx: enforce energy range when calculating 1/E flux 2005-06-08 11:43 raufer * Contrib/raufer/OsciFit/: awtest.cxx, awtest.h: Remove now obsolete test object. 2005-06-08 11:39 raufer * Contrib/raufer/OsciFit/: CCNCFit.cxx, LinkDef.h: Few changes - now uses a GNUmakefile instead of ACliC prompted by changes to MessageService and CVSID 2005-06-08 11:35 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * Contrib/raufer/OsciFit/CCNCFit.C: remove -- this is now CCNCFit.cxx 2005-06-08 11:07 cbs * Mad/: LinkDef.h, MadAnalysis.cxx, MadChain.cxx, MadCluAnalysis.cxx, MadCluAnalysis.h: Added a new analysis class: MadCluAnalysis for the SubShower nue analysis. Updated MadAnalysis::CreatePAN() to write out the spill information. Removed a cout statement from MadChain.cxx Added MadCluAnalysis to LinkDef.h 2005-06-08 10:35 raufer * Contrib/raufer/OsciFit/CCNCFit.C: add proper CVSID line 2005-06-08 10:18 raufer * Contrib/raufer/OsciFit/: testFc.C, GNUmakefile: ditto 2005-06-08 10:18 Nathaniel Tagg * CandChop/: BiggestChopModule.cxx, BiggestChopModule.h: Add code to reject chops within (-1,+31) microseconds of a TPMT hit (i.e. an LI event). 2005-06-08 10:17 Nathaniel Tagg * CandChop/DBtxt_AlgChopListFar_default.C: Add parameters for extra window. 2005-06-08 10:16 Nathaniel Tagg * CandChop/AlgChopListFar.cxx: A fairly major rewrite to allow widen the window around a chop candidate, allowing in shield hits. 2005-06-08 10:12 raufer * Contrib/raufer/OsciFit/FcLim.sh: Get repository up to date 2005-06-08 10:11 raufer * Contrib/raufer/OsciFit/: CCNCFit.C, CCNCFit.h: Get repository up to date. 2005-06-08 09:50 cbs * NueAna/macros/AddFiles.C: Removed analysis functions from file. Only contains functions for adding reweight trees. 2005-06-08 09:43 cbs * NueAna/macros/AnalysisFunctions.C: Macro containing functions for making analysis plots (fitting, sensitivity, etc.). Functions expect rwtree file as argument. 2005-06-08 04:07 Robert Hatcher * RawData/RawDigitDataBlock.cxx: take the advice given in the warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value to quiet the compiler. 2005-06-07 23:13 Robert Hatcher * DatabaseUpdater/DbuDaqFileModule.cxx: React to change in RawConfigFilesBlock::GuessFileType() return type. 2005-06-07 23:12 Robert Hatcher * RawData/: RawConfigFilesBlock.cxx, RawConfigFilesBlock.h: Change return type of GuessFileType() to std::string. If possible extract the file name from the string that is in newer config files. If it can't be found resort to guessing; add new guessing keywords for dcp.config and liStartTimes.config. 2005-06-07 23:10 George Irwin * MessageService/MsgService.h: Move MSG_ONLY_COUNT definition so it is seen by MACOSX as well as Linux. 2005-06-07 21:53 avva * OfflineHistograms/: FitTrackHistogramBlock.cxx, ShowerHistogramBlock.cxx, StripEffHistogramBlock.cxx, TrackHistogramBlock.cxx: Fixed several typos in histogram names (also the editor replaced some whitespace with another type of whitespace without asking me). 2005-06-07 21:50 mdier * BeamData/ana/Summary/BeamSummaryAna.cxx: Add a possible selection for the pseudo low energy target postion. 2005-06-07 21:47 Robert Hatcher * RawData/: RawVtmTimeInfoBlock.cxx, RawVtmTimeInfoBlock.h: Obsolete GetLastTimeStamp() in favor of new GetLastRFClock() method to reflect the name that the DAQ has been using for some time (lastTimeStamp was what the data member was originally named for the first 4+ months). Old function just calls new. 2005-06-07 21:47 vahle * NueAna/macros/AddFiles.C: updating Addfiles.C 2005-06-07 21:32 asousa * NueAna/AngClusterAna.cxx: Fix rare abort case due to failure to find the largest cluster in an event. 2005-06-07 21:06 Robert Hatcher * setup/count_buildlog_warnings: now catch and flag "No rule for making target" errors 2005-06-07 20:23 kordosky * Mad/MadMKAnalysis.cxx: add a few variables for xsection reweighting 2005-06-07 19:41 Sue Kasahara * UgliGeometry/: UgliScintMdlHandle.cxx, UgliScintMdlHandle.h, UgliScintPlnHandle.cxx, UgliStripHandle.cxx: Implement alternative use of GeoScintMdlNode behind UgliXXXHandle interface. 2005-06-07 19:32 Sue Kasahara * GeoGeometry/: GeoScintMdlNode.cxx, GeoScintMdlNode.h, GeoScintPlnNode.cxx, GeoScintPlnNode.h: Add new dummy methods: void SetZRotRelPlnRad(Float_t radians); void SetLTPosRelPln(Float_t lpos, Float_t tpos); to GeoScintMdlNode and dummy method: virtual std::vector GetScintMdlNodePtrVector() const; to GeoScintPlnNode. 2005-06-07 18:39 Sue Kasahara * GeoGeometry/GeoScintMdlVolume.cxx: Add missing scale factor to i/I type module shape definition. 2005-06-07 18:31 Sue Kasahara * StandardNtuple/macro/testNtpStModule.C: New example script to illustrate creation of NtpSt ntuple using cand file as input. 2005-06-07 18:02 Sue Kasahara * StandardNtuple/NtpStRecord.h: Add new data member: NtpSRDetStatus detstatus; // status of detector Update class version number from 5 to 6. 2005-06-07 17:58 Sue Kasahara * CandNtupleSR/: LinkDef.h, NtpSRDetStatus.cxx, NtpSRDetStatus.h, NtpSRRecord.h, Module/NtpSRModule.cxx, Module/NtpSRModule.h: New class NtpSRDetStatus to keep track of detector state variables. Sole data member so far: Short_t coilstatus;// magnetic coil status: -1(rev),0(off/unknown),1(forward) keeps track of coil status, with value being that of enumerated type BfieldCoilCurrent::CoilStatus_t, as requested by Brian. NtpSRDetStatus detstatus; is a new data member of the NtpSRRecord class. NtpSRRecord class version number updated from 2 to 3. 2005-06-07 17:50 mdier * BeamData/ana/Summary/BeamSummary.cxx: another bug fix: if 2 look-ups in a row did not find an entry in the btree (from a beamsummary ntuple), all subsequent look-ups failed too. 2005-06-07 15:03 Nick West * MessageService/: MsgService.h, MsgStream.cxx, MsgStream.h, doc/ChangeLog: Extend MAXMSG so that suppressed messages still contribute to the total counts. 2005-06-07 14:54 kordosky * Mad/: BeamMonMap.cxx, BeamMonMap.h: beam monitoring stuff 2005-06-07 14:49 kordosky * Mad/macros/MakePanMK.C: add the ntuple making macro 2005-06-07 14:36 kordosky * Mad/: LinkDef.h, MadMKAnalysis.cxx, MadMKAnalysis.h, Moments.cxx, Moments.h, NearbyEvents.cxx: update madmkanalysis to include, bmpt and cross section reweighting info. also, do beam energy reweighting on mc. for data include beam monitoring info (from tricia) 2005-06-07 14:34 kordosky * MCReweight/: BeamEnergyCalculator.cxx, LinkDef.h: trival fix to beamenergycalculator. if you want x=a then you have to type x=a! 2005-06-07 13:33 asousa * NueAna/NuePrint.cxx: Adding file number printout to the SAS format. 2005-06-07 08:18 Robert Hatcher * NueAna/NueSensitivity.cxx: revert to #include "NueAna/macros/OscProb.C" until a "NueAna/OscProb.h" actually shows up. 2005-06-07 08:05 Robert Hatcher * GeoGeometry/GeoScintMdlVolume.cxx: correction this time for gcc 3.4 which doesn't like "abs(Float_t)" or "abs(Double_t)", use TMath::Abs() in place of abs(). 2005-06-07 07:45 Robert Hatcher * GeoGeometry/GeoScintMdlVolume.cxx: s/fGeoManager/gGeoManager/ as the class doesn't have a data member fGeoManger, but there does seem to be a global (that other Geo*Volume classes make use of). Don't know if this works, but at least now the code compiles. 2005-06-07 05:09 asousa * NueAna/NuePrint.cxx: Fixed mixed up if-else logic introduced by previous commit. 2005-06-07 04:40 asousa * NueAna/NuePrint.cxx: Fixing some typos 2005-06-07 04:21 asousa * NueAna/: NuePrint.cxx, NuePrint.h, macros/PrintAnaNueTree.C: Add option to recalculate oscillation weights with user defined parameters in the PrintAnaNueTree.C macro. 2005-06-07 03:35 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/NuePrint.cxx: Adding check for timelength 2005-06-07 01:15 Brett Viren * setup/msrt: Add "-p" flag to "msrt update" to force pserver to be used even if packages were checked out via ssh. This doesn't effect the CVS/Root file; it effects only this update session. It is useful in that it speeds up updates a bit. 2005-06-06 21:33 cbs * NueAna/NueSensitivity.cxx: Removed dependence on systematics plot. 2005-06-06 20:36 litchfld * DetSim/: LinkDef.h, SimPmtM64SexyNL.cxx, SimPmtM64SexyNL.h, SimPmtM64ToyNL.cxx, SimPmtM64ToyNL.h: Sorry Anatael, Class reformed as `SimPmtM64ToyNL' in case anyone ever finds it useful. `Caryatid' wouldn't work, and `SimPmtM64Overstimulated' would have been to much hassle to type, SeeminglyEndlessOOIdentifierThatIWillMissTpyeForSure(Iterator?)s notwithstanding. 2005-06-06 20:00 kordosky * Mad/MadBase.cxx: replace instances of TObjArray::GetEntries with GetEntries fast in the various LoadXXX() routines. GetEntries() does a loop over all entries in the array, checking each for null. My job was spending about 40pct of the time in GetEntries(). I do not *think* that there should be any null entries in the standard ntuples.... running on 150k real data and 20k mc events both seem to have worked 2005-06-06 19:46 vahle * NueAna/: data/biguniformnumbers.txt, macros/MakeRandFile.C: added more lines to biguniformnumber.txt, changed MakeRandFile to make more uniform numbers 2005-06-06 19:42 mdier * BeamData/ana/Summary/BeamSummary.cxx: Bug fix: cases where time difference in sec between a spill and a snarl was 2, were reported as not found. Happened quite often with recent data. 2005-06-06 19:33 vahle * NueAna/macros/RunFastReweight.C: Added macro RunFastReweight.C 2005-06-06 19:27 cbs * CandSubShowerSR/: AlgSubShowerSR.cxx, AlgSubShowerSR.h: Updates to the EM fitting code. 2005-06-06 19:20 vahle * NueAna/: ANtpEventInfoNue.h, HitCalcAna.cxx, Reweight/GNUmakefile, macros/NueReweightFast.C: Added a macro, NueReweightFast.C, that does x-section reweighting much faster than NueReweight.cxx 2005-06-06 18:29 Robert Hatcher * WebDocs/WebDocs.html: Point GNUMI link at up-to-date FNALU copy. 2005-06-06 18:26 mdier * BeamData/ana/Summary/BeamSummary.cxx: Make sure the values in the BeamSummary object remain zero when no spill found 2005-06-06 16:57 Brett Viren * BeamDataNtuple/NtpBDLiteRecord.cxx: Add time from spill using SPILLTIMEND 2005-06-06 16:55 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: Dbi.cxx, DbiCascader.cxx, DbiCascader.h, DbiConnectionMaintainer.cxx, DbiConnectionMaintainer.h, DbiTableProxy.cxx, LinkDef.h, doc/ChangeLog: Introduce a DbiConnectionMaintainer to improve connection management by holding open a connection for the duration of a DBI query rather than making a new connection for each SQL query. 2005-06-06 16:52 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/DbiConnection.cxx: Downgrade connection failure to Error and limit messages 2005-06-06 16:43 Brett Viren * SpillTiming/: SpillTimeFinder.cxx, SpillTimeFinder.h: Add const for VldContext& method args 2005-06-06 16:41 Brett Viren * BeamDataNtuple/: NtpBDFullRecord.cxx, NtpBDLiteModule.cxx, NtpBDLiteModule.h, NtpBDLiteRecord.h, macros/MakeNtpBDLite.C: Add time from spill using SPILLTIMEND 2005-06-06 16:39 Robert Hatcher * CVSROOT/numisoft.list: add rhatcher@fnal.gov to those who get commit messages. 2005-06-06 16:38 Brian Rebel * AnalysisNtuples/Module/ANtpMCManipulator.cxx: add protection to not access a null pointer in the case where looking at data not mc 2005-06-06 15:52 Brett Viren * JobControl/: JobCEnv.cxx, JobCEnv.h, JobCRootEnv.cxx, JobCRootEnv.h, main/JobCmain.cxx: Don't run app if any input files are not found 2005-06-06 14:09 Robert Hatcher * MCReweight/BeamEnergyCalculator.cxx: class method definitions should not end with a semi-colon. gcc 3.4 is picky about these spurious semicolons (even if it doesn't always correctly identify *which* semicolon offends it so). 2005-06-06 12:06 thomson * AltDeMux/AlgAltDeMuxBase.cxx: Ensure all data elements of PlaneValidity_t are initialised in ValidateOneSidedPlaneForPattern 2005-06-06 11:32 kordosky * Mad/: MadMKAnalysis.cxx, MadMKAnalysis.h, NearbyEvents.cxx, NearbyEvents.h: addition of RCS tags, MKAnalysis now using nearbyevents code 2005-06-06 10:35 Nathaniel Tagg * SpillTiming/: LinkDef.h, NDSgateTimeLooter.cxx, NDSgateTimeLooter.h: Some more sophisticated code for doing checks on VTM monitor blocks. 2005-06-06 09:35 Nathaniel Tagg * Contrib/tagg/SpillSearch/: AddFiles.cxx, AddFiles.h, BeamFilter.cxx, BeamFilter.h, Glob.cxx, Glob.h, LinkDef.h: MOre stuff in my sandbox. 2005-06-06 03:47 Sue Kasahara * GeoGeometry/macro/testGeoDrawCalDet.C: New test macro to draw calibration detector. 2005-06-06 03:46 Sue Kasahara * GeoGeometry/: Geo.cxx, Geo.h, GeoGeometry.cxx, GeoGeometry.h, GeoNode.cxx, GeoNode.h, GeoPlnNode.cxx, GeoPlnNode.h, GeoScintMdlNode.cxx, GeoScintMdlNode.h, GeoScintMdlVolume.cxx, GeoScintMdlVolume.h, GeoScintPlnNode.cxx, GeoScintPlnNode.h, GeoScintPlnVolume.cxx, GeoScintPlnVolume.h, GeoSteelPlnNode.cxx, GeoSteelPlnNode.h, GeoSteelPlnVolume.cxx, GeoSteelPlnVolume.h, GeoStripNode.cxx, GeoStripNode.h, GeoStripVolume.cxx, GeoStripVolume.h, GeoVolume.h, LinkDef.h: Several changes as described below. Highlights are scint modules are now implemented, caldet has been implemented, steel planes use TGeoXtru, several class methods are no longer dummies. Still needs cleanup, esp. GeoGeometry class, testing of use in PTSim package, and optimization to improve build time which has been slowed by scint module implementation. GeoStripVolume: New methods: virtual Float_t GetHalfWidth() const; virtual Float_t GetHalfThickness() const; virtual Float_t GetHalfLength() const; virtual Float_t GetWidth() const; virtual Float_t GetThick() const; virtual Float_t GetTotalLen() const; virtual Float_t GetLenPart(StripEnd::StripEnd_t end) const; virtual Float_t GetWlsLen(StripEnd::StripEnd_t end) const; virtual Float_t GetWlsLenBypass() const; virtual Bool_t IsSplit() const; virtual Bool_t IsMirrored(StripEnd::StripEnd_t stripend) const; GeoStripNode: Implement former dummy methods: virtual Float_t GetLPosRelMdl() const; virtual Float_t GetTPosRelMdl() const; virtual Float_t GetZRotRelMdlRad() const; GeoScintMdlNode* GetScintMdlNode(void) const { return fScintMdlNode; } GeoScintPlnNode* GetScintPlnNode(void) const; virtual Float_t PartialLength(const StripEnd::StripEnd_t end) const; virtual Float_t WlsBypass() const; virtual Float_t WlsPigtail(const StripEnd::StripEnd_t end) const; virtual Bool_t IsMirrored(const StripEnd::StripEnd_t end) const; Remove GeoStripNode specific LocalToGlobal/GlobalToLocal methods in favor of use of GeoNode (base class) methods. Modify implementation of GetHalfLength/Thickness/Width() to pass invoke appropriate methods of GeoStripVolume. GeoNode: New methods to support LocalToGlobal(MARS)/GlobalToLocal transformations for "physical" nodes (one which corresponds to a global path, e.g. /MARS_1/HALL_1/PlanePairName_1/PlaneScintName_1/MdlName_1" A matrix to be used for local<->global conversions is constructed and stored with the node upon geometry close to be used for subsequent conversion calls, as is the global path to the node. Should improve performance. LinkDef.h: Add new pragma link line for GeoScintMdlVolume class. GeoVolume: No change. Geo: New constants to aid in module geometry build: // Nominal module Al skin thickness const Float_t kModuleSkinThick = 0.05 * Munits::cm; // tdr // Nominal module coil hole radius const Float_t kFarModuleHoleRad = 15. * Munits::cm; // tdr // The near detector coil hole radius defined here is big enough // to encircle the 18 cm halfwidth coil hole and applies to the // full coverage planes const Float_t kNearModuleHoleRad = 27. * Munits::cm; // guess // Steel coil hole dimensions const Float_t kFarSteelHoleRad = 15. * Munits::cm; const Float_t kNearSteelHoleHalfWidth = 18. * Munits::cm; GeoPlnNode: Removed plane specific LocalToGlobal/GlobalToLocal transformations in favor of use of GeoNode base class methods. GeoScintMdlVolume: New class. Implements module shapes and creates module volume from module shape and medium. Modules are created as an exterior aluminum volume with an interior air volume node. The interior volume has the same shape of the exterior, but is scaled to subtract off the module skin thickness (0.5 mm). Module shapes are built as TGeoTrap,TGeoBBox or TGeoXtru for shapes that require coil hole cut-out. Supports all module shapes used by far,near and calibration detector. The shape building also supports module expansion/contraction along the tpos direction as is required to support alignment variations from module to module, but this is not actually used at the moment because of the time consumed by building separate shapes for every module in the detector. Instead, for now, one shape is built per module shape type, and the assumption is that all modules of the same type have the same shape. This is appropriate for kMC, but not kData. GeoScintMdlNode: Flesh out what was a dummy class. New methods: GeoScintMdlVolume* GetScintMdlVolume() const { return dynamic_cast(GetVolume()); } GeoScintPlnNode* GetScintPlnNode() const { return fScintPlnNode; } virtual PlexScintMdlId GetPlexScintMdlId() const { return fScintMdlId; } virtual PlexPlaneId GetPlexPlaneId() const; virtual Int_t GetModuleNum() const; virtual Float_t GetClearFiber(StripEnd::StripEnd_t end) const; virtual Float_t GetExtraWlsFiber(StripEnd::StripEnd_t end) const; Float_t GetZRotRelPlnRad() const; Float_t GetLPosRelPln() const; Float_t GetTPosRelPln() const; // State testing methods, work is passed to module volume virtual Int_t NumberOfStrips() const; GeoSteelPlnVolume: Reimplement near and far steel planes using a composite shape of TGeoXtru outlining plane with a subtracted hole (box or tube respectively) representing coil hole. Implement calibration detector steel plane. GeoScintPlnVolume: Implement calibration detector scint plane. Pad scint plane dimensions to encompass scint modules with aluminum skin. scint pln shape implementations still need work to get rid of hard-wired dimensions. GeoScintPlnNode: Implement former dummy methods: Float_t GetZRotRelSteelRad() const; Float_t GetX0RelSteel() const; Float_t GetY0RelSteel() const; GeoGeometry: Implement new method DumpVolume(std::string volname) to help in debugging, and modified Draw method to allow argument specifying volume to Draw. Adapted to api changes of other classes. 2005-06-06 02:54 asousa * NueAna/: ANtpShowerInfoNue.h, ANtpTrackInfoNue.h: Incrementing ClassDefs. 2005-06-06 02:46 asousa * NueAna/NuePrint.cxx: Adding a default value for the SAS case. 2005-06-06 02:19 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/: NuePrint.cxx, NuePrint.h, macros/PrintAnaNueTree.C: Added cuts selections. Training option. Fixed too small and too high numbers. 2005-06-06 00:13 boehm * NueAna/ANtpEventInfoAna.cxx: fixing a typo 2005-06-05 21:45 boehm * NueAna/: ANtpEventInfoAna.cxx, ANtpEventInfoAna.h, ANtpShowerInfoAna.cxx, ANtpShowerInfoNue.cxx, ANtpShowerInfoNue.h, ANtpTrackInfoAna.cxx, ANtpTrackInfoNue.cxx, ANtpTrackInfoNue.h, NueAnaBase.h, NueModule.cxx, NueModule.h: Adding phMeu and GeV energy to the shower and track paths 2005-06-05 20:22 asousa * NueAna/AngClusterFitAna.cxx: Protect against skewness and kurtosis blowing up for transverse profile variable calculations. 2005-06-05 20:14 kordosky * MCReweight/: BeamEnergyCalculator.cxx, BeamEnergyCalculator.h, BeamType.cxx, BeamType.h, macros/test_beam_weight.C: code which uses gnumi flux files to derive weights for the various beam energies. allows you to reweight neutrino energy spectra between the different beams and 1/E flux. not yet fully compliant with MCReweight but works on a basic level as demonstrated by the test macro. doesnt do anything position dependent in the ND... not sure its needed for many studies, but if you think its necessary: GMINOS. could use gnumi histograms with many more energies... tails look a bit rocky 2005-06-05 19:24 boehm * NueAna/CompareAll.cxx: Fixing a type and adding some protection 2005-06-05 19:03 boehm * NueAna/MSTCalcAna.cxx: fixing the default values to always be applied 2005-06-05 18:52 boehm * NueAna/FracVarAna.cxx: small fix from default value changes 2005-06-05 03:05 dap56 * Monitoring/: DigitAnalysis.cxx, DigitAnalysis.h, Producer_dispatcher.cc: ND Hit maps now cleanly separated into SGATES & COSMICS All ND hitmaps have Logz scale Trigger PMT/pin diodes (crate 0 geoadd 16) now removed from QIE digits plots Changed selection algorithm to process all SGATES and sample COSMICS 2005-06-05 02:43 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/macros/PrintAnaNueTree.C: Adding input line to Print macro 2005-06-05 01:08 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/NuePrint.cxx: Added error checking so that header and values always have same N 2005-06-05 00:18 asousa * NueAna/NuePrint.cxx: Enable SAS input format print out when "SAS" is specified in the config lines. 2005-06-04 23:42 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/: NuePrint.cxx, NuePrint.h, macros/PrintAnaNueTree.C: Added the possibility of using a file to select variables to print 2005-06-04 22:28 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/: NuePrint.cxx, NuePrint.h, macros/PrintAnaNueTree.C: Adding switch to print everything (or not). 2005-06-04 21:55 jpochoa * CandShield/: ShieldGeom.cxx, ShieldGeom.h: Added IsLowerSide public method 2005-06-04 20:26 boehm * NueAna/: CompareAll.cxx, CompareAll.h, data/AllParam.txt, macros/RunAllCompare.C: Adding in the plotting module that will allow for variable comparison, uses the file AllParam to see what to graph and is run from the macro. 2005-06-04 18:20 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/NuePrint.cxx: No longer print unrecoed events and switch to use UtilString 2005-06-04 15:47 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/StringUtil.h: Missing String Util. 2005-06-04 07:39 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/: NuePrint.cxx, NuePrint.h, macros/PrintAnaNueTree.C: Added the possibility of eliminating extra branches 2005-06-04 05:57 Robert Hatcher * IoModules/IoInputModule.cxx: Okay, this should work (more) correctly in (most common) cases for triggering job control BeginFile/EndFile. I've tried to apply the principle of "least suprise" so that it generally works as one might expect. This means we now no longer trigger (End/)BeginFile every time a *stream* moves on to a new file, especially after one has already processed a number of records in the new file. Users of two disjoint files with two streams don't normally expect: BeginFile 1 (stream A) ... BeginFile 1 (stream B) ... EndFile 1 (stream A) BeginFile 2 (stream A) ... EndFile 1 (stream B) BeginFile 2 (stream B) ... EndFile 2 (due to EOJ) This is extra confusing because the while one can query for the current file (given a stream name) during Begin/EndFile calls, one has no way of determining which stream changed, or even what streams there are currently open. And thus the only solution would be to guess at the stream names and keep one's own record of what streams have what files... This new code should instead give: BeginFile 1 (stream A) ... (record that stream B has also openned file 1) (but don't trigger JobControl's BeginFile) ... EndFile 1 (stream A but also applied to adhoc B) BeginFile 2 (stream A) ... (record that stream B has also openned file 2) ... EndFile 2 (due to EOJ) Recent changes also ensure the file changes are bracket externally by Run # changes (as appropriate) and the whole thing enclosed by BeginJob/EndJob calls. This new code is still probably "broken" for the really, really odd cases of overlapping files and such. Also, since we're using what we find in the record set to determine file changes (coupled with the code structure in JobControl) it's not trivial to properly handling things when a job stops due to a limit on RecSets or a SIGHUP signal -- so don't necessarily count on seeing the final EndFile/EndRun calls in those cases. 2005-06-04 03:29 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/macros/PrintAnaNueTree.C: Added track cut check 2005-06-04 03:29 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/: NuePrint.cxx, NuePrint.h: Fix for IsDefault checks and added track cut check 2005-06-04 00:00 Robert Hatcher * DatabaseUpdater/: DbuDaqFileModule.cxx, DbuDaqFileModule.h: backport (R1-16) protection against Begin/End Run/File changes in JobControl that interacted poorly with what the module expected would happen. 2005-06-03 23:59 Robert Hatcher * DatabaseUpdater/: DbuDaqFileModule.cxx, DbuDaqFileModule.h, DbuSignalHandler.h: backport (R1-15) protection against Begin/End Run/File changes in JobControl that interacted poorly with what the module expected would happen. 2005-06-03 23:26 Robert Hatcher * IoModules/: IoInputModule.cxx, IoInputModule.h: First crack at implementing GetLastRun() and GetLastFile(). Reorganize new run determination so it works properly. Make an attempt at new file determination that would rationalize the behaviour some -- but still "broken" in some instances of having multiple files at the same time as multiple streams. 2005-06-03 22:56 Robert Hatcher * JobControl/: JobCInput.cxx, JobCInput.h: Add GetLastRun() and GetLastFile() methods by calling the fImpl version. 2005-06-03 22:54 Robert Hatcher * JobControl/: JobCInputModule.cxx, JobCInputModule.h: Dummy versions of GetLastRun() and GetLastFile(). 2005-06-03 22:53 Robert Hatcher * JobControl/: JobCModule.cxx, JobCModule.h: Add new methods GetCurrentRun(), GetLastRun(), GetLastFile() -- the latter two for calls in EndRun() and EndFile(). Restructure some code to remove duplication of error handling/messaging to GetJobCInputModule(). 2005-06-03 22:51 Robert Hatcher * JobControl/JobCPath.cxx: Reorder code such that JobBegin() gets called on modules before BeginRun or BeginFile (which would seem to be more what one would expect). Move where MsgService is informed about new run/snarl #'s ahead of processing that would trigger BeginRun or BeginFile. 2005-06-03 22:46 Robert Hatcher * JobControl/JobCRootCommandModule.cxx: instrument methods with kDebug level MSG output as an aid in debugging JobControl Begin/End Run/File calls. 2005-06-03 22:41 Robert Hatcher * JobControl/JobCRootEnv.cxx: tweak trivial debugging message 2005-06-03 22:37 Robert Hatcher * DatabaseUpdater/: DbuDaqFileModule.cxx, DbuDaqFileModule.h: current JobControl triggers of Begin/End Run/File are seriously damaged in how they work (or don't) and don't supply sufficient info. So revert to using our own code to notice new runs/files. 2005-06-03 21:55 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/: NuePrint.cxx, NuePrint.h: Adding check for default values in PrintValues 2005-06-03 21:14 Robert Hatcher * RawData/test/spin_raw_vtminfo.C: example of dumping various raw data blocks related to VtmTimeInfo. 2005-06-03 20:52 Robert Hatcher * Demo/: DemoEventDump.cxx, DemoEventDump.h: Expand DumpRawHeader() so that if "DumpRawBlockList" is enabled as well as "DumpRawHeader" then the raw header will be followed by a list of raw blocks in the record. Remove DumpRawDaqHeader() method -- just a subset of DumpRawHeader(). Tweak formatting in several places. Replace use of "\n" with endl to avoid systematic output synchronization issues against MSG where things appear to come out of order. 2005-06-03 20:48 Brett Viren * BeamDataUtil/: BDProfMon.cxx, BDSwicDevice.cxx: Fix bug that was leaving all but the first SWIC filled with fresh data. I could have sworn I'd already fixed this... Also, protect against sqrt(0) in BDProfMon::GetStats(). 2005-06-03 20:46 Robert Hatcher * RawData/RawDigitDataBlock.cxx: debug flag for outputting only first/last digit in a crate from within FormatToOStream (also reports min/max TDC values across all crates). 2005-06-03 19:50 Robert Hatcher * RawData/RawDigitDataBlock.cxx: add debug flag to control restrict printing of digits (beyond the block header info) in cases where one doesn't have direct access to the 'option" arg passed to FormatToOStream(). 2005-06-03 17:41 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: PlotMan.cxx, PlotMan.h: Add SetStyle based on minosStyle 2005-06-03 17:31 jpochoa * CandShield/: ShieldGeom.cxx, ShieldGeom.h: Added GetChipIndex public method 2005-06-03 17:14 asousa * NueAna/: AngClusterFit.h, FracVar.h: Incrementing ClassDef by 1. 2005-06-03 16:48 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: ChangeMe.cxx, ShowerAna.cxx, ThroughAna.cxx: #include to work with gcc3.3 2005-06-03 15:00 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/ThroughAna.cxx: syncing minor changes 2005-06-03 14:58 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/CamEvd.cxx: Just syncing some minor changes 2005-06-03 14:17 Brian Rebel * AnalysisNtuples/Module/ANtpInfoObjectFiller.cxx: Add code to pick out the appropriate lepton to fill in the lepton information variables 2005-06-03 07:06 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/: NuePrint.cxx, NuePrint.h, macros/PrintAnaNueTree.C: Added registry configuration to NuePrint. 2005-06-03 05:43 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/: NuePrint.cxx, NuePrint.h: Print all vars for weka. Using tricky code from TInspectorCanvas. 2005-06-02 22:26 Liz Buckley-Geer * WebDocs/: WebDocs.html, test-release.html: Rationalize test release instructions 2005-06-02 20:56 boehm * NueAna/: ANtpEventInfoAna.cxx, ANtpEventInfoAna.h, ANtpEventInfoNue.cxx, ANtpEventInfoNue.h, ANtpTruthInfoBeamAna.cxx: Adding in Trigger pass and calibrated energy scale also shifing osc prob to assume the CC groups MDC results 2005-06-02 20:22 cbs * MCReweight/: BMPTHistoWeightCalculator.cxx, BMPTWeightCalculator.cxx, NeugenWeightCalculator.cxx: Fixed some bad coding by me. 2005-06-02 20:19 cbs * CalDetTracker/CDTrackerModule.cxx: Change to RawChannelId test for finding trigger channel in CalDet running. 2005-06-02 20:19 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/UtilShw.cxx: fix 2005-06-02 19:34 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/LinkDef.h: add ShowerAna 2005-06-02 19:30 Robert Hatcher * Validity/VldContext.cxx: passing "c" or "C" to AsString() gives a slightly more compact output (single char for Detector and SimFlag). 2005-06-02 19:30 asousa * CVSROOT/check_access: Adding Mayly as a trusted member, with the blessing of a core group member. 2005-06-02 19:24 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: ShowerAna.cxx, ShowerAna.h: Intial commit 2005-06-02 19:23 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: ThroughAna.cxx, UtilShw.cxx, UtilShw.h: Move InFid and IsThr to UtilShw 2005-06-02 18:37 vahle * NueAna/macros/AddFiles.C: update to reweight file adding 2005-06-02 16:55 Robert Hatcher * CalDetPIDSR/CalDetTOFId.cxx: comment out unused "firstPaddle" and "secondPaddle" parameters. 2005-06-02 16:53 Robert Hatcher * Validity/VldTimeStamp.cxx: long ago OLD_VLDTIMESTAMP_INTERFACE was removed from .h file, guess it's time to remove the implementation code from .cxx. 2005-06-02 16:52 avva * Contrib/sergei/Shadow/: SunShadow.h, ANtps/FillShadowTreesANtp.C: Add data members "brgoodcut" and "brqidcut" to the shadow ntuples. They are set to 1 if event passes Brian's "good track" and "good charge id" cuts. 2005-06-02 16:43 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: PlotMan.cxx, PlotMan.h: Add the SetLoud(int loud = 0) method to control the verbosity of everything sent to the "BenAna" MSG stream: if(loud>= 4) s->SetLogLevel(Msg::kVerbose); if(loud== 3) s->SetLogLevel(Msg::kDebug); if(loud== 2) s->SetLogLevel(Msg::kSynopsis); if(loud== 1) s->SetLogLevel(Msg::kInfo); if(loud== 0) s->SetLogLevel(Msg::kWarning); if(loud==-1) s->SetLogLevel(Msg::kError); if(loud<=-2) s->SetLogLevel(Msg::kFatal); Default level is Msg::kWarning 2005-06-02 16:08 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/changeme.sh: quick script to make new CamAna from ChangeMe script 2005-06-02 16:07 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/ChangeMe.cxx: Add the rest of the TClonesArrays in AtmosEvent 2005-06-02 16:05 asousa * Calibrator/Calibrator.cxx: Backport Nathaniel's fix to R1.16 2005-06-02 16:05 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/UtilCanvas.h: fix that semicolon 2005-06-02 15:52 shanahan * ControlRoomSoftware/CRLForms/OmCheckListNear.htm: Peter: added request for shifters to give scale of QIE error problems. 2005-06-02 09:49 Nathaniel Tagg * Contrib/tagg/SpillSearch/: SpillTriggerEfficiency.cxx, SpillTriggerEfficiency.h: [no log message] 2005-06-02 09:42 Nathaniel Tagg * Contrib/tagg/SpillSearch/: SpillTriggerEfficiency.cxx, SpillTriggerEfficiency.h, spillTrigEff.C: more stuffCVS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2005-06-02 09:10 Nathaniel Tagg * Calibrator/Calibrator.cxx: Remove debugging lines that were causing an FPE on the farm. 2005-06-02 06:50 Robert Hatcher * Filtration/FiltTriggerPrescale.cxx: clean up how "unnamed" trigger bits are handled, RawTriggerCodes now names them "TrigBit". 2005-06-02 06:49 Robert Hatcher * RawData/: RawBlockId.h, RawDataBlock.h: last commit of this file had erroneous log message. it actually added #if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__) around inline method definitions to avoid segv when used in a CINT script that #includes the header file (now it uses the dictionary to find the right method rather than attempting to simulate the inline). 2005-06-02 06:36 Robert Hatcher * RawData/: RawBlockId.h, RawDataBlock.h, RawTriggerCodes.cxx: tweak the returned string for unnamed bits, now returns "TrigBit" for single bits and "0xBBBBBBBB" for multiple bits. The second should never happen, the first could if the DAQ starts setting a new bit before the offline is notified. 2005-06-02 05:52 Robert Hatcher * Filtration/macros/spin_prescale.C: a script to demonstrate the use of FiltTriggerPrescale job module. 2005-06-02 05:51 Robert Hatcher * Filtration/: FiltTriggerPrescale.cxx, FiltTriggerPrescale.h: a job module for filtering based on a snarl's trigger source (non-snarl record-sets simply pass through). Pass N-of-M of each trigger type (set individually) based on snarl number for reproducibility. 2005-06-02 05:48 Robert Hatcher * Filtration/LinkDef.h: doxygen \defgroup declaration for the package. 2005-06-02 05:46 Robert Hatcher * RawData/RawDaqSnarlHeader.cxx: use RawTriggerCodes method to turn trigSrc into a readable name when printing the header. 2005-06-02 00:17 asousa * NueAna/: AngClusterFit.cxx, AngClusterFit.h, AngClusterFitAna.cxx, AngClusterFitAna.h: Added several transverse variables based on the energy profile of the primary shower found via the angular clustering method. 2005-06-01 23:06 Liz Buckley-Geer * WebDocs/test-release.html: Add info about alternative locations for bin,lib amd tmp dirs 2005-06-01 22:38 kreymer * WebDocs/products/external.html: corrected forwarding from fnal_minos/computing to offline_software/srt_public_context 2005-06-01 22:37 kreymer * WebDocs/WebDocs.html: Moved Data Handling pages from ~kreymer/minos/dh to official www-numi/minwork/computing/dh/ 2005-06-01 22:36 Liz Buckley-Geer * CVSROOT/check_access: Added Art Kreymer to WebDocs 2005-06-01 19:14 Robert Hatcher * RawData/: LinkDef.h, RawTriggerCodes.cxx, RawTriggerCodes.h: make trigger code (bits) available to the offline in a structured form (enum in a namespace and functions to convert to/from string format). 2005-06-01 18:50 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/macros/: camevd.C, ntpana.C: Alter to match the new PlotMan constructor, and fix the reading from the JobCEnv command line files 2005-06-01 18:47 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: CamAna.h, CamEvd.cxx, CamEvd.h, CamMCInfoAna.cxx, CamMCInfoAna.h, ChangeMe.cxx, ChangeMe.h, PlotMan.cxx, PlotMan.h, ThroughAna.cxx, ThroughAna.h: Several changes to several files 1)PlotMan class no longer has a local HistMan. I removed in in attempt to fix a problem that was caused by something entirely different. I'll leave it off for now, since everything still seems to work. 2)With the addition the namespace UtilCanvas and removal local HistMan from PlotMan, there is no longer a need for CamAna classes to have PlotMan passed as argument to the MakeHistos or MakeCanvases methods. 3)PlotMan::UpdateCanvases now searches through the HistMan base folder to find canvases that need updating. This is a bit slow, and will only get slower with more canvases and histos in the HistMan TFolder, I'll consider reverting to a vector if this becomes imposingly slow. 4)Use the FarLayout class in CamEvd now, rather than the hard coded TPolyLine from AtNuEventViewer. 5)All CamAna classes, now make a HistMan at the beginning of MakeHistos and MakeCanvases which books and adopts those canvases and histos to be written to file. 2005-06-01 18:29 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/LinkDef.h: Add UtilCanvas namespace 2005-06-01 18:28 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/FarLayout.cxx: Turn on Msg stuff, and use to get rid of some compile warnings 2005-06-01 17:54 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: UtilCanvas.cxx, UtilCanvas.h: Add a namespace TCanvas utility to divest these functions from PlotMan 2005-06-01 17:19 asousa * NueAna/Display/NueDisplayModule.cxx: Small fix to correct the fact that the event display classifies NC elastic events (iaction==0 && iresonance==1001) as "NC quasi-elastic" 2005-06-01 17:13 avva * ControlRoomSoftware/CRLForms/: OmCheckListFar.htm, OmCheckListNear.htm: Added link to David's checklist help webpage to both near and far OM checklist forms. 2005-06-01 17:01 thosieck * BeamDataMonitoring/: CDFMonitoringModule.cxx, HadMuMonModule.cxx, HornModule.cxx, LossModule.cxx, NpotModule.cxx, TargetModule.cxx: Made Changes to fix readability of plots. Mainly for shifters to quickly understand what is going on in them. 2005-06-01 16:07 avva * Contrib/sergei/Shadow/getephem: Modified perl script to download ephemerides from JPL Horizons site. 2005-06-01 16:04 boehm * Production/R1.16/: reco_farCamCosmics_R1.16.C, reco_farSplit_R1.16.C, reco_nearSplit_R1.16.C: Removing unneeded message lines from the production scripts 2005-06-01 14:56 boehm * NueAna/ANtpAnalysisInfoAna.cxx: replacing a Abs with TMath::Abs 2005-06-01 14:50 Brett Viren * BeamDataMonitoring/: NpotModule.h, TargetModule.cxx, TargetModule.h, TempModule.h: Clean up recent commit 2005-06-01 13:59 Brett Viren * CVSROOT/framework.list: Add Trish 2005-06-01 12:51 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: Dbi.cxx, DbiBinaryFile.cxx, DbiCascader.cxx, DbiConfigStream.cxx, DbiConnection.cxx, DbiDBProxy.cxx, DbiFieldType.cxx, DbiLogEntry.cxx, DbiOutRowStream.cxx, DbiResult.cxx, DbiResultSet.cxx, DbiSqlValPacket.cxx, DbiTableProxy.cxx: Use MAXMSG("Dbi",Msg::kError,20) for all Error messages 2005-05-31 23:31 boehm * NueAna/ANtpAnalysisInfoAna.cxx: a little more padding 2005-05-31 23:09 avva * Contrib/sergei/Shadow/ANtps/brians_track_cuts.C: Brian's track cuts. 2005-05-31 23:07 avva * Contrib/sergei/Shadow/ANtps/: FillShadowTreesANtp.C, shadow.C: Modified to include new data members for magnet polarity and nPlanesIn35 and to exclude bad runs. 2005-05-31 23:05 avva * Contrib/sergei/Shadow/shadow2d.C: Create subfolders for all polarity/reco'd charge combinations and fill the same set of histograms in every folder. 2005-05-31 23:00 avva * Contrib/sergei/Shadow/: SunShadow.C, SunShadow.h: Add data members to store magnet polarity and nPlanesIn35 (from Brian's ANtp's); add BadRunRegister. 2005-05-31 22:50 Brett Viren * BeamDataUtil/BDSwicCalibrator.cxx: Clean up a mess with the temp/pres calibration of had/mu monitors. Was using wrong devices, wrong units and wrong spelling. wrong Wrong WRONG. And, of course, I just finished filling the FNAL DB with these values.... 2005-05-31 22:29 boehm * NueAna/ANtpAnalysisInfoAna.cxx: Protecting against absurdly high muon energies 2005-05-31 21:23 thosieck * BeamDataMonitoring/: BeamMonBaseModule.h, CDFMonitoringModule.h, HornModule.h, LossModule.h, NpotModule.h, TargetModule.h, TempModule.h, BeamMonBaseModule.cxx, HadMuMonModule.cxx, HornModule.cxx, LossModule.cxx, NpotModule.cxx, TargetModule.cxx, TempModule.cxx: Made some minor fixes, additions, etc., more to come tomorrow. 2005-05-31 19:57 boehm * Production/R1.16/: reco_farCamCosmics_R1.16.C, reco_farSplit_R1.16.C, reco_nearSplit_R1.16.C: Rolling back the message levels to fatal for now, to make sure we dont destory our quotes 2005-05-31 19:30 avva * Contrib/sergei/OmHistory/: histmanmapimpl.cpp, histmanmapimpl.h, omhistorymain.ui.h: Reverting back to letting ROOT manage histogram ownership. 2005-05-31 18:06 vahle * NueAna/: ANtpEventInfoAna.cxx, ANtpEventInfoNue.cxx, ANtpEventInfoNue.h, HitCalcAna.cxx, NueModule.cxx, data/biguniformnumbers.txt, macros/AddFiles.C: Added sigcormeu to ANtpEventInfoNue.h, added aneia.SetParams to else statements so sigcormeu gets set everytime FillReco is called 2005-05-31 17:24 boehm * Production/R1.16/: reco_farCamCosmics_R1.16.C, reco_farSplit_R1.16.C, reco_nearSplit_R1.16.C: backporting to R1-16 the message levels and removing the caching 2005-05-31 17:20 boehm * Production/R1.16/: reco_farCamCosmics_R1.16.C, reco_farSplit_R1.16.C, reco_nearSplit_R1.16.C: Removing the Caching in the near det split script, and changing message levels from fatal to error 2005-05-31 17:15 asousa * NueAna/AngClusterFitAna.cxx: Recast the transverse energy profile in units of 2 Moliere Radius as to desensitize fit to profile fluctuations. 2005-05-31 17:01 asousa * NueAna/HitCalcAna.cxx: Loosen the cuts on strip to strip energy difference when assembling 3D hits. 2005-05-31 16:49 cbs * CandShowerSR/CandShowerSRHandle.cxx: Bug fix: Forgot to decrement nUSubShowers/nVSubShowers when calling RemoveSubShower(). 2005-05-31 16:25 Nathaniel Tagg * Contrib/tagg/SpillSearch/: SpillTriggerEfficiency.cxx, SpillTriggerEfficiency.h, spillTrigEff.C: Code to do correlations between spill triggers and SpillServer monitor blocks. 2005-05-31 16:00 avva * ControlRoomSoftware/CRLForms/OmCheckListNear.htm: Ben Brown updated OmNear checklist, this form replaces Om1NearCheckListDraft and Om2NearCheckListDraft, that are going to be removed from CRL web directory. 2005-05-31 15:34 Robert Hatcher * AtNuOutput/: AlgFarDetEvent.cxx, AlgFarDetShieldPlank.cxx, AlgFarDetShieldPlankList.cxx, AlgFarDetStrip.cxx, FarDetEventModule.cxx, FarDetShieldPlankListModule.cxx, FarDetStripListModule.cxx, NtpMaker.cxx: With Andy Blake's approval, submit changes to quiet the compiler about unused variables/parameters. 2005-05-31 15:20 musser * CandEventSR/: AlgEventSRList.cxx, DBtxt_AlgEventSRList_NearBeam.C, EventSRListModule.cxx: upload Chris's fix to AddStriptoEvent, which was failing to properly replace modified clusters on the shower cluster list. 2005-05-31 15:02 Brett Viren * BeamData/python/main/poll-acnet.py: Fix buglets 2005-05-31 14:57 Brett Viren * BeamData/python/main/poll-acnet.py: Simple cmd line access to acnet 2005-05-31 08:17 asousa * NueAna/: AngClusterAna.cxx, AngClusterFit.cxx, AngClusterFit.h, AngClusterFitAna.cxx: Using more precise Transverse profile fit function. Added more ana_nue variables reflecting the higher number of fit parameters. Now adding to the primary shower high energy hits close to the vertex, which thus have inherent poor angular resolution and are not always picked up by the angular clustering algorithm. 2005-05-30 20:59 tjyang * NueAna/: mlpANN.cxx, mlpANN.h: Add ANN class 2005-05-30 20:58 tjyang * NueAna/: FracVar.cxx, FracVar.h, FracVarAna.cxx, LinkDef.h: Add ann pid 2005-05-30 10:16 Nathaniel Tagg * Calibrator/: PEGainCalScheme.cxx, PEGainCalScheme.h: Whups.. don't double-delete Guessed rows. 2005-05-30 10:05 Nathaniel Tagg * Calibrator/: PEGainCalScheme.cxx, PEGainCalScheme.h: Add routines to avoid the cache call to help further debug the batch system problem. 2005-05-30 08:06 asousa * NueAna/AngClusterAna.cxx: Use regular centroid calculation for shower direction determination instead of weighted centroid. 2005-05-30 03:36 asousa * DatabaseInterface/: DbiResultKey.cxx, DbiResultKey.h: Last backport to Calibrator in R1.16 depends on these DatabaseInterface files, which are being used at the farm R1.16 anyway. 2005-05-28 00:14 asousa * Calibrator/PEGainCalScheme.cxx: Another backport for farm debugging. 2005-05-27 21:07 Robert Hatcher * VALinCalibration/VALinCalibration.cxx: comment out unused variables to quiet the compiler warnings. 2005-05-27 21:03 Robert Hatcher * ShieldPlank/: AlgShieldPlank.cxx, AlgShieldPlankList.cxx: comment out unused AlgConfig& parameter in RunAlg() to quiet the compiler. 2005-05-27 20:41 asousa * Calibrator/Calibrator.cxx: Backporting Nathaniels's mod to the Calibrator in order to try to narrow down what the problem is at the farm. 2005-05-27 18:51 Nathaniel Tagg * SpillTiming/SpillFunctions.cxx: Remove useless debug line. 2005-05-27 18:43 Nathaniel Tagg * SpillTiming/: LinkDef.h, SpillFunctions.cxx, SpillFunctions.h: Fix up my new stream selection hack. 2005-05-27 16:08 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: CamEvd.cxx, CamMCInfoAna.cxx: little cleaning 2005-05-27 16:06 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: ThroughAna.cxx, ThroughAna.h: Add a few more histos and use the FarLayout 2005-05-27 16:04 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: FarLayout.cxx, FarLayout.h: Ripped code partly from Midad/Base/SteelOutline and CamEvd to make steel, shield, coil hole, and fiducial layouts. 2005-05-27 15:19 Nick West * DatabaseInterface/: DbiDBProxy.cxx, DbiDBProxy.h, doc/ChangeLog, test/DbiValidate.cc: Further ORACLE support: Handle SEQNO renumbering 2005-05-27 15:10 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/tools/copy_table.pm: Utility to copy tables between Master databases 2005-05-27 14:47 Nathaniel Tagg * TriD/executable/: GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h, trid.cxx, trid.h: Add a custom binary. This one acts just like Loon. 2005-05-27 14:46 Nathaniel Tagg * TriD/gltest/: GNUmakefile, gltest.cc, gltest.cxx, gltest.h: Get this bloody test to compile.y 2005-05-27 14:16 cbs * CandShowerSR/: AlgShowerSS.cxx, DBtxt_AlgShowerSS_default.C: Energy of shower is now set to be GetCharge(CalStripType::kGeV). 2005-05-27 14:15 cbs * CandSubShowerSR/: AlgSubShowerSR.cxx, AlgSubShowerSR.h, AlgSubShowerSRList.cxx, AlgSubShowerSRList.h, DBtxt_AlgSubShowerSR_default.C: Integrated the two transverse clustering algorithms into TransCluster(). Added function TestOverLap() to catch subshowers that are formed through a previously found subshower. In AlgSubShowerSR made MIP->GeV conversion factor a configurable parameter. 2005-05-27 11:24 Nathaniel Tagg * TriD/gltest/: LinkDef.h, gltest.h: Add a few empty but neccessary header files. 2005-05-27 00:17 tjyang * NueAna/macros/MakeAnaNueTree.C: point BeamMonDir to a directory that contains all the beamsummary ntuples in Mark's home directory except the obsolete ones. 2005-05-26 23:16 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: PlotMan.cxx, PlotMan.h: Fix the Prev button Get rid of some Emits Move GetHistMan inline Use the same WriteOut as PlotterManager 2005-05-26 23:04 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: ThroughAna.cxx, ThroughAna.h: start some histos 2005-05-26 23:03 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/CamMCInfoAna.cxx: Try booking the histos instead of adopting after creation. 2005-05-26 22:53 boehm * NueAna/NueRecordAna.cxx: Changing the if( ==kData flag) for processing of truth branches 2005-05-26 21:37 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/: AngClusterAna.cxx, AngClusterFitAna.cxx, HitCalcAna.cxx, Shwfit.cxx: Modifying output of kInfo level for packages 2005-05-26 21:36 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/Display/NueDisplayModule.cxx: Fixing memory leak in the display due to new histos 2005-05-26 21:03 Brett Viren * PerfTools/python/graphviz/graph/: graph.py, graph_wrap.cxx: Commit newly SWIG generated files that got tickled from Robert's comma clean up of a few days ago. 2005-05-26 16:53 Robert Hatcher * WebDocs/WebDocs.html: small re-ordering in "Data" subsections. 2005-05-26 16:46 kordosky * Mad/: NearbyEvents.cxx, NearbyEvents.h: simple class to characterize events which are near each other. motivation is slicer runts. can be used outside of Mad. 2005-05-26 16:45 kordosky * Mad/: MadBase.cxx, MadBase.h: modified MadBase to add some public access methods. Idea is to support Analyse(this) inside a MadBase derived class 2005-05-26 16:18 Robert Hatcher * IoModules/IoInputModule.cxx, IoModules/IoInputModule.h, SRT_MINOS/SoftRelTools/arch_spec_SAM.mk: Modify to use new sam_cpp_api package, backport to R1.15. 2005-05-26 16:03 Robert Hatcher * WebDocs/WebDocs.html: Add link to Art Kreymer's data handling top level page. 2005-05-26 15:40 Robert Hatcher * SRT_MINOS/SoftRelTools/arch_spec_SAM.mk, IoModules/IoInputModule.cxx, IoModules/IoInputModule.h: Modify to use new sam_cpp_api package, backport to R1.16. 2005-05-26 13:00 cbs * MCReweight/GnumiInterface.cxx: Small change to logic when reading in files. Code expects sequential flux file numbers up to a maximum of 20. As long as at least one file is found GnumiInterface::Status() will return true. 2005-05-26 11:47 Nathaniel Tagg * JobControl/gen_module.cc: Made some changes to the gen_module to change the way code is generated. Some people might not like this, but I think it's much better. - Remove unneccessary #ifndef around #include. - Remove explicit package name from #include "moduleName.h" - Make all comments triple-slash, in the doxygen-friendly way - Got comment indentation right - Added member variables for config paramters. Changed Config() so that it automatically reads these variables with r.GetXXX() (which causes an assert if the variable doesn't exist). Added default intializers, removed ugly dtmp temporary variables. Code now compiles right away, without requiring any edits to get started. 2005-05-26 11:44 raufer * VADynodeScan/ProcessDynodeScans: Take care of doublequotes in html-ized config files. This caused javascript in dynode scan status web page to crash. Should work now (hopefully). 2005-05-26 10:35 Nathaniel Tagg * CandChop/: AlgSliceListFromChopList.cxx, ChopModule.cxx, SliceFromChopModule.cxx: Not sure if these changes are neccessary; make sure I explicitly set the CandRecord for created candidates. Also, minor change to chop analysis method. 2005-05-26 10:33 Nathaniel Tagg * TriD/gltest/: GNUmakefile, gltest.cc: Fix up the build system so that it will work even if the user doesn't have ASImage libraries built in root. However, printing will work differently. 2005-05-26 10:32 Nathaniel Tagg * Contrib/tagg/SpillSearch/: DumpTrigTime.cxx, DumpTrigTime.h, LinkDef.h, SpillTriggerEfficiency.cxx, SpillTriggerEfficiency.h, spillTrigEff.C: More private files for looking at spill data. 2005-05-26 10:31 Nathaniel Tagg * SpillTiming/: CheckND.cxx, CheckND.h, LinkDef.h, SpillFunctions.cxx, SpillFunctions.h, SpillTimeFinder.cxx: Recommit some files used to check ND system performance. They've been handy for tests. Add some global functions. With some care, they can be used in jc.Input.Select() functions to allow fast selection of in-time beam data. Overhaul all the offsets. I now understand the origin of every constant, and have some documentation on each of them. There are two new pieces of info in this update: - I remembered to look at the FD timing fiducial, which turned out to be substantial (which was unexpected). This causes the FD clock to run 30us slow. - I checked the ND 10MHz clock against the 53MHz clock. The 10MHz clock turned out to be 19us slow. This has been identified by Bill L as being due to a long PPS pulse which doesn't get massaged properly in the VTM I am now ~1.5 us off the correct timing. I cannot identify the residual offset, although I have some culprits in mind. 2005-05-26 00:09 asousa * NueAna/AngClusterAna.cxx: Fix bug in centroid calculation and use MSG for some debugging comments. 2005-05-26 00:05 asousa * NueAna/AngClusterFitAna.cxx: Raoved artificial gaps from the fitted longitudinal energy profile histogram of the primary cluster. 2005-05-26 00:04 asousa * NueAna/AngClusterAna.cxx: Removed artificial gaps from the fitted longitudinal energy profile histogram of the primary cluster. 2005-05-25 23:31 Robert Hatcher * IoModules/: IoInputModule.cxx, IoInputModule.h: Modify to use new sam_cpp_api package, backport to R1.14 2005-05-25 23:31 Robert Hatcher * SRT_MINOS/SoftRelTools/arch_spec_SAM.mk: Modify to use new sam_cpp_api package, backport to R1-14 2005-05-25 23:28 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/macros/CreateChain.C: Macro to create chains, to produce training, testing sets 2005-05-25 23:18 Robert Hatcher * IoModules/: IoInputModule.cxx, IoInputModule.h: Backport SAM API change to R1.13 (for completeness). Modify to use new sam_cpp_api package 2005-05-25 23:16 Robert Hatcher * SRT_MINOS/SoftRelTools/arch_spec_SAM.mk: Modify to use new sam_cpp_api package, backport to R1.13 2005-05-25 23:04 Robert Hatcher * SRT_MINOS/SoftRelTools/arch_spec_SAM.mk: Modify to use new sam_cpp_api package, backported to R1.12. 2005-05-25 23:03 Robert Hatcher * IoModules/: IoInputModule.cxx, IoInputModule.h: backport SAM API change (copied from R1.14) to R1.12 change SAM include file path 2005-05-25 22:13 Liz Buckley-Geer * IoModules/: IoInputModule.cxx, IoInputModule.h: Modify headers file locations for new sam_cpp_api package 2005-05-25 22:13 Liz Buckley-Geer * SRT_MINOS/SoftRelTools/arch_spec_SAM.mk: Modify to use new sam_cpp_api package 2005-05-25 22:01 avva * CandFitTrackSA/: DataFT.cxx, DataFT.h, LinkDef.h, PlaneData.h: Made access to elements of vector - switchable from operator[] to at() (same as [], but checks bounds) methods, depending on setting of DEBUG flag. 2005-05-25 21:21 vahle * NueAna/: AngClusterFit.h, FilterPID.cxx, Reweight/NueRW.cxx, Reweight/NueRW.h, Reweight/NueReweight.cxx, data/biguniformnumbers.txt, macros/AddFiles.C, macros/MakeRandFile.C, macros/RunReweight.C: Added macros to aid reweighting 2005-05-25 18:50 avva * CandTrackSR/: TrackClusterSR.cxx, TrackClusterSR.h: Added fLPos data member to TrackClusterSR to hold longitudinal position along the strip. fLPos is initially set to 0., in order to actually set the it, TrackClusterSR::SetLPos(Double_t lpos) method should be called at some point AFTER tracking had been performed. As of this moment I haven't figured out where the best place to call SetLPos is, so this commit should not change anything in tracking/fitting. Bumped ClassDef version of TrackClusterSR to 10. 2005-05-25 11:25 Nick West * setup/setup_minossoft_oxford.csh: Handle case where no version supplied to avoid lot's of unary operator expected' 2005-05-25 09:59 Nathaniel Tagg * Contrib/tagg/SpillSearch/: BeamFilter.cxx, BeamFilter.h, FDEventStats.cxx, FDEventStats.h, FilterAdcs.cxx, FilterAdcs.h, GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h, SpillSearch.cxx, SpillSearch.h, TFid.cxx, TFid.h, search.C: Some stuff I'm using for timing studies. 2005-05-25 09:59 Nathaniel Tagg * Contrib/tagg/SpillSearch/: BeamFilter.cxx, BeamFilter.h, FDEventStats.cxx, FDEventStats.h, FilterAdcs.cxx, FilterAdcs.h, GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h, SpillSearch.cxx, SpillSearch.h, TFid.cxx, TFid.h, search.C: Initial revision 2005-05-25 09:33 Nathaniel Tagg * TriD/: EventInfoPage.cxx, EventInfoPage.h, GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h, TridGLFrame.cxx, TridPageDetector.cxx, TridPageDetector.h, TridPageDisplay.cxx, TridPageDisplay.h, TridSetup.cxx, macros/trid.C, stat/GNUmakefile: Added a Page to the control window to show me basic things like trigger word and time-from-spill. Added a easy-to-use isometric end-on view Fixed up the build system so that it will work even if ASImage libraries havent' been built with Root. 2005-05-24 22:24 avva * ControlRoomSoftware/ShiftersGuide/ShiftersGuide.tex: Fixed usage of \date. 2005-05-24 22:22 avva * ControlRoomSoftware/ShiftersGuide/: BeamMonitoring.tex, Introduction.tex, ShiftersGuide.tex: Minor cosmetic changes to BeamMonitoring section. Added date printed under the title, location of the web copy. 2005-05-24 21:26 boehm * NueAna/: ANtpEventInfoAna.cxx, ANtpEventInfoNue.cxx, ANtpEventInfoNue.h, NueModule.cxx, Display/NueDisplayModule.cxx: Adding in a total event energy measure in MEUs 2005-05-24 17:36 Ed Larty * setup/rootrel.sh, WebDocs/packages-info.txt: # added default settings 2005-05-24 16:30 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: ChangeMe.cxx, ChangeMe.h, ThroughAna.cxx, ThroughAna.h: Fix the CVS Id tags 2005-05-24 16:28 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/CamEvd.cxx: Change a few abs and fabs to TMath::Abs() 2005-05-24 15:35 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/GNUmakefile: Rid the bin section, no need for it now. 2005-05-24 15:33 Brett Viren * BeamDataMonitoring/: BeamMonBaseModule.cxx, BeamMonBaseModule.h, HadMuMonModule.cxx, HadMuMonModule.h, HornModule.cxx, HornModule.h, LossModule.cxx, LossModule.h, NpotModule.cxx, NpotModule.h, TargetModule.cxx, TargetModule.h, TempModule.cxx, TempModule.h, scripts/shift_histograms_dds.C: Turn back on calibration of swics. This needed an api change - the calibration method is sort of obtuse and should be reworked. HadMuMonModule wasn't using the swic channel->index map for the muon monitors leading to garbled pixel displays. 2005-05-24 15:33 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/macros/ntpana.C: Also add the JobCEnv method for grabbing the command line files 2005-05-24 15:27 Robert Hatcher * Plex/PlexPlaneId.h: mask used in determining VetoShield section should exclude the bit for 512 in order to get the right value (1,2,3,4...). 2005-05-24 15:19 Nathaniel Tagg * MessageService/MsgService.h: If compiling with GCC, attach the unused attribute to the CVSID variable. This way, you will no longer get 'unused variable' warnings from the compiler for unusued CVSIDs. This is too encourage people to put MsgService boilerplate into their code (rather than the more convenient cout) but not generate extraneous warning messages if all the MSG calls are subsequently removed or not written. In general, we should do this, but the CVSID variable is a special case. 2005-05-24 15:19 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/macros/camevd.C: Grab files from command line as done in Mad/macros/EvDisplay.C 2005-05-24 15:18 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/ThroughAna.h: Compile before you commit Ben 2005-05-24 14:48 Brett Viren * BeamDataMonitoring/: CDFMonitoringModule.cxx, HadMuMonModule.cxx, scripts/run_dispatcher_parent_server.sh, scripts/run_histo_display_main.sh, scripts/run_shift_histograms.sh, scripts/shift_histograms_dds.C: Quiet down some MSGs. Minor fixes in the scripts. 2005-05-24 14:46 Brett Viren * BeamData/python/bdp/roto.py: Look for BEAM_DATA_DIR env. var. before using hard coded path to the currentfile symlink. 2005-05-24 14:40 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/LinkDef.h: Add ChangeMe and ThroughAna 2005-05-24 14:39 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: CamMCInfoAna.cxx, CamMCInfoAna.h: Add the watching of some kinematics 2005-05-24 14:38 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: PlotMan.cxx, PlotMan.h: 1)Change Step to Next and Prev buttons, Prev doesn't work yet. 2)ResetCounter now just Reset, and call all CamAna::Reset() methods 3)Use fEntries in fProgress::SetRange 4)Add SetUpdateFraction to set update interval as a fraction of fEntries 5)Add method AddFiles, which just passes the string to TChain::Add(). I needed this to pass in wild cards. 2005-05-24 14:35 Robert Hatcher * NueAna/Reweight/NueRW.cxx: gcc 3.4 doesn't know about fabs() unless one has "#include " 2005-05-24 14:30 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: ThroughAna.cxx, ThroughAna.h: New CamAna 2005-05-24 14:30 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: ChangeMe.cxx, ChangeMe.h: A simple base that I'll use to copy into other CamAna inherited class 2005-05-24 14:15 Robert Hatcher * MCReweight/ReweightHelpers.h: gcc 3.4 is pickier about extraneous semi-colons (namespaces don't have them following the closing brace). 2005-05-24 14:07 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/CamAna.h: Add the virtual Reset() 2005-05-24 09:08 asousa * NueAna/: AngClusterAna.cxx, AngClusterFitAna.cxx, AngClusterFitAna.h, Display/NueDisplayModule.cxx, Display/NueDisplayModule.h: Added Cluster and ClusterFit user canvasses to NueDisplayModule. Essential for AngClusterFitAna debugging. Correspondingly filled the AngClusterFitAna::Draw function. Also small bugfix to AngClusterAna to ensure events where no cluster is found are not fitted. 2005-05-24 08:51 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/tools/load_tables.sh: Convert SQL from 4.1 if local mysqldump is earlier 2005-05-23 22:46 Brett Viren * Dispatcher/DDSFileHandler.cxx: When following the "currentfile" symlink, don't add the result of readlink to the fDataSourceDir if the result has a "/" as the first character as this means the symlink is pointing to an absolute path. 2005-05-23 21:17 Brett Viren * setup/packages-development: Add CDFMonitoringFwk and BeamDataMonitoring 2005-05-23 21:14 bishai * BeamData/java/: ACNETpackage/AcnetXmlRpcListener.java, ACNETpackage/NuMISummaryPlotter.java, ACNETpackage/ProfilePlotter.java, lib/acnet.jar: Simplified the drawing of the beam profile on target - this improved the live time of the display 2005-05-23 20:42 asousa * NueAna/: BeamMonAna.h, DCGraph.h, DCVertex.h, MSTCalc.h, MSTCalcAna.h: Completing removal of all instances of "using namespace std;" from NueAna header files. 2005-05-23 19:50 Brett Viren * BeamDataUtil/scripts/run_one.sh: Script to run one instance of something. 2005-05-23 19:49 Brett Viren * BeamDataMonitoring/scripts/: run_dispatcher_parent_server.sh, run_histo_display_main.sh, run_shift_histograms.sh, shift_histograms_dds.C: Add scripts to simplify running the various parts of the shift histograms 2005-05-23 18:44 asousa * NueAna/: AngClusterAna.h, AngClusterFitAna.h, HitCalcAna.h, NueRecordAna.h: Changing typedef std::deque< deque > DeqDeqInt_t; to typedef std::deque< std::deque > DeqDeqInt_t; so that compilation does not depend on third party headers containing "using namespace std" statements. 2005-05-23 17:29 Brett Viren * BeamData/python/main/bdp-server.py: Roll output files at 0,8,16 hours UTC instead of an 8 hour cycle starting at the time the process runs. 2005-05-23 16:44 Brett Viren * BeamDataUtil/: BDTarget.cxx, test/BDTestData.cxx, test/run_bdtd.sh: Widen the allowed range of target z position to let "pseudo LE" be considered LE. 2005-05-23 16:20 Ed Larty * setup/rootrel.sh: # created a new file for detecting recommended root version for a given frozen release 2005-05-23 14:29 Nathaniel Tagg * setup/packages-development: Add CandChop to packages list. 2005-05-23 12:30 Nathaniel Tagg * Calibrator/Calibrator.cxx: Add Error message for abnormally low or high gains in the digit calibrator method (as high-level as we can get in this code). This can be backported to test the 'abnormal gain' problem reported by Niki and others. ---Nathaniel 2005-05-23 11:45 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/tools/database_size_report.pl: Change account to reader_old and added --lock-tables=false to mysqldump command. Server changes broke the tool and unfortunately blew away the growth history. Keep the last 5 versions in future to avoid a repeat. 2005-05-23 10:30 cbs * MCReweight/: ReweightHelpers.cxx, ReweightHelpers.h: Helper functions from Trish for filling the reweighting event registry from NtpMCRecord or ANtpTruthInfoBeam objects. 2005-05-23 07:10 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/make_priming_set.pm: Change of work directory for new server 2005-05-22 08:16 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/primer/launch.csh: Master DB server is now minos13 2005-05-21 16:26 vahle * NueAna/: Reweight/GNUmakefile, Reweight/NueReweight.cxx, Reweight/NueReweight.h, macros/RunReweight.C: Fixed Reweight Makefile to see NueRW in loon, moved registry filling in Reweight to if(firstevent) block for speed 2005-05-21 15:39 bspeak * RunSummary/scripts/farm_list.sh: cat .sup file contents in addition to counting runs 2005-05-20 21:34 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/LinkDef.h: Add NtpControl 2005-05-20 21:34 bspeak * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: NtpControl.cxx, NtpControl.h: A class for testing out a control window 2005-05-20 19:49 anatael * SexyPedestal/makeSexyPedAna.C: A. 2005-05-20 19:29 vahle * NueAna/: GNUmakefile, LinkDef.h, Reweight/GNUmakefile, Reweight/GNUmakefile~, Reweight/LinkDef.h, Reweight/NueRW.cxx, Reweight/NueRW.h, Reweight/NueReweight.cxx, Reweight/NueReweight.h, data/randnumbers.txt, macros/MakeRandFile.C, macros/RunReweight.C: Added reweighting code to directory Reweight 2005-05-20 18:49 anatael * SexyPedestal/SexyPedAna.cxx: A. 2005-05-20 17:47 Nathaniel Tagg * SpillTiming/SpillTimeFinder.cxx: Fix a comment. 2005-05-20 17:46 Nathaniel Tagg * SpillTiming/: LinkDef.h, SpillTimeCreateKeyFile.cxx, SpillTimeCreateKeyFile.h, SpillTimeFinder.cxx, SpillTimeFinder.h, SpillTimeRecord.cxx, SpillTimeRecord.h: Add a class and a function for creating a file of empty records that have the VldContext of real spills. This should be useable with Sue's kWindow approach to do fast time-correlation of spills with events. But it doesn't work very well: it takes too long to generate the key file. I haven't actually tested it yet. Also, tweak the ND-FD offset by 11.0 microseconds. We are now tuned to the beam... but I have no idea why the dead reconing was so far off. 2005-05-20 17:30 Ed Larty * WebDocs/packages-info.txt: # added new info 2005-05-20 17:11 Ed Larty * WebDocs/FrozenRel.html: # corrected root version from 4.02.02 to 4.02.00 as used at farm 2005-05-20 17:06 Ed Larty * WebDocs/FrozenRel.html: # added linked to packages-info.txt 2005-05-20 17:04 Ed Larty * setup/packages-info: # deleted and rename in another location (WebDocs) 2005-05-20 17:01 Ed Larty * WebDocs/packages-info.txt: # Provides info on root versions tested and built 2005-05-20 16:37 Ed Larty * setup/packages-info: # added a few 2005-05-20 16:26 Ed Larty * setup/packages-info: # new file to provide information on tested root versions on a release 2005-05-20 16:17 Nick West * DatabaseMaintenance/scripts/checksum_str_add.pm: For checksum purposes convert two character representations supported by the DBI to single character form 2005-05-20 15:59 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/EventFilter.h: Removing extra declarations of the Filter functions 2005-05-20 15:03 anatael * SexyPedestal/SexyPedAna.cxx: A. 2005-05-20 14:56 Nick West * Util/UtilString.cxx: In UtilString::MakePrintable include \t so that this function handles all the special characters the DBI will support 2005-05-20 14:50 anatael * SexyPedestal/SexyPedAna.cxx: In Online version a separate plot with a summary of the sparisification table created gets output. The file is called "LastSparsificationTables.eps" -> easier for operator to check sanity of lastest sparsification tables prior to upload them into DAQ machines. Anatael 2005-05-20 14:47 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: CamEvd.cxx, CamEvd.h: Shamelessly ripped off from EventDraw class in Contrib/AtNuEventViewer 2005-05-20 14:45 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/NtpAna.cc: Add interactive PlotMan, and SetStyle 2005-05-20 14:39 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: CamMCInfoAna.cxx, CamMCInfoAna.h: [no log message] 2005-05-20 14:39 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/: PlotMan.cxx, PlotMan.h: Add interactive usage window 2005-05-20 14:38 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/CamAna.h: Make the AtmosEvent const 2005-05-20 14:36 Minos CVS group account. Do not commit from here! * Contrib/bspeak/BenAna/macros/: camevd.C, control.C, ntpana.C: Few new macros 2005-05-20 13:35 cbs * Mad/: MadEvDisplay.cxx, MadEvDisplay.h: Minor changes to hand scan user classfications. 2005-05-20 10:15 hartnell * CalDetTracker/CDAnalysis.cxx: The energy loss curves should be good now! 2005-05-20 08:28 asousa * NueAna/: AngClusterAna.cxx, AngClusterAna.h, AngClusterFit.cxx, AngClusterFit.h, AngClusterFitAna.cxx, AngClusterFitAna.h, NueRecordAna.cxx, macros/MakeAnaNueTree.C: Adding working code to perform fitting of longitudinal and transverse EM shower profiles to the primary shower selected via angular clustering of 3D hits. More variables will be added as code validation proceeds. 2005-05-20 06:03 asousa * NueAna/: HitCalcAna.cxx, HitCalcAna.h: Complete conversion to sigcormeu energy units. 2005-05-19 22:07 Mayly Sanchez * NueAna/: EventFilter.cxx, EventFilter.h: Cure EventFilter from compilation warnings. 2005-05-19 20:46 anatael * SexyPedestal/: SexyPedAna.cxx, SexyPedAna.h, SexyPedReco.cxx: SexyPedestal "Online" version is ready to be installed at the FD. Output have been validated now. I found a few undesired details, now corrected! Anatael 2005-05-19 20:28 cbs * Mad/: MadEvDisplay.cxx, MadEvDisplay.h: Added hand scan logging functions to MadEvDisplay. Caling MadEvDisplay::EnableHandScan(filename) before first Display() call brings up a different set of user buttons allowing hand scan classifications to be applied to each event. These classifications are logged into along with run, snarl, event, etc. when the "Log Details" button is pushed. 2005-05-19 20:26 boehm * NueAna/: ANtpTruthInfoBeamAna.cxx, NueRWHelpers.cxx, NueRWHelpers.h: Tweaking the NueRWHelper files and using them to fill the OscProb variable 2005-05-19 19:14 vahle * NueAna/: FilterPID.cxx, FilterPID.h, macros/FilterPID.C: Added FilterPID, a job module that writes out a new ana_nue tree, filtered by PID 2005-05-19 19:13 vahle * NueAna/: MSTCalc.cxx, MSTCalc.h, Shwfit.cxx, Shwfit.h: Added copy constructors to MSTCalc and Shwfit 2005-05-19 19:00 Robert Hatcher * OscProb/: OpComplex.cxx, OpComplex.h, OpMatrix.cxx, OpMatrix.h, OpProbability.cxx, OpProbability.h: OscProb package looks abandoned, but do some general cleanup of warning messages anyway in case at some point it's revised. 2005-05-19 18:55 Brett Viren * BeamDataUtil/test/BDTestData.cxx: include . Somehow not needed at BNL 2005-05-19 18:39 Brett Viren * BeamDataUtil/test/: BDTestData.cxx, run_bdtd.sh: fix typo 2005-05-19 18:20 vahle * NueAna/: NueRWHelpers.cxx, NueRWHelpers.h: Added NueRWHelpers, a namespace to hold generally useful functions 2005-05-19 18:18 vahle * NueAna/: ANtpShowerInfoAna.cxx, ANtpTrackInfoAna.cxx, ANtpTruthInfoBeamAna.cxx, AngCluster.h, AngClusterFit.h, AngClusterFitAna.cxx, FracVarAna.cxx, HitCalc.h, HitCalcAna.cxx, LinkDef.h, NueRecord.cxx, NueRecord.h, macros/MakeAnaNueTree.C: Cleaned up some unused variables. Added a copy constructor to NueRecord 2005-05-19 18:16 Brett Viren * BeamDataUtil/test/: BDTestData.cxx, BDTestData.h, LinkDef.h, convert_bdtd.C, plot_bdtd.C, run_bdtd.sh: Create a small tree to test various parts of beam data util and to generate a newer, better, faster nPoT plot. 2005-05-19 17:55 Nathaniel Tagg * CandChop/: AlgChopListGeneric.cxx, AlgChopListMitre.cxx, AlgChopListPerfectMC.cxx, AlgChopListSharp.cxx, AlgChopListSharp2.cxx, AlgSliceListFromChopList.cxx, AlgStripListFromSliceList.cxx, AlgStripListFromSliceList.h, ChopEvaluation.cxx, ChopEvaluation.h, ChopModule.cxx, DBtxt_AlgChopListSharp2_default.C, DBtxt_AlgStripListFromSliceList_default.C, LinkDef.h, SliceFromChopModule.cxx: Slight algorithm tweaks. Add algorithm to make a global strip list from the slice list, something Jim said is needed. Fix Ana() code so that it can run and show event pictures of real data. Messy, but operable. Fix up compiler warnings for Robert. 2005-05-19 17:49 Nathaniel Tagg * StupidGeometry/StupidStripHandle.cxx: Fix compiler warning. 2005-05-19 17:47 Nathaniel Tagg * TriD/: GNUmakefile, TridControl.cxx, TridControl.h, TridFlatGLFrame.h, TridGLFrame.cxx, TridGLFrame.h, TridHistoGLFrame.cxx, TridHistoGLFrame.h, TridHistoPage.cxx, TridModel.cxx, TridModel.h, TridPage.cxx, TridPage.h, TridPageDetector.cxx, TridStereoGLFrame.cxx, TridUVPage.cxx, gltest/GNUmakefile, gltest/gltest.cc, stat/trid.cxx: Many updates for TriD, now that I've started playing with data again. Fixed spamming error messages, coming from non-real intersections in the veto shield. Fixed numerous display problems. Added new code to do printing; it relies heavily on the AfterImage library that's buried inside ROOT. This is slightly illegal (it burrows in to find the header files it needs) but it does the job admirably. This could be fixed if the ROOT guys expose some more structures. Lots more work to do; thinking about adding the ability to draw Reco objects.. ---N 2005-05-19 17:44 Nathaniel Tagg * Morgue/: BadHardwareTableMaker.cxx, BadHardwareTableMaker.h: Move CVSID from header to implimentation to fix compiler warning. 2005-05-19 17:36 Nathaniel Tagg * PhotonTransport/toyMC/ToyMCModule.cxx: Remove 'unused variable' warning. 2005-05-19 17:27 Nathaniel Tagg * DetSim/: SimDigit.cxx, SimQiePerfectElectronics.cxx: Fix a few benign compiler warnings for Robert. 2005-05-19 16:13 Ed Larty * WebDocs/WebDocs.html: # changed root version to what farm is using i.e 4.02.00 2005-05-19 15:45 Robert Hatcher * setup/packages-development: add CandShield package. 2005-05-19 15:35 Ed Larty * WebDocs/: FrozenRel.html, WebDocs.html: # announced new production release 2005-05-19 15:32 Ed Larty * setup/: packages-R1.16.0, setup_minossoft_tamu.csh: # tagged new point release