SUNLIT -- Lists the sunrise and sunset times for the specified location SUNLIT date station SUNLIT date latitude longitude Parameters: date | date of sunrise/sunset; valid formats include YYYYDDD, YYYY/MM/DD and DD/MON/YYYY (where YYYY, DDD, MM and DD are integers, and MON is 3 or 4 letters, e.g., JAN, JANU); you can also specify YES, TOD or TOM for yesterday, today or tomorrow (def=TOD) station | station identifier, e.g., KMSN, YSSY latitude | latitude for sunrise/sunset longitude | longitude of sunrise/sunset Remarks: You must specify either a station identifier or earth (latitude/longitude) coordinates. The local noon time is an approximate calculated by finding the midpoint of the sunrise and sunset times. Near the time of the soltices at high latitudes, use local time zone noon (UTC) for time of best illumination. ----------