Insect Glossary

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abdomen The body part of an insect which is in the back behind the thorax.
antennae The sensory appendages, one on each side of an insects head, which are sometimes called "feelers".
brood Individual insects that hatch from the same mother at approximately the same time.
brood cells The individual chambers in a hive where the egg is laid and the larva develop.
caterpillar The larval stage of a butterfly or moth.
cercus A sensory appendage at the end of an insect sometimes modified to grasp.
chrysalis The pupa or resting stage of a butterfly.
drones The reproductive male among social bees and ants.
elytron A front wing of an insect which is thickened and serves as protection.
femora The upper part of an insects leg, which is attached to its body.
filaments A very thin structure protruding from the body of an insect.
gall An abnormal growth of plant tissue caused by the presence of an insect or other foreign organism.
honeypot The individual chambers in a hive where the honey is stored.
larva The immature stage of an insect that undergoes complete metamorphosis.
mandibles The upper jaws of an insect.
metamorphosis The change from egg to adult. Incomplete metamorphosis has three stages: egg, nymph, and adult. Complete metamorphosis has four stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult.
mimic To resemble something else closely, for example to resemble another insect.
nymph The immature stage of an insect that undergoes incomplete metamorphosis.
ovipositor An appendage extending from the back end or underneath an insect used for depositing eggs.
petiole A narrow stem that connects the abdomen and thorax in an ant and other Hymenoptera.
pollinator an agent often an insect that carries pollen from the stamen of one flower to the stigma of another flower to produce a seed.
predacious Attacking and feeding on an animal by another animal.

prothorax The first segment of the three segments of the thorax, which supports the head and first pair of legs.
queen The reproductive female among social bees and ants.
scent pouch A small sac on a butterfly or other insect from which an odor is released.
signature A defining characteristic.
thorax The middle part of the three body parts of an insect which supports the legs and wings.
tubercle A small raised area on a caterpillar which often has a bristle or other projection arising from it.
tympanum A vibrating membrane which is the ear of an insect.

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