Guide to Palearctic Flea Beetle Genera
(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae)

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Parargopus Chen

Parargopus Chen, 1939:65 (type species P.sphaerodermoidesChen, 1939, China, by monotypy). - Konstantinov & Vandenberg, 1996:355.

Distribution: China (Hopeh: Tchao-yang-koah).

Statistics: 1 species.

Host Plants: Unknown.

Comments: We have not been able to study representatives of this genus. Therefore we include in the diagnosis the most important characters from the original description (Chen 1939).

Diagnosis "Body hemispherical. Head deeply engaged in prothorax, almost invisible from above; Frontal tubercles transverse, widely separated from each other and delimited behind by pair of sinuate and obliquely impressed lines meeting in center; interantennal space rather broad, convex; clypeus slightly excavated at anterior margin; last joint of maxillary palpi more or less pointed at apex, smaller than preceding. Antenna filiform, measuring about two thirds length of body; second joint thicker but somewhat shorter than third; fourth distinctly longer than third and equal to fifth.
Prothorax strongly transverse; anterior angles moderately thickened, somewhat rounded and slightly drawn forward; sides narrowed in front, slightly rounded in middle; posterior angles obtuse; base sinuate on either side, rounded in middle but only very slightly produced; surface punctate. Elytra hardly broader at base than prothorax, rather irregularly punctate-striate.
Prosternal process much broader than long, longitudinally channeled, not elevated between coxae, apex truncate or slightly concave, dilated on each side. Anterior coxal cavity open behind. Mesosternum inclined forwards. Legs robust; all tibiae armed at apex with small, simple spine, their external face excavated at extremity; third joint of "hind" tarsi broad, entire; claws appendiculate" (Chen 1939).

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