CONTENTS OF LAKES WATER QUALITY DATA (TRANSPOSED) FROM WILDLIFE DATABASE Data Group = 'REMAP Region 1 Vermont/New Hampshire Lakes' Data File = 'Hypolimnion', 'Hypolimnion-unstratified', 'Epilimnion-unstratified', and 'Epilimnion' samples in horizontal format DATA_GRP - Program/group that supported data collection SAMPYEAR - Year sampling occurred LATITUDE - Latitude (degrees) of lake LNGITUDE - Longitude (degrees) of lake LAKENAME - Name of lake sampled LAKE_ID - Unique code identifying a lake SAMPDATE - Date sampling occurred COL_PROP - Explanation of sample or sample collection COL_LOC - Location of sampling in the water column ALK - Alkalinity ALK_UN - Alkalinity units of measure- Surface ALK_QA - Alkalinity QA code ALK_GT - Alkalinity (Gran titration) ALKGT_UN - Alkalinity (Gran titration) units of measure ALKGT_QA - Alkalinity (Gran titration) QA code ANC - Acid neutralizing capacity ANC_UN - Acid neutralizing capacity units of measure- Surface ANC_QA - Acid neutralizing capacity QA code CHLS - Chlorides CHLS_UN - Chlorides units of measure CHLS_QA - Chlorides QA code DOC - Dissolved organic carbon DOC_UN - Dissolved organic carbon units of measure DOC_QA - Dissolved organic carbon QA code HG_T - Mercury (total) HGT_UN - Mercury (total) units of measure HGT_QA - Mercury (total) QA code MEHG_T - Methylmercury (total) MHGT_UN - Methylmercury (total) units of measure MHGT_QA - Methylmercury (total) QA code NO2_3 - Total NO2 and NO3 NO23_UN - Total NO2 and NO3 units of measure NO23_QA - Total NO2 and NO3 QA code SECCHI - Secchi SECC_UN - Secchi units of measure SECC_QA - Secchi QA code SULFATE - Sulfate SULF_UN - Sulfate units of measure SULF_QA - Sulfate QA code SULFIDE - Sulfide SULFD_UN - Sulfide units of measure SULFD_QA - Sulfide QA code TOT_COL - Total color TCOL_UN - Total color units of measure TCOL_QA - Total color QA code METHOD - Method of sample collection TIME - Time of sample collection