[NIFL-ESL:8330] libro 1-vocabulario basico

From: Paul Rogers (englishtoday2002@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Nov 20 2002 - 15:31:19 EST

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GREETINGS (gritings)		        SALUDOS
Hello (jelou)				hola
Good Morning (gud morning)		Buenos dias
Good afternoon (gud aftirnun)	Buenas tardes
Good evening (gud ivning)		Buenas noches 									
(cuando entra)
See you later (si iu leiter)		Hasta luego
Good bye (gud bai)			Adios
Come in (cam in)			Pasale
How are you? (jau ar iu)		¿Como estas?
What is your name? 			¿Como se llama? 
(uat is ior neim)

	You (iu)  significa  tu, Usted, y Ustedes

Friend (frend)					Amigo
Sir (ser)					Señor
Ma'am (mam)					Señora
Miss (mis)					Señorita

Speak slowly (spik sloli)-Hable despacio


A: Good afternoon sir, how are you?

B: Fine thank you, and  you?

A: Very good, thank you.

B:What is your name?

A: My name is Mary.
Come in, our house is your house.

B: Thank you.

A: You're welcome.

B: Have a nice day.

Welcome (uelkam)			Bienvenidos
I'm fine (aim fain)			Estoy bien
OK and you? (o kei and iu)		¿Bien, y tu?
My name is (mai neim ez)		Mi nombre es____  
					Me llamo ____
Pleased to meet you (plisd tu mit iu)	Mucho gusto
Same here (seim hir)			Igualmente
Good night (gud nait)			Buenas noches (cuando sale)
See you later (si iu leiter)		Hasta luego
Yes (llas)				Sí
No (nou)				No
Please (pliz)				Por favor
Thank you (thank iu)			Gracias
You're welcome (iur walkam)		De nada
Do you speak English? 		¿Habla inglés?
(du iu spik inglish)
Do you speak Spanish?		¿Habla español? 
(du iu spik spanish)
Lady, ladies (leidi, leidis)		Dama, damas
Gentleman, gentlemen 		Caballero, caballeros
(yantlman, yantlmen)
Mrs. (misas - casada)			Señora
Mr. = mister (mistr)			Señor
Usualmente con su nombre, como: Mr. Mendoza


Buenos dias
Buenas tardes
Buenas noches (cuando entra)
¿Como está Ud?
Estoy bien.
¿OK, y tu?
¿Cual es su nombre? 
¿Como se llama?
Mi nombre es___ 
Me llamo____
Mucho gusto
Buenas noches (cuando sale)
Hasta luego
Por favor
De nada
¿Habla inglés?

Ahora, vamos aprender el alfabeto:
                    La Letra    	Pronunciación
                     A a           	ei
                     B b           	bi
                     C c           	ci
                     D d          	di
                     Ee             	 i
                     F f            	ef
                     G g           	yii
                     H h           	eich
                     I i              	hay
                     J j              	yai
                     K k            	kei
                     L l             	el
                     M m         	em
                     N n           	en
                     O o           	ou
                     P p            	pi
                     Q q            	kiu
                     R r             	ar
                     S s             	es
                     T t              	ti
                     U u            	iu
                     V v            	vi, con vibración

                     W w          	dabl - iu
                     X x            	ex
                     Y y            	uai
                      Z z            	zi, con

Ya deletrea esas palabras en ingés - en voz alta:
1. su nombre
2. good
3. morning
4. hello
5. how
6. are
7. jello
8. yello
9. garage
10. evening



Numero  	Inglés    		Pronunciación
   0		zero	   			ziro
   1       	one            			uan
   2        	two           			tu
   3           	three        			thri
   4          	four          			for
   5          	five                			faiv
   6           	six             			siks
   7           	seven         			sevan
   8           	eight          			eit
   9           	nine           			nain
   10          	ten            			ten
   11          	eleven        			ileven
   12          	twelve       			tuelv
   13          	thirteen       			thirtin
   14          	fourteen     			fortin
   15          	fifteen         			fiftin
   16          	sixteen       			sikstin
   17          	seventeen   			seventin
   18          	eighteen      			eitin
   19          	nineteen			naintin
   20		twenty         			twenti
   21        	twenty one  			twenti uan
   22          	twenty two       		twenti tu
   30         	 thirty             			thirti
   40        	forty             			forti
   50          	fifty            			fifti
   60          	sixty                			siksti
   70         	seventy          			seventi
   80          	eighty          			aiti
   90          	ninety             			nainti
   100     	one hundred        		uan jandred
   200     	two hundred        		tu jandred
   1000 	one thousand 			uan thausand
   1,000,000 - one million 			uan mil-llan

	Ya sabe un millón de palabras en INGLES!
How much is...?          		¿Cuánto es?
(jau mach)
plus (plas)				más
minus (mainas)			menos
times (taims)				por
equals (icualz)				igual
add (aid)				sumar
subtract (sabtrakt)			restar
more (mor)				más
more than				más que
less (les)				menos
less than				menos que

One and one is two.			Seven and one is eight.
Two and one is three.			Eight and one is nine.
Four and one is five.			Nine and one is ten.
Five and one is six.			Ten and one is eleven.
Six and one is seven.			Eleven and one is ?????	
One times two is two., two times two is four, three
times two is six., four times two is 8, five times two
is ???????

Teacher (tichr) -		            Maestro/a -
How much is five plus four?   	¿Cuánto es 5 más 4?
Student (studant) -	               	Estudiante -
Five plus four equals nine.	    	5 + 4 = 9
Teacher -				Maestro/a -
How much is 6 minus 2?	     	¿Cuánto es 6 menos 2?
Student  - 	                         	 Estudiante -
6 minus 2 equals 4.                	      	 6 - 2 = 4

	¿QUE HORA ES?			What time is it?    
¿Qué hora es?			(uat taim ez et)
	Time (taim)				tiempo
	Hour (auir)				hora
	Minute (minit)				minuto
	Second (sekand) 			segundo
	A. M. 					en la mañana
	P. M.					en la tarde
	Past					despúes
 	   puede decir la letra "o" para el cero
  	   como: 2:02 = two o two
	To					para
	O'Clock (o-clak)			la hora en punto 
                   (la "o" significa "of"- de)
	Quarter past 				un cuarto despúes
	Quarter to	         			un cuarto para
	Quarter of 				un cuarto para
	Half past (jaf past)			"y media"
	Noon (nun) 12PM			medio día
	Midnight (midnait) 12AM		media noche


How many seconds in a minute?
There are sixty seconds in a minute.

How many days are there in a week? - (week - semana)
There are seven days in a week.

DAYS (deiz)					DIAS
Week (uik)					semana
Monday (mandei)				lunes
Tuesday (tuzdei)				martes
Wednesday (uensdei)				miercoles
Thursday (thirsdei)				jueves
Friday (fraidei)					viernes
Saturday (satirdei)				sabado
Sunday (sandei)				domingo

How many weeks are there in a month? - (month - mes)
There are four weeks in a month.

How many months are there in a year? - (year - año)
There are twelve months in a year.
Months (manths)				Meses
January (yaniuari)				enero
February (februeri)				febrero
March (march)					marzo
April (eipril)					abril
May (mei)					mayo
June (yun)					junio
July (yulai)					julio
August (agast)				agosto
September (septembr)			septiembre	
October (actobr)				octubre
November (novembr)				noviembre
December (dicembr)				diciembre

How many seasons in a year?
There are four seasons in a year.
(sisanz av tha llir)
Summer (samr)			verano
Fall (fal) y Autumn (atum)		otoño		
Winter (wintr)				invierno
Spring (spring)			primavera

How many hours are there in a day?
There are twenty four hours in a day.

Today (tudei)					hoy
Yesterday (iustardei)				ayer
Tomorrow (tumoro)				mañana
Now (nau)					ahora
Then (than)					luego, entonces

How many days are there in a year?
There are three hundred sixty five days in a year.

How many inches are there in a foot?
	inch - pulgada--foot - pie
There are twelve inches in a foot.

How many feet are there in a yard?
There are three feet in a yard.

Ocober 12, 2001 (TU THAUSAND IUAN)
When were you born? ¿Cuando naciste?
I was born January 11, 1944 (naintin forti for).
How old are you? 	¿Cuantos años tienes?
I sam 57 years old.	Tengo 57 años
How much does it cost?   ¿Cuánto cuesta?
(jau mach daz et cast)

It costs (et kasts)				Cuesta....
What is the exchange rate? (iuat ez da excheing reit)
- ¿Que es el tipo de cambio?
dollars (dalir)					dólares, $1.00
money (mani)					dinero
coin 						moneda
money exhange store (mani exchench stor)  casa de

penny (peni)					1 centavo
nickle (nikl)					5 centavos
dime (daim)					10 centavos
quarter (cuartir)				 25 centavos
cent (saint)					centavo
shopping 					de compras
bill						billete

expensive (akspansiv)			caro
inexpensive					barato
cheap (chip)					barato
change (cheing)				cambio

I want to buy.					Quiero comprar.
We accept dollars.				Aceptamos dolares.
change					cambio
Here is your bill.				Aquí está su cuenta.
Check please.					La cuenta profavor.
Here is your change.				Aquí es su cambio.


I'm looking for a T- shirt.
What size?
It is for my boyfriend, he wears a large.
Do you like this one?
Yes, I will buy it.
How much does it cost?
It costs 15000 pesos.
How much is that in dollars?
The exchange rate is 3000 pesos per dollar or 5
Do you have change for twenty dollars?
Yes, here is 15 dollars in change.
Thank you
You are welcome. Come again soon.


red (red)			rojo
orange(oranch)		naranja
blue (blu)			azul	
yellow (llelo)			amarillo
green (grin)			verde
violet (vaiolet)			violeta					
purple (perpl)			morada
pink (pink)			rosa	
black (blaek)			negro
white (uait)			blanco
grey (grei)			gris	
brown (braun)			café

big				grande
small				chico
tall				alto
short				bajo
 usualmente para personas
long				largo
short				corto
fast				rapido
slow				despacio
wide				ancho
narro				angosto
deep				profundo
shallow			poco profundo
hot				caliente
cold				frio
warm				tibia
full				lleno
empty				vacio
high				alto
low				bajo
 usualmente para edificios, montañas, etc.

round (raund)			redondo
square (skuer)		cuadrado
triangle (traiangl)		triángulo
rectangle (raktangl)  		rectángulo
oval (ouvvel)			óvalo

small (smal)				pequeño
little (letl)				pequeño
large (lardch)				grande
big (big)				grande
tiny (taini)				muy pequeño
huge (jiudch)				muy grande

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