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Altitude Tracking Sight

The CAP Altitude Tracking Sight is an inexpensive, easy to assemble instrument to measure the angle from the horizon to the rocket apogee. On the opposite side of the protractor card, it has a scale that can be used to find the distance from your position to the launch pad. It can be used in your rocketry program to introduce and reinforce several Mathematic concepts such as; direct vs. indirect measurements, the properties of similar triangles, and how tangents work. When used in conjunction with compass headings, data collected from multiple sighting stations can be entered into the Altitude Calculator.

Altitude Tracking Sight (full color) - PDF file
Altitude Tracking Sight (line drawing) - PDF file
Assembly instructions - PDF file
Teacher notes and background material for "similar triangles" - PDF file
Teacher notes and background material for how "tangents" work - PDF file
Link to an Altitude Calculation Web Page by Daniel & Maria Folger

Assembly Instructions

Materials Needed
pattern printed on white heavy index card stock
1 Scissors
Elmer's type glue and/or Stick Glue
3 spent Estes rocket motors, or wooden dowel to use as a form
ruler or straight edge
fishing weight or penny

1. Cut out the two pieces
2. Roll the tube around 2 or three spent Estes engines and glue to form a tube. (Remove Estes engines when dry.)
3. Cut the gray attachment tabs at the top of the protractor card and fold up.
4. Fold the protractor card in half and glue.
5. Glue the tabs of the protractor card to the sighting tube.
6. Thread a piece of string or thread through the circle at the point of the protractor quadrant.
7. Continue threading through the end of the tube to create cross hairs and tie off. (See Diagram)
8. Tie loose end of thread on the protractor side to fishing weight or tape to penny.

9. Cut out ruler tape and glue together.

10. Measure out and mark 100 units on the opposite string end.

Click on image to enlarger


Designed by William H. Jackson, Maj, CAP - Santa Fe, New Mexico