Pete Roper  | Laboratory of Biological Modelling | NIDDK | NIH

Dr Peter Roper

Laboratory of Biological Modelling
National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases
National Institutes of Health


I'm a postdoctoral fellow with Artie Sherman, in the Laboratory of Biological Modelling (formerly the Mathematical Research Branch) , and I work on detailed mathematical models of neuroendocrine cells from the rat hypothalamus.

Research Topics

Models of hypothalamic magnocellular neurones

Phasic bursting in vasopressin cells

The dynamics of dense core granule exocytosis

Bursting in cold receptors


Other Stuff


General models of hypothalamic MNC's

I work, with William Armstrong, on mathematical models of the electrical activity of hypothalamic magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) of the supraoptic nucleus. These cells are neurones that project from the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary (or neurohypophysis), where they secrete one of two hormones: oxytocin (OT) or vasopressin (AVP), into the blood from their axonal terminals. Secretion occursvia exocytosis when the terminal is electrically stimulated by an action potential. These peptides are released to counter several physiological stresses:  dehydration  (AVP and OT); haemorrhage (AVP and OT); or to control the physiological processes of parturition (OT) and lactation (OT). The rate and temporal profile of secretion of each hormone are dictated both by the cell's firing rate and by its discharge pattern. These cells are well known to be archetypes both for smooth and for pulsatile hormonal release, and which pattern arises depends upon the prevailing physiological condition.

Both species of cell are morphologically and electrically very similar and their individual action potentials cannot easily be distinguished. Furthermore, when stress is absent, both exhibit similar background firing patterns, which is typically a Poissonian distributed spike train of mean frequency < 1.5Hz.

Dynorphin secretion

We have constructed a model for in vitro electrical activity and calcium dynamics of these cells, which is based on a set of Hodgkin-Huxley differential equations. The model's parameters are drawn from in vitro electrophysiology and calcium imaging data and its behaviour has been verified against both in vitro and in vivo experiments. Our model shows that many of the typically observed modulations of the firing pattern are underpinned by a subtle interplay between several different potassium currents. This model also provides the starting point for much of the work outlined below, and is published in the Journal of Computational Neuroscience.

          Relevant publications: 

P. Roper, T. Shevchenko and W. Armstrong 2002 Modelling the control of neurosecretion by potassium current interactions in rat SON magnocellular neurones 5th International Congress of Neuroendocrinology, Bristol, UK 

P.Roper, J. Callaway, T. Shevchenko, R. Teruyama and W. Armstrong 2003 AHP's, HAP's and DAP's: How potassium currents regulate the excitability of rat supraoptic neurones, Journal of Computational Neuroscience 15(3), 367-389

Phasic bursting in vasopressin cells

Vasopressin (AVP) controls both the concentration of the blood and the blood pressure. It is released in response to either dehydration or haemorrhage, and it acts both as a vasoconstrictor and also upon the kidney to regulate water excretion. AVP cells in the unstimulated rat fire in a slow, irregular discharge pattern (<1.5Hz). However if the animal becomes dehydrated, these cells start to discharge lengthy (>20s), repeating bursts of spikes which are separated by equally lengthy silences.

Using a combination of electrical recording, calcium fluorescence and mathematical modelling we have proposed that bursts are initiated by the calcium mediated inhibition of a resting potassium current (possibly mediated by TASK-1 channels) and terminate when the channel becomes progressively desensitized to calcium. The model predicts the time course of this desensitization, and we proposed that the opioid dynorphin, which is secreted by dense core granule exocytosis from the cell's dendrites and acts as back on kappa-autoreceptors (see figure above), is the messenger for the process.

Since spikes occur on a timescale of milliseconds, while bursts last for many seconds, we may reduce the model to two subsystems, FAST and SLOW, that oscillate on distinct timescales. Using techniques from dynamical systems we can then show that SLOW is equivalent to a Morris-Lecar oscillator, and hence has both excitable and oscillatory modes.

          Relevant publications:

P.Roper, J. Callaway and W. Armstrong 2001 Reconstructing Phasic Vasopressin Cells Soc. Neurosci. Abs., V. 27, Program No. 178.3

P.Roper, J. Naradzay and A. Sherman 2002 Mathematical analysis of firing pattern transitions in rat magnocellular neurosecretory cells subject to osmotic stress Soc. Neurosci. Abs., V. 28, Program No. 273.3

P.Roper, J. Callaway and W. Armstrong 2004 Burst Initiation and Termination in Phasic Vasopressin Cells of the Rat SON: A Combined Mathematical, Electrical and Calcium Fluorescence Study Journal of Neuroscience, Vol 63, 1-20.

P.Roper, C.H. Brown, C.W. Bourque, and W. Armstrong 2005 Excitable bursting in the rat neurohypophysis: bifurcation analysis of discharge transitions in rat neurosecretory cells during progressive osmotic stress, in Neural Bursting: The genesis of rhythm in the nervous system, S. Coombes and P.C. Bressloff (Eds), World Scientific

Online seminar: Excitable bursting in the rat neurohypophysis

The dynamics of dense-core granule exocytosis

Cold Receptor Potentials

Vasopressin cells switch from basal slow firing to phasic bursting when stress, e.g. dehydration or blood loss, is steadily increased. Phasic bursts typically last for ~20 seconds or more, and are separated by equally lengthy periods of electrical silence. As the stress progresses, both the firing rate within the burst, and also the length of the active phase increase. However if the stress is applied aggressively ( e.g. sudden exsanguination) the cells first respond by switching to a transient, fast-continuous spike train, which only becomes broken up into a phasic pattern after several minutes. The phasic model outlined above successfully reproduces both basal activity and the switch to phasic bursting, however it fails to reproduce the transient response of AVP MNC's to a sudden stress, and nor does it account for the increase in burst length with increasing stress. We have shown that both of these phenomena can be reproduced by the model when the dynamics of the reserve and releasable pools of dense-core granules, and their consequent effects upon the secretion of dynorphin, are taken into account. The transient response can be explained by assuming an inital, slow filling of the releasable pool, and that the increasing burst length occurs when the mean concentration in the releasable pool becomes progressively depleted by the increasing firing rate.

Relevant publications:

P. Roper 2005 Frequency-dependent depletion of secretory vesicle pools modulates bursting in vasopressin neurones of the rat supraoptic nucleus,(to appear in Neurocomputing)

Bursting in Cold Receptors

Cold Receptor Potentials

Mammalian cold receptors are free nerve endings, found in most layers of the skin, that transduce patterns of heat energy into neuronal signals, and exhibit a highly temperature-dependent discharge pattern. At low temperatures they discharge short bursts (< 10 spikes) of action potentials that repeat periodically. As the temperature increases, these bursts become shorter and shorter, until eventually each burst comprises only a single spike, a mode of discharge that is termed beating. If the temperature is increased yet further, then the cell occasionally fails to fire and cycles of the oscillation are skipped. Thus the neuro-physiological evidence supports a simple model that comprises a slow oscillation of the neuronal membrane potential coupled to some source of noise.

Using Floquet theory and a Fokker-Planck analysis, we analyzed a canonical model for thermally active parabolic neurones which exhibits bursting, skipping and stochastic resonance and so is a good model for the activity of these cells. With this analysis we showed that skipping can either be caused by noise-induced trapping or by noise-induced escape over a barrier. Furthermore we could predict how many spikes occur per burst, and at what temperature the transition from bursting to spiking takes place.

Relevant publications:

P. Roper, A. Longtin and P.C. Bressloff 2000  A phase model of temperature-dependent mammalian cold receptors, Neural Computation, 12, 1087-1113
P. Roper 1999 Noise Induced Processes in Neural Systems Ph.D. Thesis, Nonlinear and Complex Systems Group,  Department of Mathematical Sciences, Loughborough University, UK

Other Stuff

Co-chair and co-organizer of Cellular and Subcellular Models of Excitable Cells Workshop at CNS'04 (programme here).

Pete Roper  | Laboratory of Biological Modelling | NIDDK | NIH