Upper Siletz River

The Upper Siletz watershed is located in the central Oregon Coast Range (Coast Range Province) approximately 7 miles west of Falls City and 16 miles east of the Pacific Ocean.The geology of the watershed is composed of a mixture of volcanic and sedimentary rocks. It is highly dissected by intermittent and perennial streams which feed into the South Fork and North Fork of the Siletz River. The northern two-thirds of the watershed generally consists of streams with high gradients and intervening steep, high ridges. The southern third of the watershed generally consists of a broad, flat alluvial bottom (South Fork Siletz subwatershed). The southern third was the focus of the earliest logging and some minor homesteading. The current ownership in the watershed is dominated by large corporate timber holdings.

Click on titles to navigate to specific documents. For ease of function, the Upper Siletz River Watershed Analysis and the maps are separate Adobe Acrobat PDF files.

Upper Siletz Watershed (PDF) Complete document

Map Title Number
Digital Elevation Model (PDF) 1
Stream Orders and Subwatersheds (PDF) 2
Federal Land Use Allocations (PDF) 3
Slope Hazard (PDF) 4
Landslides (PDF) 4a
Soil Productivity (PDF) 5
Vegetation (PDF) 6
Special Plant Communities (PDF) 7
Stream Channel Response Types (PDF) 7a
Temperature Risk (PDF) 8
Large Woody Debris Recruitment Potential (PDF) 9
Streamflow (Perennial and Intermittent) (PDF) 9a
Hydrologic Cumulative Effects (PDF) 10
Fish Distribution (PDF) 11
Marbeled Murrelet Habitat (PDF) 12
Spotted Owl Habitat (PDF) 13
Existing Density Management Opportunities (PDF) 14
Riparian Reserves (PDF) 15
Stands with a Hemlock Component (PDF) 16
Transportation/Potential Road Closures (PDF) 17