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Basic and Applied Research in Chemical Recognition and Separations


Chemical separations, analytical chemistry, chemical analysis
Solvent extraction separations, ion exchange, hydrometallurgy, and radiochemistry
Design and synthesis of novel ligands and extractants
Thermodynamic characterization of extraction behavior and underlying equilibria
Structural analysis of ligands and complexes by X-ray, NMR, and spectroscopic methods
Fundamental research to process development


Crown ethers, macrocycles, and designer ligands for recognition and transport of cations and anions
Novel materials and processes for waste remediation, environmental restoration, and decontamination
Metal-organic frameworks
Metalloorganic compounds for sensors, catalysis, and other applications


Separations and radiochemistry: radiochemical hoods and glove box, scintillation counting instrumentation (alpha, beta, gamma), and phase equilibration devices.

Spectrometry: Avance 400 wide-bore multinuclear NMR, Thermo Jarrell Ash IRIS Intrepid II XSP ICAP Emission, Cary 219 UV/vis, and PE Sciex API 150 MCA Electrospray Mass Spectrometer.

X-ray: Nonius CAD-4 diffractometer, SHELXTL and WinGX structure solution software, PLATON geometric analysis software, and ORTEP III structural representation software.

Computing: Silicon Graphics INDIGO2 workstation; G4 Macintosh and Intel families; Spartan molecular modeling software; Cambridge Structural Database SXLSQI and SXFIT equilibrium-analysis software.

Organic synthesis: complete synthesis laboratory and scale-up facilities. CEM Discover Labmate Focused Microwave Synthesis System equipped with Raman spectroscopic analysis module and temperature control module.

Chromatography: Waters 600 HPLC, Dionex DX-500 ion chromatography system, Hewlett-Packard 6850 Gas Chromatograph.

Titrimetry: Tronac titration calorimeter, Mettler DL77 automated potentiometric titrator, and Karl Fischer coulometric titrator.

For more information,
contact Bruce Moyer.
Group Leader
Chemical Separations Group
Chemical Sciences Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P.O. Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN, 37831-6119
Phone: (865) 574-6718
FAX: (865) 574-4939

CSD Organization - Research Groups

Provided by Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Chemical Sciences Division          
Rev: October 2008