Forest Preserve District of Cook County (Illinois)

Nature Bulletin No. 641-A   May 14, 1977
Forest Preserve District of Cook County
George W. Dunne, President
Roland F. Eisenbeis, Supt. of Conservation


The friskiest, noisiest, sassiest, most inquisitive little animal we can 
think of is the Red Squirrel or Chickaree -- a name, coined in colonial 
New England, imitating its staccato chatter.

Smaller than a gray squirrel but larger than a chipmunk, it is readily 
distinguished from other tree-dwelling squirrels by its tail, which is flat 
and thinner, although bushier than a chipmunk's; by its nervous 
inquisitive behavior; and by its constant jabbering or furious scolding. 
Our common fox squirrel, usually miscalled a "red squirrel, " is much 
larger and entirely different.

The red squirrel is one of the most widely distributed mammals in 
North America. It ranges from the southern Appalachians to 
northeastern Quebec and throughout the forested regions of Canada and 
Alaska; thence south to Baja (Lower) California, south through the 
Rockies to southern Arizona and New Mexico, and south to Missouri 
and the Wisconsin Dells.

It is strictly a forest dweller. One kind, the Southern Red Squirrel, 
inhabits deciduous timber. Originally it was distributed through all of 
the vast forfeits east of the Mississippi and was common in Cook 
County. Fifty years ago there were still a few in the Indiana Dunes 

There are about 20 kinds in three groups distinguished by radical 
differences in color. The Eastern, Southern and Little red squirrels -- 
the largest group -- are all clear white below and, separated by a 
conspicuous black line along the sides, are reddish brown or chestnut 
above. Those in the Pacific Coast group are bright orange below and 
reddish above but in one species the tail is mostly black. The Rocky 
Mountain group, called "pine squirrels, " are grayish white below and 
gray above.

Red squirrels usually den in a tree cavity, often a woodpecker hole, but 
sometimes in a hollow stump or even a burrow underground. 
Occasionally they build a bulky nest of twigs and leaves in a tree crotch 
and they often build such nests for summer use. A pair has one litter per 
year. The young, usually 4 or 5, are born in spring -- naked and blind -- 
and stay with their mother until nearly full-grown. Meanwhile their 
papa lives alone.

Except at mating time, red squirrels are very unsociable and 
quarrelsome. Each male jealously guards "his territory -- perhaps 
several acres -- against intruders. Normally he may keep up a cheerful 
chatter, or perhaps be silent for hours. But if a man or a bear, for 
example, comes near his cache of food stored for winter use he flies 
into a frenzy. His rattling barks are punctuated with spits and growls as 
he dashes this way and that, bouncing, jerking, and stamping his feet.

The red squirrel is almost omnivorous and eats whatever is available. 
Nuts and in coniferous forests, the seeds of pines, spruces, firs and 
hemlock form their principal food and are stored in great quantities for 
fall and winter use.

In spring they sever small branches on black birches and sugar maples 
to sip the sap that flows. They feed on the buds, tender twigs, flowers, 
catkins and seeds of many trees and shrubs. Berries, fruit, roots, and 
insect larvae and pupae are also eaten. They are very fond of 
mushrooms. More carnivorous than other squirrels, the Chickaree has 
gained a bad reputation because some habitually devour the eggs and 
young of nesting birds.

They have many enemies: several hawks, some owls, weasels, mink, 
foxes, wolves, the lynx, the bobcat or bay lynx and, in coniferous 
forests, the pine marten which pursues and captures them in trees.

With all his faults, the red squirrel is a cute character.

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