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Lunar Research Station Design Challenge

Preliminary Design from:
Ms. Vallieres' Class, Sequoyah Middle School
By: Sierra, Elizabeth, Brianna, Nicole
Team name: ABC Astronomers

Link to Expert Response


Human Requirements for living & working on the moon:

  • Water/Food
  • Clothes
  • Sponge/towel/washcloth
  • Biodegradable soaps & shampoo
  • Oxygen/medicine

Items we are going to have to live without:

1. Portable DVD player

2. Make-up

3. Toys/games/books

4. Cell phone

5. Purses

Design: How will your design support energy requirements for heating/cooling, cooking, working, lighting, communications, etc.?

Portable walkie talkies, computers, flashlights, solar energy, built in generator, battery powered fans, & batteries.

How will your design provide life support (oxygen, warmth, cooling, etc.)?

It will have a kitchen, A whole bunch of oxygen tanks, Generators, Generated heaters, fans, air conditioner and heater combo.

What provisions will you make for recycling waste?

We will have plumbing and electrical systems. We will also have a portable toilet for liquids only. It will be recycled through a living machine system in the greenhouse.

How will your design support entry/exit from the living quarters to the outside, transportation on the surface, spacesuits, exploration equipment, etc.?

We will have stairs leading to a room where you can put on a space suit and it will lead to the outside. This room will hold space suits and the exploration equipment.

Will your research station have to be below ground? Why or why not?

Our research station will be below ground because it wont be contaminated by rain, snow, pets, and people.

How will you protect the explorers from radiation, exposure to the sun?

Clothes with thermal micrometeoroid garment protection. The wall will also have it too.

How will you protect the equipment from dust, exposure to heat/cold?

We will protect equipment from dust by having an air filter.

How will you protect the Moon from contamination from humans?

It will be recycled through a living machine in the greenhouse.

How will you deal with carbon dioxide, grey water, toxic waste, etc.?

A ventilation system, get a filtration system for grey water.

Design Development:

Written description of Lunar Location Station:

Up the hill next to the track, on the right of Sequoyah.

Why did your team select this site?

It a big area also you can see the moon for half of the year.

What are the strengths your team site has to offer?

  • It looks out so you can see the moon perfect for half of the year.
  • It is a flat surface & is up high above the track.
  • It is a big surface.

What are the weaknesses of your location?

  • We can only see the moon for half the year.
  • There are big trees around it.
  • It is right on a hill.

What questions would you like to ask the scientists at NASA about your Lunar Station Project?

1. Will they actually use students Lunar Stations for a real lunar station?

2. How much would it cost to make an actual lunar station?

3. When will NASA actually use a lunar station?

4. Will they ever pt a lunar station on mars?

 FirstGov  NASA

NASA Official: Mark León
Last Updated: May 2005
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