Help for IBISNAV

PURPOSE:  IBISNAV retrieves the SPICE geometry data for a given list of images
and stores the data in an IBIS interface file.  The program is used with
programs MANMATCH, OMCOR, and IBISUPDATE to register images for mosaics and
color reconstruction.


  IBISNAV  OUT=ibisfilename  PROJECT=projectname  TARGET=targetname          FILENAME=file
  OUT is the output IBIS interface file,
  PROJECT is the project name (CASSI, GLL, VGR-1, VGR-2),
  TARGET is the name of the target body (planet, satellite, or asteroid),
  FILENAME is a file which contains a list of images

The label of each image is read to extract the spacecraft-event-time (SCET)
and camera serial number.  Alternatively, these data may be input directly via
parameters as follows:

  IBISNAV  OUT=ibisfilename  PROJECT=projectname  TARGET=targetname          SCET=(1998,212,18,54,32,213, 	      1998,212,19,2,30,214,  	      1998,212,19,10,28,212)
  SCET is a list of spacecraft-event-times entered as groups of 6 integers
     representing year, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond.
  CAMERA is a list of camera serial numbers, one for each SCET.


IBISNAV collects all the geometry data for a list of images and stores the
data in an IBIS interface file.  The list of images is usually provided via
an ASCII text file (see FILENAME parameter).  The label of each image is
read to extract the spacecraft-event-time (SCET) and camera serial

Alternatively, the SCET and camera serial number of each image may be input
directly via the SCET and CAMERA parameters.

The SCET and camera serial numbers are required to retrieve the image geometry
information from the SPICE kernels.

In addition, the camera serial numbers are used to retrieve the camera 
constants (via a call to getcamcon).




    IBISNAV  OUT=IBIS.INT  PROJECT=GLL  TARGET=JUPITER           SCET=(1990,44,5,58,16,962,                 1990,44,7,58,36,296)

IBIS SPICE FILE FORMAT: The output interface file has 37 "columns" and N "rows", where N is the number
of frames requested.  Thus, the output file has a VICAR label followed by
38 records padded out to 512 bytes.

 Index  Content                                       Data Type
 -----  --------------------------------------------- ----------------------
 1      frame id (fds count)                   		i*4
 2      ckname (NAIF,FARE,NAV,NEAR)			char*4
 3      (not used)
 4      camera s/n                             		r*4
 5-7    rs vector, planetary coords            		3 (r*4)
 8-10   om matrix  angles, plan -> camera	      	3 (r*4)
 11-13  me matrix angles, plan -> EME50  (NOT USED)	3 (r*4)
 14-15  archive tape location    (NOT USED)    		2 (char*4)
 16     lat of p5 point (geodetic)  (NOT USED)  	r*4
 17     lon of p5 point (geodetic)  (NOT USED) 		r*4
 18     range to pb center, km      (NOT USED) 		r*4
 19     filter number        (NOT USED)        		r*4
 20     frame index number                     		r*4
 21-23  updated om angles                      		3 (r*4)
 24     avg pix scale p5 point,km/pix   N/U	    	r*4
 25     DUMMY						r*4
 26     POLAR RADIUS, KM				r*4
 27     EQUAT RADIUS, KM				r*4
 28     CAMERA FOCAL LENGTH, MM				r*4
 31     SCALE, PIXELS/MM				r*4
 32     scet year                               	i*4
 33     scet day                                	i*4
 34     scet hour                               	i*4
 35     scet min                                	i*4
 36     scet sec                                	i*4
 37     scet msec                               	i*4
 38     SPK kernel id                                 char*4


The following parameters permit the user to retrieve a specific instance of
camera pointing from the SPICE kernels:

SPICEMODE specifies whether SPICE data is retrieved from LOCAL kernels or
or via the REMOTE SPICE server.  If defaulted, SPICEMODE is set to the value
of the environmental variable DEFAULTSPICE.

The CKNAME parameter is used to specify  the C kernel to be used.  For
example, CKNAME=(FARE,NAV,DAVI) specifies that MIPS_FARENC.CK, MIPS_NAV, and
MIPS_DAVI are the preferred sources for images 1, 2, and 3 respectively.
If the camera pointing data is not found in the requested C kernel, the other
C kernels are searched.

Within a given C kernel, there may be a number of different versions of camera
pointing for a given image.  The segment identifier for each version contains
provenance information identifying the creator of the pointing data.  One or
more of the following parameters may be used to retrieve a specific instance of
camera pointing based upon this provenance information:

CDATE specifies the date and time the camera pointing was created.
REQNUM identifies the request number associated with the camera pointing.
PURPOSE identifies the purpose for creating the camera pointing.
PROGRAM identifies the program which created the camera pointing.
SPKID identifies the SP-kernel used to create the camera pointing.
USERID identifies the user who created the camera pointing.
GROUPID identifies the group which created the camera pointing.
INSTITUTE identifies the facility which created the camera pointing.

A complete list of CK and SPK IDs are located in the ASCII file assigned the
logical name (or environmental variable) KERNELDB.

The above parameters are optional.  Note that if specified, the provenance
paramater must apply to ALL images processed.  For example, if CDATE is used
to search for camera pointing, the same CDATE should apply to all images.

If provenance data are defaulted (or if no data is found for the requested
version), the program will attempt to locate the "best" data
available for the given image.  See the level 2 help (via the TAE tutor mode)
for further details.

          the camera pointing created by Amy Culver at MIPS using the SP kernel
          GLL_LONG_2.BSP from file MIPS_FARENC.CK via the SPICE server.  (whew!)

It takes longer to search for SPICE data on the basis of provenance
information.  If all provenance parameters are specified, for example, the
program first searches through all the C kernels for an exact match.  If no
match is found, the search is relaxed by removing the CDATE criteria.  If no
match is found, the REQNUM criteria is removed.  Etc.


IBISNAV is currently limited to 50 frames per execution.  However, IBIS programs
can be used to concatenate several output files, if more than 50 are desired.

File names contained in the file specified by the FILENAME parameter are
limited to 80 characters.


Written by:         C. AVIS, 2/89
Current Cognizant programmer:  Gary Yagi

  When      Who  What
  --------- ---  --------------------------------------------------------------
  31 Oct 02 GMY  * Fix Linux compile errors.  Update to support Cassini.
  08 Sep 98 RRP  * Added check for scet. (Y2K FRD<901>)
  24 Aug 98 GMY  * Modified to work on VGR SPICE data.
  01 May 97 TXH  * Fixed SPICE source being output to the second (2) column.

  01 May 97 SMC  * Corrected VGRSPICE calling sequence so that the data type of
                   camera matches.                                    (FR90073)
                 * Corrected VGRSPICE so the Target ID of SPICE buffer (index
                   9 of integer*4) is converted to GLL format, this fix
                   affects the program output in no way since it does not use
                   this particular piece of buffer.                   (DFR)
                 * Used standard string assignment to copy SEDR source string
                   instead of the MVLC call which failed in Coda1     (DFR)
  12 Nov 96 SMC  * Modified to add a SPKID (char*4) field to the IBIS output
                   file.  Mainly for the purpose of IBISUPDATE        (FR89225)
                 * Fixed C-Matrix source column.
  20 Aug 96 SMC  * Modified GETSPICE95 call to handle Summation Mode images.
                   This is done by calling GETSPICE95 with camera of 'SSI1'
                   for Full Frame, and 'SSI2' for Summation Mode.     (DFR)
                 * Use CAMERA to signal GLL Summation Mode            (DFR)
  20 Jun 96 SMC  * Allow different CAMERAs to be specified for multiple FDS
                 * Allow VGR processing by calling VGRSPICE instead of
                   GETSPICE95.  This part will not be necessary once Voyager
                   SEDR converts to SPICE.
  23 May 95 GMY  Updated to GETSPICE2 interface
  circa  95 BAM  ported to UNIX and Alpha



Output VICAR IBIS file


Optional list of input filenames


List of CKNAME sources


List Camera IDs for each frames specified Not required if FILENAME keyword used.


The spacecraft event time for each frame in the mosaic. Not required if FILENAME keyword used.


The project ID. Valid values: VGR-1 VGR-2 GLL


Optional 12-char string Target name (planet, satellite, or asteroid)


Optional keyword Location of SPICE kernels (LOCAL or REMOTE)


Optional 3-char string User who created camera pointing


Optional 3-char string Group which created camera pointing


Optional 4-char string Facility which created camera pointing


Optional 4-char string Purpose for camera pointing


Optional 6-char string Program which created camera pointing


Optional 4-char string SP kernel for created camera pointing


Optional 4-char string IPL request number for created camera pointing


Optional 12-char string Date and time camera pointing was created

See Examples:

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