septombar. 9, 1949. Dr. s. E. Luria, Dapt. B&c t8riology, Indiana ?Jrlhwsi~, Blwrfihgton, hclbaa. Deer Lu- Although I aanotconv~ad of the rasdforit, Ibw topour editorial reCoabinatim. I have not &Au&ad fin apology for the lack of mthod Informa- tion, ahlch ie &qauW.y givrm In the paperer t&t would be read by alg~paa whowanteato use the temhr&ues. If anything, youmightinclud~ zinapo~ogfa for Lnclu~ing JA nearly irrelevant subject. I had not incbdted Davis1 SACS refsrenus bwauare of hia axpandad amount would be batter to have it In, gleam do sot 4b. Davis, B. D.t J. Apa. Ch*a. SoCr. 70: 4267, 1948. Cheakt your suggwted addendum for pp. 7, 10. kmmw, the Tmen 80 noti not bo RDIW than O,l$. litlo OK. Xf you are going to be revie%ng the bibliograpb, I would appreciate it If you would make the foliowing alterations: Strike out #QS, and inasrt, aftam 24,: l&i. Lodorberg, E.Z.: Oenettcs 33: 617, 1948. Intha text, (l8)shouldbe - am15 rrtxwk out on pp. 11, lSs fKmd (7) substituted for it on p* 15. (Us.) should be fnsertsd with (Xl) at the bottcm of p. 12. ThSs mlqg alao PMUI subst&tuting (14, 17, 18) for (15, 16, 17)