As of: February 16, 2009
Tracking No. 807059f9
Comments Due: October 14, 2008

Docket: FWS-R9-ES-2008-0093
Revised Definitions for ESA Section 7 Consultations; 50 CFR Part 402

Comment On: FWS-R9-ES-2008-0093-0001
Interagency Cooperation Under the Endangered Species Act

Document: FWS-R9-ES-2008-0093-7420
Comment on FR Doc # N/A

Submitter Information

Name: Janine  Noelle  Kovac

San Francisco,  CA,  94110

General Comment

I am a concerned citizen who feels strongly that the term "essential causation"
doesn't protect those species who are endangered over time as the result of a
systematic whittling at their habitats or food sources. This seemingly benign word
revision is a slippery slope for the Endangered Species Act. Please don't tie
our scientists' hands. Science and investigation should enlightened us, not
tell us what we want to hear. Changing the linguistic gist to "essential
causation" will virtually obliterate the opportunity to investigate and predict
the trends in our global environment which will in turn endanger animals. Our
goal should not merely protect those species already endangered, but be forward
looking to prevent species from reaching a critical endangered state.

The phrase "essential causation" can never lead to such discoveries and
preventative intervention. The words that shape our policies shape our world.
The term "essential causation" would shape it for the worst.