import os import commands import SiteMover from futil import * from PilotErrors import PilotErrors from pUtil import tolog from config import config_sm from timed_command import timed_command PERMISSIONS_DIR = config_sm.PERMISSIONS_DIR PERMISSIONS_FILE = config_sm.PERMISSIONS_FILE class UberftpSiteMover(SiteMover.SiteMover): """SiteMover for SEs remotely accessible using uberftp from the WNs Provides the same interface as SiteMover uberftp, client provided from VDT, allows to interact with a gsiftp server and perform actions like creation of directories and verification of MD5 checksum. The functions in this class parse the output of the list(ls,dir) command sent to the ftp server to retrieve the file size. Replies are server dependent (non standard). This class has been tested with the globus ftp server (returns a 'ls -l' output): "drwx------ 2 usatlas1 usatlas 4096 May 2 18:38 gram_scratch_dS20YaiYVx" and the dCache server (shorter output): "-rw 413957423 mc12.005200.T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy.evgen.EVNT.v12000604_tid007939._00010.pool.root.1" A more complete library is ftpparse(C/Python) that can be found here: """ copyCommand = "uberftp" checksum_command = "md5sum" has_mkdir = True has_df = True has_getsize = True has_md5sum = True has_chmod = True def __init__(self, setup_path, *args, **kwrds): self._setup = setup_path def _check_space(self, ub): """Space availability is not verifiable in a remote gridftp server""" return 999999 def _check_md5sum(_setup_str, src_host, src_pfn): """ Checks MD5 checksum using the gridftp server The sommand works only on filesystems/gridftp servers that support MD5 checksum It does not work on dCache Returns 0 and the cksum if succesful, else ERR_FAILEDMD5 """ error = PilotErrors() #_cmd = '%suberftp %s "quote cksm md5sum 0 -1 %s"|tail -1|awk \'{print $2}\''%\ _cmd = '%suberftp %s "quote cksm md5sum 0 -1 %s"' % \ (_setup_str, src_host, src_pfn) estat, coutp = commands.getstatusoutput(_cmd) #'%suberftp %s "quote cksm md5sum 0 -1 %s"|tail -1|awk \'{print $2}\''%\ # (_setup_str, src_host, src_pfn)) tolog('md5 uberftp done <%s> (%s): %s' % (_cmd, estat, coutp)) if estat != 0: check_syserr(estat, coutp) if coutp.find('not understood') >= 0: tolog('!!WARNING!!2999!! MD5 unsupported by the server') return error.ERR_FAILEDMD5, coutp try: tmp0 = coutp.split('\n')[-1] fmd5usm = tmp0.split()[1] # split removes also the trailing "\r" that uberftp returns, no fmd5sum.strip() except: tolog('!!WARNING!!2999!! Unable to parse MD5') fmd5usm = '' return 0, fmd5usm _check_md5sum = staticmethod(_check_md5sum) def get_data(self, gpfn, lfn, path, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, guid=0, **pdict): """ Fetch a input file Use uberftp, invoked as shell command, to copy a file on a Gridftp server to a local directory gpfn -- full URL of the source file (gsiftp://... ) path -- destination directory (local path, absolute or relative to the execution dir, in a local file system). It is assumed to be there. get_data returns an error if the path is missing fsize -- source file size, if not provided it is evaluated using uberftp as execution agent fchecksum -- source file MD5 checsum, if not provided it is evaluated using uberftp as execution agent """ error = PilotErrors() pilotErrorDiag = "" try: timeout = pdict['timeout'] except: timeout = 5*3600 # hot fix for OSCER, remove troubling port number if present gpfn = gpfn.replace(":2811","") import socket if( gpfn.find('SFN') != -1 ): s = gpfn.split('SFN=') src_pfn = s[1] # in this case the file is local src_host = socket.getfqdn() else: # it assumes gpfn to be a URL: the host to have a GSIftp server, and it to see the file in the path of the URL _tmp = gpfn.split('/', 3) src_pfn = '/'+_tmp[3] src_host = _tmp[2] src_dirname = os.path.dirname(src_pfn) src_filename = os.path.basename(src_pfn) #dest_file = os.path.join(path, src_filename) dest_file = os.path.join(path, src_filename) # when the file has been copied we will rename it to the lfn (to remove the __DQ2-string on some files) final_dest_file = os.path.join(path, lfn) if self._setup: _setup_str = "source %s; " % self._setup else: _setup_str = '' # do we have a proxy? s, pilotErrorDiag = self.verifyProxy(_setup_str) if s != 0: return s, pilotErrorDiag # protect against double slashes that might cause problems # [path] /lscratch/usatlas1_912327//Panda_Pilot... -> /lscratch/usatlas1_912327/Panda_Pilot... # [src_dirname] //ibrix/data/dq2-cache -> /ibrix/data/dq2-cache path = path.replace('//', '/') src_dirname = src_dirname.replace('//', '/') # download the remote file to the local directory # if you end the command string with ';' you'll always receive error (ec=1) _cmd_str_remote = '%suberftp %s "lcd %s; cd %s; get %s; ls %s"|grep %s|grep -v uberftp' %\ (_setup_str, src_host, path, src_dirname, src_filename, src_filename, src_filename) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (_cmd_str_remote)) try: s, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(_cmd_str_remote, timeout) except Exception, e: tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! timed_command() threw an exception: %s" % str(e)) s = 1 o = str(e) telapsed = timeout else: o = cout + cerr tolog("Elapsed time: %d" % (telapsed)) if s != 0: tolog("!!WARNING!!2990!! Command failed: %s" % (_cmd_str_remote)) # print the ouput returned if exited abnormally o = o.replace('\n', ' ') check_syserr(s, o) if is_timeout(s): pilotErrorDiag = "Uberftp get was timed out after %d seconds" % (telapsed) ec = error.ERR_TIMEOUT else: if o.find("No such file or directory") >= 0: if src_filename.find("DBRelease") >= 0: pilotErrorDiag = "Missing DBRelease file: %s" % (src_filename) ec = error.ERR_MISSDBREL else: pilotErrorDiag = "No such file or directory: %s" % (src_filename) ec = error.ERR_NOSUCHFILE else: pilotErrorDiag = "uberftp failed to transfer file: %d, %s" % (s, o) ec = error.ERR_FAILEDCP tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! %s" % (pilotErrorDiag)) return ec, pilotErrorDiag if fchecksum != 0 and fchecksum != "": csumtype = self.getChecksumType(fchecksum) else: csumtype = "default" # check local file size and MD5 sum (destination file) ec, pilotErrorDiag, dstfsize, dstfchecksum = self.getLocalFileInfo(dest_file, csumtype=csumtype) if ec != 0: return ec, pilotErrorDiag # check the remote file size # dCache file system # "-rw 413957423 mc12.005200.T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy.evgen.EVNT.v12000604_tid007939._00010.pool.root.1" # NFS or local file system # "drwx------ 2 usatlas1 usatlas 4096 May 2 18:38 gram_scratch_dS20YaiYVx" if fsize == 0: tmp1 = o.split("\n")[-1].split() if len(tmp1) == 3: fsize = tmp1[1] else: try: fsize = tmp1[4] except: fsize = 0 if len(tmp1) != 9: tolog('!!WARNING!!2999!! There may be a problem with the LIST format of the ftp server. File size: %s' % fsize) tolog("remote_file_size=%s" % fsize) tolog("local_file_size=%s" % dstfsize) # And verify the local and remote file fileSizes to make sure that they are equal # check file size if fsize != dstfsize: pilotErrorDiag = "Remote and local file sizes do not match for %s (%s != %s)" %\ (os.path.basename(gpfn), str(dstfsize), str(fsize)) tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! %s" % (pilotErrorDiag)) return error.ERR_WRONGSIZE, pilotErrorDiag # check md5sum to make sure that the file transfer was successful if fchecksum == 0: s, fchecksum = UberftpSiteMover._check_md5sum(_setup_str, src_host, src_pfn) #s, fchecksum = commands.getstatusoutput(_cmd) #'%suberftp %s "quote cksm md5sum 0 -1 %s"|tail -1|awk \'{print $2}\''%\ # (_setup_str, src_host, src_pfn)) #log_deb('md5 uberftp done <%s> (%s): %s' % (_cmd, s, fchecksum)) if s != 0: if fchecksum.find('not understood') >= 0: tolog('!!WARNING!!2999!! MD5 check skipped, unsupported by the server') return 0, pilotErrorDiag pilotErrorDiag = "!!WARNING!!2999!! check_md5sum failed: %d, %s" % (s, fchecksum) tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! %s" % (pilotErrorDiag)) return error.ERR_FAILEDMD5, pilotErrorDiag if fchecksum != dstfchecksum and not self.isDummyChecksum(fchecksum): pilotErrorDiag = "Remote and local checksums (of type %s) do not match for %s (%s != %s)" %\ (csumtype, os.path.basename(gpfn), dstfchecksum, fchecksum) tolog('!!WARNING!!2999!! %s' % (pilotErrorDiag)) return error.ERR_WRONGMD5, pilotErrorDiag # rename the file since it might contain the __DQ2-string which will confuse the trf if dest_file.find("__DQ2") != -1: tolog("Original file name renamed by DQ2: %s" % (dest_file)) try: s, o = commands.getstatusoutput("mv %s %s" % (dest_file, final_dest_file)) except Exception, e: pilotErrorDiag = "Failed to rename output file: %s" % str(e) tolog('!!WARNING!!2999!! %s' % (pilotErrorDiag)) return error.ERR_FAILEDCP, pilotErrorDiag else: if s != 0: # print the ouput returned if exited abnormally o = o.replace('\n', ' ') check_syserr(s, o) pilotErrorDiag = "Failed to rename file: %d, %s" % (s, o) tolog('!!WARNING!!2999!! %s' % (pilotErrorDiag)) return error.ERR_FAILEDCP, pilotErrorDiag else: tolog('Renamed input file to: %s' % (final_dest_file)) tolog("Copy completed succesfully") return 0, pilotErrorDiag def _checkDir(host, rootdir, dirlist, setupstring='', port=''): """Check directory existance on a gridftp server host -- Grid-ftp server port -- port used by the server (if different from the default one) rootdir -- root dir, supposed to exist on the server (lover level dirs are not checked) dirlist -- list of subdirectories to check for existance (ordered) setupstring -- setup to be able to invoke uberftp _checkDir is returning -1 in case of failure or N>=0, the number of dirs that exist and don't have to be created Normally 1 or more (root dir is supposed to exist) Caller can decide what to do in case of failure, the recommendation for a resilient program is to retry or to ignore the error and assume that all the dirs are there """ # add all the commands if port: port_str = '-P %s ' % port else: port_str = '' cdCommandChain = "cd %s;" % rootdir for i in dirlist: cdCommandChain += " cd %s;" % i # old version: cmd = '%suberftp -d %s%s "%s"|grep successful|grep -v grep|wc -l'%(setupstring, port_str, host, cdCommandChain) cmd = '%suberftp %s%s "%s"|grep successful|grep -v grep|wc -l'%(setupstring, port_str, host, cdCommandChain) tolog("Executing command (check dir): %s" % (cmd)) s, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if s != 0: check_syserr(s, output) return -1, output try: existingParentDirCount = int(output) except: return -1, output return existingParentDirCount, "" _checkDir = staticmethod(_checkDir) def put_data(self, src_pfn, destination, fsize=0, fchecksum=0, dsname='', extradirs='', **pdict): """ Copy all output file to the local SE Check SiteMover.put_data for a description of the first parameters src_pfn (source), destination, fsize, fchecksum dsname -- name of the dataset, used as additional path for the destination file extradirs -- additional directories The function tries to create the destination directory if missing """ error = PilotErrors() pilotErrorDiag = "" try: timeout = pdict['timeout'] except: timeout = 5*3600 if self._setup: _setup_str = "source %s; " % self._setup else: _setup_str = '' # do we have a proxy? s, pilotErrorDiag = self.verifyProxy(setupstr=_setup_str, limit=2) if s != 0: return self.put_data_retfail(s, pilotErrorDiag) # hot fix for OSCER, remove troubling port number if present src_pfn = src_pfn.replace(":2811","") # preparing variables if fsize == 0 or fchecksum == 0: ec, pilotErrorDiag, fsize, fchecksum = self.getLocalFileInfo(src_pfn) if ec != 0: return self.put_data_retfail(ec, pilotErrorDiag) dst_se = destination if dst_se.find('SFN') != -1: # srm:// s = dst_se.split('SFN=') dst_loc_se = s[1] dst_prefix = s[0] else: _sentries = dst_se.split('/', 3) dst_serv = _sentries[0] + '//' + _sentries[2] # 'method://host:port' is it always a ftp server? can it be srm? something else? dst_host = _sentries[2] # host and port dst_loc_se = '/'+ _sentries[3] dst_prefix = dst_serv dst_relative_path = os.path.join(extradirs, dsname) # dst_loc_se = base directory, not including the destination sub dir dst_loc_sedir = os.path.join(dst_loc_se, dst_relative_path) # dst_loc_sedir = full path to the final destination directory dst_relpath_list = [i for i in dst_relative_path.split('/') if i] # >>> a='/root/asd/sss' # >>> b=[i for i in a.split('/') if i] # ['root', 'asd', 'sss'] src_filename = os.path.basename(src_pfn) src_dirname = os.path.dirname(src_pfn) #src_loc_filename = os.path.basename(src_loc_pfn) #filename = pfn.split('/')[-1] # Destination file name has to be the same, else all the code of the function has to be checked dst_filename = src_filename dst_loc_pfn = os.path.join(dst_loc_sedir, dst_filename) dst_gpfn = dst_prefix + dst_loc_pfn # get the number of directories that don't have to be created [from the dst_relpath_list] # TODO: check if the syntax host:port works for uberftp existing_dir_count_ev,__err = UberftpSiteMover._checkDir(dst_host, dst_loc_se, dst_relpath_list, _setup_str) if existing_dir_count_ev < 0: if existing_dir_count_ev == -2: #pilotErrorDiag = "Uberftp dir check get was timed out: %s" % (str(o)) pilotErrorDiag = ": %s" % (str(__err)) return self.put_data_retfail(error.ERR_TIMEOUT, pilotErrorDiag) else: tolog('!!WARNING!!2999!! Control of existing directories failed: %s' % existing_dir_count_ev) # return ERR_FAILEDCP, '', 0, 0 # If you try to copy a file and the directory does not exist the copy fails # If you try to create an already existing directory you get 'File exists' error # If the counting of existing directories failed, try to create all of them existing_dir_count = 0 # to try to copy the file directly (creating no directory) # existing_dir_count = len(dst_relpath_list) else: existing_dir_count = existing_dir_count_ev # Preparing and executing the transfer command _start_dir = dst_loc_se _additional_dir = '' _relative_dir = '' # eg. _start_dir = /ibrix/data/dq2-cache if existing_dir_count < len(dst_relpath_list): # if existing_dir_count >= 0: for i in dst_relpath_list: if existing_dir_count > 0: # for every loop iteration, add directory i to _start_dir _start_dir = os.path.join(_start_dir, i) # eg. _start_dir = /ibrix/data/dq2-cache/testpanda.destDB.72c916bd-c490-461b-8665-9fb9990081cf_sub0 # eg. i = testpanda.destDB.72c916bd-c490-461b-8665-9fb9990081cf_sub0 existing_dir_count -= 1 else: # _additional_dir += "; mkdir %s; chmod 755 %s; cd %s" % (i, i, i) # use PERMISSIONS_DIR? _relative_dir = os.path.join(_relative_dir, i) _additional_dir += "mkdir %s;" % (_relative_dir) _additional_dir += "chmod %s %s;" % (str(oct(PERMISSIONS_DIR)), _relative_dir) if _relative_dir: _relative_dir = "cd %s;" % _relative_dir _ftp_cmd_0 = "cd %s; %s%s" % (_start_dir, _additional_dir, _relative_dir) else: # directories are already all there _ftp_cmd_0 = "cd %s; " % (os.path.join(_start_dir, dst_relative_path)) # # existing_dir_count = -1 the first time put_data is called, i.e. during transfer of output files # # existing_dir_count > 0 when the log is to be moved to the SE # _start_dir = dst_loc_sedir # _additional_dir += "mkdir %s;" % (_start_dir) # # eg. src_dirname = /lscratch/usatlas1_207555/Panda_Pilot_12498_1174944165/PandaJob_1280039_1174944165 # protect against double slashes that might cause problems # [src_dirname] //ibrix/data/dq2-cache -> /ibrix/data/dq2-cache src_dirname = src_dirname.replace('//', '/') # uberftp $host "cd $directory; get $fileName; ls $fileName"|grep $fileName|grep -v uberftp > /tmp/fileSize.txt _ftp_cmd_str = '%s lcd %s; put %s; ls %s' %\ (_ftp_cmd_0, src_dirname, src_filename, dst_filename) #_cmd_str = "%suberftp %s '%s'|grep %s|grep -v uberftp" %\ # (_setup_str, dst_host, _ftp_cmd_str, dst_filename) _cmd_str = "%suberftp %s '%s'" %\ (_setup_str, dst_host, _ftp_cmd_str) # local dir should exist # _cmd_str = Copying uberftp: source /hep/home/gridapp/atlas_app/UberFTP/; uberftp # 'mkdir /ibrix/data/dq2-cache; # cd /ibrix/data/dq2-cache/testpanda.destDB.72c916bd-c490-461b-8665-9fb9990081cf_sub0; # lcd /lscratch/usatlas1_207555/Panda_Pilot_12498_1174944165/PandaJob_1280039_1174944165; # put 4cd66105-bf50-499d-a81d-9f8c3ba3bf69.evgen.pool.root; # lls 4cd66105-bf50-499d-a81d-9f8c3ba3bf69.evgen.pool.root; # ls 4cd66105-bf50-499d-a81d-9f8c3ba3bf69.evgen.pool.root;'| # grep 4cd66105-bf50-499d-a81d-9f8c3ba3bf69.evgen.pool.root|grep -v uberftp tolog("!!FAILED!!2993!! %s" % (_cmd_str)) tolog("Executing command: %s" % (_cmd_str)) try: s, telapsed, cout, cerr = timed_command(_cmd_str, timeout) except Exception, e: tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! timed_command() threw an exception: %s" % str(e)) s = 1 o = str(e) telapsed = timeout else: o = cout + cerr tolog("Elapsed time: %d" % (telapsed)) tolog("!!FAILED!!2994!! %d %d %s" % (s,telapsed,str(o))) if s != 0: tolog("!!WARNING!!2990!! Command failed: %s" % (_cmd_str)) check_syserr(s, o) if is_timeout(s): pilotErrorDiag = "Uberftp get was timed out after %d seconds" % (telapsed) return self.put_data_retfail(error.ERR_TIMEOUT, pilotErrorDiag) else: pilotErrorDiag = "Copy command failed: %d, %s" % (s, o) tolog('!!WARNING!!2999!! %s' % (pilotErrorDiag)) tolog('Additional info: SE:%s, additional dirs:%s, existing:%s' % (dst_loc_se, dst_relative_path, existing_dir_count_ev)) if o.find("No such file or directory") >= 0: return self.put_data_retfail(error.ERR_NOSUCHFILE, pilotErrorDiag) elif o.find(dst_filename) >= 0: tolog('!!WARNING!!2999!! Exit code > 0, but file seems to have been transferred, trying to continue') pilotErrorDiag = "" else: return self.put_data_retfail(error.ERR_FAILEDCP, pilotErrorDiag) # check the remote file size # dCache file system # "-rw 413957423 mc12.005200.T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy.evgen.EVNT.v12000604_tid007939._00010.pool.root.1" # NFS or local file system # "drwx------ 2 usatlas1 usatlas 4096 May 2 18:38 gram_scratch_dS20YaiYVx" tmp0 = [i for i in o.split("\n") if i.find(dst_filename)>=0] tmp1 = tmp0[-1].split() if len(tmp1) == 3: dest_fsize = tmp1[1] else: try: dest_fsize = tmp1[4] except: dest_fsize = 0 if len(tmp1) != 9: tolog('!!WARNING!!2999!! There may be a problem with the LIST format of the ftp server (%s). File size: %s' % \ (tmp0[-1], dest_fsize)) tolog("remote_dest_fsize = %s" % dest_fsize) tolog("local_file_size (src) = %s" % fsize) # compare remote and local file size if fsize != dest_fsize: pilotErrorDiag = "Remote and local file sizes do not match for %s (%s != %s)" %\ (os.path.basename(dst_loc_pfn), str(dest_fsize), str(fsize)) tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! %s" % (pilotErrorDiag)) return self.put_data_retfail(error.ERR_WRONGSIZE, pilotErrorDiag) # get the checksum type (only md5sum is currently supported for uberftp) if fchecksum != 0 and fchecksum != "": csumtype = self.getChecksumType(fchecksum) else: csumtype = "default" fail = 0 # check checksum to make sure that the file transfer was successful s, checksum_remote = UberftpSiteMover._check_md5sum(_setup_str, dst_host, dst_loc_pfn) if s != 0: checksum_remote = checksum_remote.replace('\n', ' ') check_syserr(s, checksum_remote) if checksum_remote.find('not understood') >= 0: tolog('!!WARNING!!2999!! MD5 check skipped, unsupported by the server') # exiting with fail = 0 s = 0 checksum_remote = fchecksum else: pilotErrorDiag = "Error running md5sum: %d, %s" % (s, checksum_remote) tolog("!!WARNING!!2999!! %s" % (pilotErrorDiag)) fail = error.ERR_FAILEDMD5 else: # compare remote and local file checksum if checksum_remote != fchecksum: pilotErrorDiag = "Remote and local checksums (of type %s) do not match for %s (%s != %s)" %\ (csumtype, os.path.basename(src_pfn), checksum_remote, fchecksum) tolog('!!WARNING!!2999!! %s' % (pilotErrorDiag)) fail = error.ERR_WRONGMD5 if fail != 0: # An error occorred during md5 evaluation/comparison return self.put_data_retfail(fail, pilotErrorDiag) if s != 0: # should never happen! return self.put_data_retfail(s, pilotErrorDiag) return 0, pilotErrorDiag, dst_gpfn, fsize, fchecksum, self.arch_type