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Ambassador Gregory L. Schulte

Remarks to the Press

May 29, 2008

Iran’s leaders claim that Iran’s nuclear file is closed. Today’s briefing showed that claim to be false. Today we were briefed that Iran’s nuclear file remains wide open and full of troubling questions, including many with possible military dimensions. The phrase "possible military dimensions" is a technical term and a troubling one. As today’s briefing showed us, there are strong reasons to suspect that Iran was working covertly and deceitfully at least until recently to build a nuclear bomb.

Iran has refused to explain or even acknowledge past work on weaponization. This is particularly troubling when combined with Iran’s determined effort to master the technology to enrich uranium. Uranium enrichment is not necessary for Iran’s civil program but it is necessary to produce the fissile material that could be weaponized into a bomb.

Dr. ElBaradei’s report and today’s technical briefing set the stage for the IAEA Board of Governors meeting next week. I am confident the Board will give Dr. ElBaradei its full support in continuing the investigation. Today’s briefing shows why this investigation remains necessary and vital even in the face of Iran’s continued refusal to provide the necessary cooperation.