Table of contents for The sinner's guide to the evangelical right / Robert Lanham.

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Table of Contents 
Introduction- A Praylude 
Stephen Baldwin is stalking sinners and half the Senate is Born Again, it¿s okay to have Evangophobia. 
Our Cast
Meet your tour guides for this book: a diverse group of evangelicals and Ronnie James Dio. pp 
Fire and Brimstone Scale pp 
Chapter I: James Dobson and an Evangelical 101 For The Wayward Sinner 
Meet James Dobson, the ¿Evangelical Pope.¿ pp 
Brush up on your knowledge of evangelical culture: the denominations, church etiquette, speaking in 
tongues, text message bibles, and ministers with goatees. pp 
Chapter 2: Joel Osteen and Our Prosperity-Lovin¿ Megachurch Nation 
Meet Joel Osteen, the evangelical P. Diddy. pp
Take a peek inside our nation¿s megachurches, try a burger in their food courts, and discover how to 
become a millionaire by following Creflo Dollar. Pp
Chapter 3: Rick Warren and the Seeker-Sensitive Pastorpreneurs 
Meet Rick Warren, the evangelical Jimmy Buffet. pp 
Discover how megachurch pastors try to trick sinners into believing they¿re cool with free gas, U2 tickets, 
and Hawaiian shirts. pp 
Chapter 4: The American Evangelicals: Christian by Birth, Republican by the Grace of God 
Discover why God hates shrimp as much as he hates gays and find out how the word evangelical became 
synonymous with Republican. pp 
Meet our nation¿s scariest evangelical leaders. pp 
Chapter 5: The Duke of Haggard and the Evangelical Vatican 
Meet Ted Haggard, the tongues-speaking, White House insider who talks to George Bush every Monday. 
Take a ¿prayerwalk¿ through Colorado Springs, the so-called evangelical Vatican. Pp
Interlude: Evangelical Hairdos pp
Chapter 6: Tim LaHate and the Impending Apocalypse 
Meet Tim LaHaye, the evangelical Stephen King. pp 
Find out if the Rapture is about to happen and see why the Left Behind authors think Saddam Hussein is 
the predecessor to the Antichrist. pp 
Chapter 7: Paul Weyrich and the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy 
Meet Paul Weyrich, the evangelical Dr. Strangelove. pp 
Find out who is responsible for making Intelligent Design a hot-button issue and meet the key 
organizations that make up the evangelical Right. Decide for yourself¿ is there a vast right wing 
conspiracy? pp 
Chapter 8: Rob Bell and the Emerging Youth
Meet Rob Bell, the evangelical Steve Jobs. pp 
Introduce yourself to a few evangelicals that even a sinner can admire. Take a peek inside the ¿Christian 
Cocoon:¿ Bibleman, Christian Rock, and fashion magazine bibles. pp 
Postscript: Emerging Backlash, the Other Emerging Church
Meet Mark Driscoll and discover why God hates him. pp 
The Evangelical Quiz 
Test your knowledge pp 
An evangelical glossary pp 
The Authors
Our statement of beliefs pp

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Evangelicalism -- United States -- Humor.
United States -- Religious life and customs -- Humor.
Conservatism -- Religious aspects -- Christianity -- Humor.