{CaptionsBy} Sherikon Space Systems {LastEditor} KSC Archive to NIX conversion program {ScannedBy} Bionetics Photo Lab {acquireddate} 04-Nov-1971 {author} National Aeronautics and Space Administration {date} 04-Nov-1971 {description} Skylab-S IVB-208 arrival, off load and in route to VAB. Skid Strip. {highres} 1032 x 796 {highsize} 157043 {hightype} JPEG {keywords} SKYLAB 4 FLIGHT,SATURN IB LAUNCH VEHICLE,AS-208,OFF LOADING {lowres} 311 x 240 {lowsize} 103515 {lowtype} GIF {mediumres} 996 x 768 {mediumsize} 59343 {mediumtype} JPEG {number} KSC-71C-5328 {orientation} 4"" X 5"", horizontal {othernumbers} 108-KSC-71C-5328, P-12723, ARCHIVE-04990 {place} SKID STRIP, CCAS {slideres} 166 x 156 {slidesize} 37333 {slidetype} GIF {tinyres} 100 x 77 {tinysize} 10800 {tinytype} GIF {title} SKYLAB 4 SATURN IB AS-208 LAUNCH VEHICLE IS LOADED ON TRUCK {type} Image {view} exterior {end}