Additional Instructions to LUCA Participants for the Listing of Group Quarters The Census Bureau designed an operation called Group Quarters Validation (GQV) to list and classify group quarters from the universe of addresses derived in part from Address Canvassing, LUCA and historic sources. As a LUCA participant you must make decisions regarding your residential addresses and determine whether you want to list them as group quarters or housing units. In order to assist you in making the determination, we have developed a simple tool based on the GQV procedures so you can administer the same logic that the GQV operation will use in the fall of 2009. GQV relies on respondent information obtained via a specially designed questionnaire to determine if an address is a Group Quarters (GQ) or a Housing Unit (HU). Ask yourself the question below as if you were the respondent at the facility/address and follow the guidance in the table. Assumption: the address is residential. Which one of these best describes this place? (Choose only one.) TYPE 1 Correctional facility for adults or juveniles. GQ 2 Fraternity or sorority house for students at a college, university, or seminary. House must be recognized by the college, university, or seminary. GQ 3 Residence hall or dormitory for students that is owned, leased, or managed either by a college, university or seminary, or by a private entity or organization. GQ 4 Group homes that, for example, offer behavioral, psychological, or social programs. GQ 5 Residential treatment center that, for example, provide treatment in a live-in environment for drug/alcohol abuse, mental illness, and emotional/behavioral disorders GQ 6 Health care facility (e.g., nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities, hospital, hospice). GQ 7 Military quarters (e.g., barrack/dormitory, disciplinary barrack/jail, military treatment facility). GQ 8 Religious group living quarters intended to house members living in a group situation (e.g., convent, monastery, or abbey). GQ 9 Living quarters for students at schools for people with disabilities (e.g., schools for the physically or developmentally disabled). GQ 10 Shelter for people experiencing homelessness. GQ 11 Workers’ group living quarters or group housing at Job Corps center (e.g., migratory farm worker quarters, ranch housing, vocational training facilities, or housing for staff). GQ 12 Units in an independent or assisted living facility. HUs 13 Residential address but none of the above. HU Special Situations: Shelter for people experiencing domestic violence Do NOT submit these addresses with your LUCA submission. To ensure the security of these addresses please call 1-866-511-LUCA to speak with your Census Bureau Regional Office staff to receive special handling instructions on submitting them to the Census Bureau. Campground, Recreational Vehicle (RV) Park, or Marina While these are not considered GQs, you may submit one city-style address for the location and include the name in the “GQ Name” field. Please use the address for the office of the campground, RV Park, or Marina. U.S. Department of Commerce Form # D-1718 U. S. Census Bureau