Guidelines for Assignment of Rooms in JIHIR

Guidelines for Assignment of Rooms in JIHIR
The JIHIR has several dormitory-style rooms available to Physics Division guests. Linens are provided. The large common area includes a sitting area with a TV and kitchen facilities. Guests will need to bring their own food. Photographs of the dormitory are found on our website.

The ORNL cafeteria (link accessible only from on-site) is open from 6:30-9:30 and 10:45-13:15 Monday-Friday and is located a few hundred meters from the facility. A small breakfast or snack (bagels, muffins, gourmet coffee) may be found on "Main Street" in building 5700 (across the street from the cafeteria) from 7:00-13:00 Monday - Friday.

Dormitory reservations can be made by contacting Mary Ruth Lay

Assignment of Space

Dormitory rooms will be allocated according to the following general guidelines (in order of priority):

  1. HRIBF Users coming for experiments
  2. HRIBF Users coming to collaborate
  3. Short-term guests who benefit from or support Physics Division programs
Dormitory rooms are primarily for short-term stays of 16 days or less. In exceptional cases (students and some foreign guests), the stay can be extended for an additional two weeks or a maximum of 31 days. The HRIBF Science Director will be making decisions about extensions.

"Prime" rooms are reserved for HRIBF Users only.

Regulations of the Dormitory

  1. ORNL does not allow alcoholic beverages or controlled substances of any type on site. Violation of this rule will lead to immediate eviction.
  2. Smoking is not allowed in any ORNL building including the dormitory rooms.
  3. The kitchen is to be left clean. Food should not be left on the counter overnight. Dishes should be washed or rinsed and then put in dishwasher. Any food in the kitchen that is not labeled with guest's room number will be discarded. Please remove any leftover food at the end of your visit.
  4. The building is to be locked at all times.
  5. Queries from the Liaison Office should be responded to immediately.

Mechanism for Space Assignment of Dormitory Rooms

  1. Reservations are made through the HRIBF Liaison Office.
  2. Guest completes ORNL Site Access training (module 93982).
  3. Reservations will not be approved until a month before the date requested.
  4. The Users Office will send the contact a confirmation.
  5. Guest, upon arrival, will receive key for Building 6007 and dormitory room. Key is to be returned to the Liaison Office before the visitor departs from Oak Ridge.
  6. Checkout time is 1 p.m. Please return keys and supply box to the HRIBF Liaison Office before check out time so that the room may be cleaned before the janitor leaves at 3:30 p.m.
  7. The Users Office will log in and log out the keys.
  8. There is no charge for rooms.
  9. Visitors are expected to cancel their reservation if their plans are changed. A no-show guest may be penalized by losing rights to making future reservations.

For questions about this page please contact the HRIBF User Liaison.

This file last modified Monday January 28, 2008