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U.S. Senator Jim DeMint
Human Events
Ericka Andersen
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Republicans Won't Budge on Omnibus Bill
The tug of war over federal spending went another round yesterday as Democrats fought to pass an inflated spending bill full of questionable policy and earmarks. The fight -- in which Democrats are trying to whittle enough Republicans away from the minority’s opposition -- is made much tougher by two facts. First, the Christmas recess is fast approaching and second, President Bush’s threatened veto which the Dems know they won’t be able to override.

The bill, down from $22 to $11 billion more than the President’s $933 billion bottom line, would eventually contains essential funding for U.S. troops in Iraq -- but only as an added appropriation. Republicans, many who’ve worked hard to regain a fiscally responsible reputation this year, refuse to trade off irresponsible spending for troop finances.
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