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Searched:  Author Contains ("Budge, K.G.")
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Results:  1–6 of exactly 6 matches. in 0.056 seconds.

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  Size Identifier Title Creator/Author (s) Pub Date
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SAND99-0786 Verification of the Radiation Package in ALEGRA Budge, K.G. 1999 Apr 01
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453 K
SAND--98-0318C; CONF-981009-- A novel approach to penetrator calculations Budge, K.G. 1998 Aug 01
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974 K
SAND--98-2134C; CONF-980147-- Experiences developing ALEGRA: A C++ coupled physics framework Budge, K.G. ; Peery, J.S. 1998 Nov 01
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1 Mb
SAND--93-0178C; CONF-931121--19 RHALE: A 3-D MMALE code for unstructured grids Peery, J.S. ; Budge, K.G. ; Wong, M.K.W. ; 1993 Aug 01
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SAND--98-0756 A suitable low-order, eight-node tetrahedral finite element for solids Key, S.W. ; Heinstein, M.S. ; Stone, C.M. ; 1998 Mar 01
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614 K
SAND-91-1835C; CONF-9109276--6 Using C++ as a scientific programming language Peery, J.S. ; Budge, K.G. ; Robinson, A.C. ; 1991 Jan 01
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