Foot-and-mouth disease virus SAT 3 proteome

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[121403-121490 (1-15)]

Single chain protein id Protein name Protein type Locus tag Description / User comment Database name Database id Genbank accession Length Start on contig / cds translation End on contig / cds translation
121403 hypothetical FDVS3gp1 genbank 46810957 AAT01793.1 2335 1050 8057
121477 mature peptide hypothetical leader protease
Entry from FMDV C alignment
genbank 199 1 199
121478 mature peptide hypothetical VP4 protein
Entry from FMDV C alignment
genbank 85 200 284
121479 mature peptide hypothetical VP2 protein
Entry from FMDV C alignment
genbank 218 285 502
121480 mature peptide hypothetical VP3 protein
Entry from FMDV C alignment
genbank 221 503 723
121481 mature peptide hypothetical VP1 protein
Entry from FMDV C alignment
genbank 218 724 941
121482 mature peptide hypothetical 2A protease
Entry from FMDV C alignment
genbank 16 942 957
121483 mature peptide hypothetical 2B protein
Entry from FMDV C alignment
genbank 154 958 1111
121484 mature peptide hypothetical 2C protein
Entry from FMDV C alignment
genbank 318 1112 1429
121485 mature peptide hypothetical 3A protein
Entry from FMDV C alignment
genbank 152 1430 1581
121486 mature peptide hypothetical VPg1 protein
Entry from FMDV C alignment
genbank 23 1582 1604
121487 mature peptide hypothetical VPg2 protein
Entry from FMDV C alignment
genbank 24 1605 1628
121488 mature peptide hypothetical VPg3 protein
Entry from FMDV C alignment
genbank 24 1629 1652
121489 mature peptide hypothetical 3C protease
Entry from FMDV C alignment
genbank 213 1653 1865
121490 mature peptide hypothetical 3D polymerase
Entry from FMDV C alignment
genbank 470 1866 2335
Single chain protein id Protein name Protein type Locus tag Description / User comment Database name Database id Genbank accession Length Start on contig / cds translation End on contig / cds translation

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