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UGID:1369362     UniGene Str.26931     Xenopus tropicalis (western clawed frog)   c77604
Maternal G10 transcript, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:121486 IMAGE:7613052) (c77604)
Comparison of sequences in UniGene with selected protein reference sequences. The alignments can suggest function of a gene.
Reference ProteinSpeciesId(%)Len(aa)
NP_001080048.1 maternal G10 transcript X. laevis 100.0 143
NP_001016359.1 maternal G10 transcript X. tropicalis 100.0 109
NP_003901.2 G10 protein H. sapiens 97.9 143
NP_001003860.1 maternal G10 transcript D. rerio 97.2 143
XP_001473720.1 PREDICTED: similar to BUD31 homolog (S. cerevisiae) isoform 1 M. musculus 96.5 143
NP_511117.1 lethal (1) 10Bb CG1639-PA D. melanogaster 88.2 143
NP_499144.1 hypothetical protein C07A9.2 C. elegans 71.8 141
NP_193843.1 G10 family protein A. thaliana 68.3 142
XP_322503.1 hypothetical protein N. crassa 61.4 145
NP_009990.1 Protein involved in bud-site selection; analysis of integrated high-throughput datasets predicts an involvement in RNA splicing; diploid mutants display a random budding pattern instead of the wild-type bipolar pattern; Bud31p S. cerevisiae 57.8 154
XP_001690520.1 hypothetical protein CHLREDRAFT_114566 C. reinhardtii 51.4 140

Tissues and development stages from this gene's sequences survey gene expression. Links to other NCBI expression resources.
cDNA Sources: whole body; mixed; head; heart; ovary; oviduct
Sequences representing this gene; mRNAs, ESTs, and gene predictions supported by transcribed sequences.

mRNA sequences (3)

CR761303.2 Xenopus tropicalis finished cDNA, clone TEgg140m08 PA
NM_001016359.2 Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis maternal G10 transcript (c77604), mRNA PA
BC135529.1 Xenopus tropicalis maternal G10 transcript, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:121486 IMAGE:7613052), complete cds PA

EST sequences (10 of 185) [Show all sequences]

AL595795.2 Clone TGas004m21 whole body 5' read PM
AL633549.2 Clone TGas007n04 whole body 5' read PAM
AL643565.1 Clone L1G12e04 whole body 5' read
AL648125.2 Clone TGas036f23 whole body 5' read PM
AL650900.2 Clone TGas047o07 whole body 5' read P
AL652870.2 Clone TGas028h17 whole body 5' read PM
AL682042.2 Clone TGas058b03 whole body 5' read PM
AL775249.2 Clone TGas074j13 whole body 5' read PM
AL775351.2 Clone TGas076n20 whole body 5' read PM
AL783959.2 Clone TGas084j12 whole body 5' read PM

Key to Symbols

P Has similarity to known Proteins (after translation)
A Contains a poly-Adenylation signal
S Sequence is a Suboptimal member of this cluster
M Clone is putatively CDS-complete by MGC criteria

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