Pollution and Pollen

Not only does the weather affect our plans for that weekend picnic or vacation, but it also has effects on our own health. Especially during the spring and fall months, pollen can become a big concern for many allergy sufferers. Pollution can also pose a risk to our health, especially during a vicious heatwave in the summer. On this page, you can monitor the latest pollution and pollen counts, so that you can take necessary precautions to protect yourself.

Air Pollution

Pollen Counts

The following Pollen Information is provided through Allernet
Grass Pollen
Mold Spores
Tree Pollen
Weed Pollen

All Pollen Information below provided by the National Allergy Bureau
National Pollen Count
Regional Pollen Count
Pollen Count - Philadelphia
Pollen Count - Cherry Hill
Pollen Count - Newark
Pollen Count - Baltimore

Information about Allergies