Feeding Preference and Survival of Young Worker Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Fed Rape, Sesame, and Sunflower Pollen

Carl Hayden Bee Research Center, USDA-ARS, 2000 E. Allen Road, Tucson, AZ 85719

J. Econ. Entomol. 88(6): 1591-1595 (1995)
ABSTRACT Young worker honey bees, Apis nwIlifera L., exhibited differences in feeding preferences and survival when fed pollen of rape, Brassica napus L., sesame, Sesammin indicum L., and sunflower, Helianthus annuus. Rape pollen was readily consumed and increased longevity 2.5 times relative to the controls fed only sucrose water. Sunflower pollen was readily consumed with bees on average surviving 1.6 times longer than the controls. Sesame pollen was not readily consumed and bees survived 1.7 times longer than the controls. The results suggest that honey bees used to pollinate monoculture crops of either sunflowers or sesame, but not rape, will need to be provided alternate floral or nutritional supplements source to enrich their diets and maintain colony health.

KEY WORDS feeding preference, longevity, pollen, rape, sesame, sunflower
POLLEN IS METABOLICALLY costly for plants to produce and in bee pollinated plants is essential for both attraction of pollinators and sexual reproduetion. A good harvest often depends on good pollination and growers often consider steps to ensure presence of enough pollinators. Usually less, if any, attention is paid to the pollen preference or nutritional requirements of the pollinators that pollinate the crops. In the case of honey bees, Apis mellifera L., pollen is the sole source of proteins and lipids in the diet, and is crucial for their survival and development (Stanley and Linskens 1974, Schmidt and Buehmann 1992). Agricultural trends toward larger monoculture and specialized greenhouse farming systems can place pollinating honey bees in situations where they have restricted pollen dietary choice. In these unnatural conditions, factors such as feeding preference and nutrition can pro foundly affect the behavior and health of the bees.

Three crops grown on an increasingly larger scale and benefitting from cross pollination are rape, sunflower, and sesame. Honey bee feeding preference for the pollen of these crops and the nutritional value of the collected pollen to bees is poorly known. This study investigated the potential physiological and behavioral effects of the pollen types from these 3 crops on honey bees through measurements of feeding preference and longevity. The goals were to determine if large scale monoculture practices are compatible with optimal pollinator health and well-being and, if not, can simple adjustments in agricultural practice be made to improve the situation.

Materials and Methods

Rape, Brassica napus L., sunflower, Helianthus annuus L, and sesame, Sesamum indicum L. pollens were collected in 1989 in the People's Republic of China as corbicular pellets removed from the pollen baskets on the bees' hind legs as they passed through pollen traps attached to honey bee hives. The pollen was kept in a refrigerator (approx. 4'C) for several months until taken to the United States, where it was stored at -20'C until used. The pollens pellets were sorted to 99% purity by hand, then acetolyzed (O'Rourke and Buchmann 1991) and identified by light microscopy. Rape and sunflower pollen grains were readily recognized from standard reference sources; sesame pollen identification was achieved after comparison with pollen grains from a sesame specimen in the herbarium of University of Arizona. A pollen mixture consisting of the pollen from 15 species of spring-blooming Sonoran desert plants as described in Schmidt and Johnson (1984) that had been stored at - 20'C since initial collection, was used as the standard mixture. This mixture was collected from colonies in natural areas around Tucson during the seasonal peak of pollen abundance and at the time of maximal honey bee colony population increase. We assume this pollen represents a typical normal diet of bees because they had an abundance of pollen available at the time and could readily chose among pollen sources. All pollen materials were sealed in glass jars and stored at -20'C shortly after collection until use. Young worker honey bees obtained from an apiary in Tucson, AZ , were used because they, unlike the older forager bees, are the primary consumers of pollen.

The feeding preference procedures were modified from those of Schmidt and Johnson (1984). Several frames of preemergent pupal brood (no adult bees) were taken from the colonies and maintained in an emergence box in a constant dark environmental room at 31-35'C and 70% RH. Three days later, 15 g of bees (approx. bees) were taken from the emergence box and placed in acrylic plastic and screen cages (9 by 6 by 15 cm) and provided 40% sucrose solution ad libitum (Fig. 1). Inside each cage was a piece of beeswax comb foundation as a clustering platform for the bees. The bees were then allowed to choose between pollen diets consisting of test pollen and the 15-pollen standard mixture. Each diet was made by thoroughly mixing the pollen with distilled water until a moist, kneadable and stable texture was obtained. Diets not used during the experimental setup (day 1) was stored at -20'C for use on day 3. Equal amounts of test and 15-pollen standard mixture pollen diets were weighed into separate clean plastic hollow stoppers (feeders) and placed at random in the right and left side feeder slots of the cage (Fig. 1). Tests were conducted at least in triplicate for each pollen. Two days later the weight of the diet remaining in the feeders was recorded and fresh diets were provided to replace residual diets. At this time the right and left positions of the test and control mixed diet feeders were reversed. Four days after initiation, the remaining weight of pollen diet was again recorded and the bees released into nearby hives. All experiments were conducted under red light in the environmental room. For each test, an extra feeder of each diet was made and placed in a cage without bees in the environmental room as a control for evaporation. The percentage of weight loss of this evaporation control was used to correct for water loss of the diets during the tests. The relative consumption of the test pollen was calculated according to the formula:

% consumed= (weight test diet consumed)/(weight test pollen consumed) + (weight control pollen consumed) X 100%.

The data from this experiment can be assumed to be normally distributed because they are measures on a continuously variable scale and do not fall near boundary areas. Thus, the t-test was used to determine if the means differed significantly from 50%, which is the expected value if the test and standard pollen are equally acceptable to the bees.

The longevities of the bees fed various diets were determined using procedures modified from Schmidt et al. (1987). The tests were conducted in the environmental room described previously using cages and basic procedures similar to those for the preference studies with the following 5 modifications: (1) 60 randomly selected 1-d-old bees were placed in each cage; (2) only I test diet was available, with no diet for the control group; (3) every 2 or 3 d, pollen consumption was measured, dead bees counted and removed, and residual diet was replaced with freshly thawed diet; (4) 40% sucrose solution was replaced weekly; and (5) the pollen diet was eliminated when food consumption became essentially zero, normally around day 20. Tests were replicated 4 times and were terminated when the last bee died. Results were analyzed by the Tukey multiple-comparison test (Zar 1984).


The results of the feeding preference comparisons between the 15-pollen standard mixture and each of the other pollens are shown in Table 1. The preference was measured as relative consumption of the test diet. Compared with the 15-pollen standard, sesame pollen was the least preferred (P < 0.05) by young bees workers, with an relative consumption of 34%; sunflower pollen was about equally preferred, with an average of 58.5%; and rape pollen was the most preferred (P < 0.01), with an average consumption of >73%.



The cumulative mortality curves (percentage of cumulative mortality versus the number of days) of bees fed test pollens during the longevity test are shown in Fig. 2. Sesame pollen fed bees exhibited low mortality for approx. 30 d, after which mortality increased dramatically. The shapes of the cumulative mortality curves for the sunflower and 15-pollen groups were more gradual and similar to each other




The rape pollen group was long and gradual. All 4 pollen types prolonged honey bee life-spans when compared with the control (no-pollen) group. In the control group, all bees died by day 28. In contrast, at that time, the cumulative mortality was only 25% in the rape pollen group, 26% in the sesame pollen group, and 41% in both the sunflower and 15-pollen standard groups. The median life spans of the bees were 19 d for the controls, 31 d for sunflower, 33 d for sesame, 33 d for the standard pollen, and 51 d for rape pollen (Fig. 2). The increase in life span of bees fed pollen diets compared to control (no pollen) bees is shown for each quartile of mortality in Table 2.
No differences were observed among the pollen diets in terms of survival time to the 25% mortality level. By the 50% mortality level, bees consuming rape pollen survived significantly longer than those consuming the 15-pollen standard or sunflower. By the 75% mortality level, bees fed rape pollen were clearly surviving longer than those fed the other 3 pollens.

The cumulative pollen consumptions during the longevity tests are shown in Fig. 3. In all pollen groups, the consumption increased dramatically during the first 8-10 d, then decreased until about day 22, when pollen ingestion was no longer measurable. By the end of this pollen feeding period, the cumulative consumption of sunflower pollen was 73 mg per bee, a value significantly (P < 0.01) higher than that of bees fed sesame pollen (35 mg per bee), 15-pollen standard (44 mg per bee), or rape pollen (47 mg per bee).


Although honey bees are extremely polylectic and use an enormous variety of pollen sources in their diets (O'Neal and Waller 1984), when given a choice, they are eclectic in their preferences. Pollen sources such as Kallstroemia grandiflora Torr. and Baccharis sarothroides Gray are often collected by foragers, but refused or very little consumed by the pollen- feeding young hive bees (Schmidt et al. 1987). Other pollen sources, including Ambrosia sp. and Taraxacum officinale Wiggers, are readily collected by foragers and consumed by young hive bees, but apparently do not provide balanced nutrition because survival is either only slightly increased, or actually reduced, compared with no pollen controls (Schmidt et al. 1987). These observations support the hypothesis that bees normally select a mixed pollen diet thereby reducing the probabilities of vitamin, mineral, or protein deficiencies, or of pollen toxin overloads and, thereby, promote maximum health and longevity (Schmidt 1984).

Questions of nutritional balance or adequacy become important in situations where foraging honey bees have limited diet breadth opportunities. Such situations can arise when bee hives are placed in greenhouses or moved to large monoculture fields for pollination. Before making such moves, a grower might wish to know how his pollinating bees will fare on the single, or very limited, pollen diet. The results of this research suggest that bees limited to rape as a source should do extremely well and experience no nutritional or longevity problems. Bees limited to sunflower or sesame sources may experience moderate physiological and nutritional stress as evidenced by their reduced survival on these pollen diets. However, the 2 plants appear to present different problems for the bees. Sesame appeared not to be readily consumed, perhaps because of low levels of phagostimulants, whereas sunflower was readily consumed but appeared to be nutritionally poor. Bees require pollen phagostimulants for optimal feeding (Schmidt 1985) and sesame pollen is an unusual pollen in that it has very little odor or taste to humans, and possibly is not strongly phagostimulatory to bees. Animals fed a deficient diet often respond by increasing their consumption to make up for the deficiency (Hopkins 1912, reviewed by Waldbauer and Friedman 1991).

In agricultural terms the results indicate the growers of rape need not be concerned with the health of pollinating honey bees, but that growers of sesame and, especially, sunflowers might take note of potential problems. Sunflower production is rapidly expanding with ever increasing acreage planted in North America and China. Bees having access only to blooming sunflowers are likely to be stressed, have shorter life spans, and hence have reduced pollinating capacity. To reduce this potential problem growers can either plant small areas in other crops such as rape near the sunflower fields, or allow weedy areas along the edges of the fields provide a supplemental diversity of pollen for the bees. Alternatively, sunflower growers and beekeepers can feed bees either protien supplements high protien pollen patties.


We thank Phil Jankins, University of Arizona Herbarium, for assistance with species identification of sesame pollen, Emily Miller, Charles Shipman, Steven Thoenes, Stephen Buchmann for experimental assistance, Gary Richardson for statistical assistance annd James Hagler, Al Hook and Eric Erickson for manuscript reviews.

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