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Laboratory of Genetics
Geometric features of Pollen grains

The purpose of the dataset Pollen is to train a computer program to automatically identify 7 classes of pollen grain.
Journal reference: Duller, A.W.G., Duller, G.A.T., France, I. and Lamb, H.F., A pollen image database for evaluation of automated identification systems. Quaternary Newsletter, vol. 89, pp 4-9.

The classes are:

Plantago lanceolata  

Quercus robor  

Alnus glutenosa  

Polypodium vulgare  

Rumex acetosella  

Conopodium majus  

Dactylis glomerata  

The source for this dataset is: Duller, A.W.G., Duller, G.A.T., France, I. and Lamb, H.F.

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Wndchrm performance report using Pollen

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