Dr. Curt St8rn Dapt. zoology univecartty of bltfornia BerkeZsy 4, Calif'. Dsar curt: Like most other geneticist8, I hme had in the bak of w mind for a long tdnm th problem of gametic selection, on an experimbntal basis. But it aeefmd ti, me that the laa k of vre& progress in this field reflected a dsfiaPssmy in 4218 experimental mater&l. How aould one expect to make aig- niiioant teeter on mioe or rabbits, with al.1 the difficultisa of proving a rsi&iflcant effect on a Ii&ted 8amp3.e of progeny. My thoughts were then turning (purely hypothetiaally) to the & priori desiderata, and in fact to fbh, or psrhapa aam aquatic iIW8r~br8tO8, a6 nppropriate mat&M. So ii WEUP idmW8bd and surprised to hear recently from &anther Stent that one of your 8tudenCg has accomplished this tour de force with rabbits. He reported that very subattultial separations of X- from Y- spermatozoa were possible by oataphorasis, and were amply confirmed by changes in the 88X X%LtiO Of the Offc3pSing. I tm writing to ask you to confirm this report and whetbar you ciin give any more details. Is tie ma+~rial `published*`? If the story ZEl We, I zm sum you would be very deeply concerned over thar 8OC&L bI$dioatiOQi!J Of aucrh 8 bCMlb8b11. -dh8t Steps hWe #OU UOntefJ&ated or taLn? Youra sincerely, _ Joshuii Lcderberg