Dion Skipper (Euphyes dion)
Dion Skippers (Euphyes dion)
Mating pair 
Fermilab, Kane County, Illinois 
June 30, 2004 

Dion Skippers are among the "hidden" butterflies at Fermilab and at a few nature preserves in northeastern Illinois.  Their larvae feed on sedges, and these skippers rarely stray far from where they grew up.  Thus, Dion Skippers tend to be restricted to wet, sedge meadows.  This pair was in a wet portion of Betz Prairie, in the Main Ring.  

Dion Skipper (Euphyes dion)
Nelson Lake Marsh, Kane County, Illinois 
July 12, 2003 

The black loop seeming to come from the top of this skipper's head is the long proboscis with which it is getting nectar from the mildweed flower.  These skippers can reach deep into flowers for nectar. 

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