---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Armstong, G.G. PUBL. YEAR: 1965 TITLE: An examination of cementum of the teeth of bovidae with special reference to its use in age determination. SOURCE: Unpubl. M.S. Thesis. Univ. Alberta, Edmonton. CATEGORY: Growth and Bioenergentics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Armstong, G.G. PUBL. YEAR: 1967 TITLE: Aging bison by tooth succession. SOURCE: Unpubl. report. Alberta Fish and Wildl. Div., Edmonton. CATEGORY: Growth and Bioenergentics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Asdell, S.A. PUBL. YEAR: 1964 TITLE: Patterns of mammalian reproduction. SOURCE: 2nd ed. Comstock Publ. Co. Ithaca, N.Y. 670 pp. CATEGORY: Growth and Bioenergentics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Berger, J. PUBL. 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YEAR: 1976 TITLE: Feed intake, metabolism, and thermal insulation of bison, yak, Scottish Highland and Hereford calves during winter. SOURCE: 55th Annual Feeder's Day Rep., Alberta Univ., Dept. Anim. Sci. 55:51-52. CATEGORY: Growth and Bioenergentics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Christopherson, R.J. and R.J. Hudson. PUBL. YEAR: 1978 TITLE: Effect of temperature and wind on cattle and bison. SOURCE: 57th Annual Feeder's Day Rep., Alberta Univ., Dept. Anim. Sci. 57:40-41. CATEGORY: Growth and Bioenergentics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Christopherson, R.J., R.J. Hudson, and R.J. Richmond. PUBL. YEAR: 1978 TITLE: Comparitive winter bioenergetics of American bison, yak, Scottish Highland and Hereford calves. SOURCE: Acta Theriol. 23:49-54. 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SOURCE: Unpubl. report, Canadian Wildlife Service, Edmonton. CATEGORY: Growth and Bioenergentics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Dickinson, C.E. PUBL. YEAR: 1976 TITLE: Carcass characteristics of a bison steer (Bison bison). SOURCE: International Biological Programme. Grassland Biome. Tech. Rep. no. 302. Fort Collins: Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University. CATEGORY: Growth and Bioenergentics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Dorn, C.G., W.B. Foxworth, P.D. Butler, G.C. Olsen, B.A. Wolfe, D.S. Davis, T.R. Simpson, and D.C. Kraemer. PUBL. YEAR: 1990 TITLE: Superovulation and embryo recovery in the American bison (Bison bison). SOURCE: Theriogenology 33:217. CATEGORY: Growth and Bioenergentics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR: Drozdz, A., J. Weiner, Z. Gebczynska, and M. Krasinska. PUBL. 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