Adhya S: Gene expression and regulatory mechanisms.

Alexandrov I, Romanova L, Mushinski F, and Nordan R: Sodium butyrate suppresses apoptosis in human Burkitt lymphomas and murine plasmacytomas bearing c-myc translocations.

Alper O, Agrawal S, Hecker NF, and Cho-Chung YS: Protein kinase A-RI subunit-directed antisense inhibition of ovarian cancer cell growth: cross-talk with tyrosine kinase signaling pathway.

Ambrosone CB, Freudenheim JL, Thompson PA, Bowman E, Vena JE, Marshall JR, Graham S, Laughlin R, Nemoto T, and Shields PG: Manganese superoxide dismutase (SOD3) genetic polymorphisms, dietary antioxidants and risk of breast cancer.

Ambudkar SV, Dey S, Hrycyna CA, Ramachandra M, Pastan I, and Gottesman MM: Biochemical, cellular, and pharmacological aspects of the multidrug transporter.

Ambudkar SV, and Sauna ZE: P-glycoprotein.

Aran J, Pastan I, and Gottesman MM: Therapeutic strategies involving the multidrug resistance phenotype: the MDR 1 gene as a target, chemoprotectant and selectable marking in gene therapy.

Ashwell JD and D'Oro U: CD45 and src family kinases: and now for something completely different.

Bhat MK , Dace A, and Cheng S-Y: Tissue-specific differential repression of gene expression by a dominant negative mutant of thyroid hormone b1 receptor.

Bocchinfuso WP, Hively WP, Couse JF, Varmus HE, and Korach KS: An MMTV-Wnt-1 transgene induces mammary gland hyperplasia and tumorigenesis in mice lacking estrogen receptor-alpha.

Bonin A, Reid SW, and Tessarollo L: Gene knockouts: Isolation microinjection and transfer of mouse blastocysts.

Bowzard JB, Bennett RP, Krishna NK, Ernst SM, Rein A, and Wills JW: Importance of basic residues in the nucleocapsid sequence for retrovirus Gag assembly and complementation rescue.

Boyer PL, Lisziewicz J, Lori F, and Hughes SH: Analysis of amino acid insertion mutations in the fingers subdomain of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase.

Bristol JA, Schlom J, and Abrams SI: Persistence, immune specificity, and functional ability of murine mutant ras epitope-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes following in vivoadoptive transfer.

Buters JTM, Sakai S, Richter T, Pineau T, Alexander DL, Savas U, Doehmer J, Ward JM, Jefcoate CR and Gonzalez FJ: Cytochrome P450 CYP1B! determines susceptiblity to 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-induced lymphomas.

Caddick SJ, Wang C, Fletcher CF, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG, and Hosford DA: Excitatory synaptic transmission is reduced in somatosensory thalamus of the lethargic (lh/lh) and tottering (tg/tg) mouse models of absence epilepsy.

Carlson BA, Kwon SY, Chamorro M, Oroszlan S, Hatfield DL, and Lee BJ: Transfer RNA modification status influences retroviral ribosomal frameshifting.

Cerretti DP, Poindexter K, Castner BJ, Means G, Copeland NG, Gilbert DJ, Jenkins NA, Black RA, and Nelson N: Characterization of the cDNA and gene for mouse tumor necrosis factor- converting enzyme (TACE/ADAM17) and its location to mouse chromosome 12 and human chromosome 2p25.

Chackerian B, Lowy DR, and Schiller J: Induction of auto-antibodies to mouse CCR5 with recombinant papillomavirus particles.

Chang YY, Kim SJ, Park TK, Kang SS, Ha MJ, Mushinski F, and Chun JS: Modulation of MAP kinase signaling and growth characteristics by the overexpression of protein kinase C in NIH3T3 cells.

Chappel S, and Murphy WJ: Growth hormone and the immune system.

Chhabra SK, Reed CD, Anderson LM, Shiao Y-H: Comparison of the polymorphic regions of the cytochrome P450 CYP2E1 gene of humans and patas and cynomolgus monkeys.

Cleghon V, Feldmann P, Ghiglione C, Copeland TD, Perrimon N, Hughes DA, and Morrison DK: Opposing actions of CSW and RasGAP modulate the strength of Torso RTK signaling in the Drosophila terminal pathway.

Coleman AE, Ried T, and Janz S: Recurrent aberrations of chromosome 5 in primary BALB/c plasmacytomas.

Copeland NG, and Jenkins NA: Myeloid leukemia: Disease genes and mouse models.

Cutler ML, Shupert WL, Schlom J, and Kantor J: Low-level transforming activity of an activated ras gene under the control of a vaccinia virus p40 promoter is abrogated by truncation of the ras cDNA.

DaSilva L, Kirken RA, Taub DD, Evans GA, Duhe RJ, Bailey MA, and Farrar WL: Molecular cloning of FKHRL1P2, a member of the developmentally regulated fork head domain transcription factor family.

Endres R, Alimzhanov MD, Plitz T, Fuetterer A, Kosco-Vilbois MH, Nedospasov SA, Rajewsky K, and Pfeffer K: Mature follicular dendritic cell networks depend on expression of lymphotoxin beta receptor by radioresistant stromal cells and of lymphotoxin beta and tumor necrosis factor by B cells.

Falanga V, Greenberg AS, Zhou L, Ochoa SM, Roberts AB, Falabella A, and Yamaguchi Y: Stimulation of collagen synthesis by the anabolic steroid Stanozolol.

Fantin VR, Lavan BE, Wang Q, Jenkins NA, Gilbert DJ, Copeland NG, Keller SR, and Lienhard GE: Cloning, tissue expression, and chromosomal location of the mouse insulin receptor substrate 4 gene.

Felix K, Kelliher K, Bornkamm GW, and Janz S: Transgenic mutagenicity assays for assessing oxidative B-cell mutagenesis in vivo.

Felix K, Kelliher K, Bornkamm GW, and Janz S: Association of elevated mutagenesis in the spleen with genetic susceptibility to induced plasmacytoma development in mice.

Fletcher CF,Copeland NG, and Jenkins NA: Developing mouse models of familial hemiplegic migraine.

Fujii T, Tamura K, Copeland NG, Gilbert DJ, Jenkins NA, Yomogida K, Tanaka H, Nishimune Y, Nojima H, and Abiko Y: Sperizin is a murine RING zinc finger protein expressed specifically in sperm-producing testis.

Giandomenico V, Andreola F, Rodriguez de la Concepcion ML, Collins SJ, and De Luca LM: Retinoic acid and 4-hydroxy-phenyl-retinamide induce growth inhibition and tissue transglutaminase through different signal transduction pathways in mouse fibroblasts (NIH-3T3 cells).

Halverson DO, Resau J, Faletto D, Fisher R, Anver M, Ron S, May JA, Tsarfaty I, and Blair DG: A mouse fibroblast line cycles between monolayer and spheroid forms, regulates MET and HGF expression, and releases an attachment and growth-promoting substance.

Hamer DH, Greenberg BD, Sabol SZ, and Murphy DL: Role of the serotonin transporter gene in temperament and character.

Hamer DH, Sabol SZ, Nelson ML, Fisher C, Gunzerath L, Brody CL, Hu S, Sirota LA, Greenberg DB, Lucas IV FR, Benjamin J, Murphy DL and Marcus SE: A genetic association for cigarette smoking behavior.

Harris SR and Thorgeirsson UP: Tumor angiogenesis: biology and therapeutic prospects.

Hirano A, Longo DL, Ferris DK, Taub DD, Young LS, Eliopouos AG, Cullen N, Macartnery J, Fanslow WC, and Murphy WJ: Inhibition of human breast carcinoma growth by a soluble recombinant human CD40 ligand.

Hodge JW, Sabzevari H, Lorenz MGO, Yafal AG, Gritz L, and Schlom J: A triad of costimulatory molecules synergize to amplify T-cell activation.

Hrabie JA, Saavedra JE, Davies KM, Keefer LK: Adducts of piperazine with nitric oxide.

Huang J-D, Brady ST, Richards BW, Stenoien D, Resau JH, Copeland NG, and Jenkins NA: Direct interaction of microtubule- and actin-transport motors.

Hwa J, Reeves PJ, Klein-Seetharaman J, Davidson F, Gobind Khorana H: Structure and function in rhodopsin: Further elucidation of the role of the intradiscal cysteines, Cys-110, -185, and -187, in rhodopsin folding and function.

Igarashi T, Brown C, Azadegan A, Haigwood N, Dimitrov D, Martin M, and Shibata R: Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 neutralizing antibodies accelerate clearance of cell-free virions from blood plasma.

Jernigan RL, Demirel MC, and Bahar I: Relating structure to function through the dominant modes of motion of DNA topoisomerase II.

Ji W, Herron B, Jones JM, Jenkins NA, Gilbert DJ, Copeland NG, Swank R, Flaherty L, and Meisler MH: Four genes encoding transcription factors are located within the Krd deletion on mouse chromosome 19.

Jian-Min Z, Lihsia C, Krause M, Fire A, Paterson, B: Evolutionary conservation of myod function and differential utilization of E-proteins.

Jian-Min Z, Qin W, Xiaohang Z, and Paterson, B: Coupling of the cell cycle and myogenesis through the cycling D1-dependent interaction of MyoD with cdk4.

Jin HM, Copeland NG, Gilbert DJ,Jenkins NA, Kirkpatrick RB, and Rosenberg M: Genetic characterization of the murine YM-1 gene and identification of a cluster of highly homologous genes.

Jobbagy Z, Olah Z, Petrovics G, Eiden MV, Leverett BD, Dean NM, andAnderson WB: Up-Regulation of the Pit-2 Phosphate Transporter/Retrovirus Receptor by Protein Kinase C epsilon.

Kaijel EL, van der Straaten RJHM, Ziegler-Heitbrock HWL, Nedospasov SA, Brinkman BMN, Breedveld FC, and Verweiji CL: Functional analysis of the human tumor necrosis factor - 238 promoterpolymorphism.

Kashanchi F, Santiago F, Healey M, Clark E, Duvall J, Jiang H, Mozafari F, and Brady JN: Transcription coactivator CBP facilitates Tax transactivation of the HTLV-I LTR and cellular cyclin D2 promoter.

Kaufman HL and Schlom J: Vaccines for colon cancer.

Kellerman KA and McNally JG: Mound cell movements and morphogenesis in Dictyostelium.

Kerr KM, Sauna ZE, and Ambudkar SV: Antibiotic Resistance.

King RA, Hearing VJ, Creel D, and Oetting WS: Albinism.

Kirken RA, Erwin RA, Taub D, Murphy WJ, Behod F, Wang L, Pericle F, and Farrar WL: Tyrphostin AG-490 inhibits cytokine mediatedJAK3/STAT 5 a/b signal transduction and cellular proliferation of antigen-activated human T cells.

Kohn KW, Shao R-G, and Pommier Y: How do drug-induced topoisomerase I-DNA lesions signal to the molecular interaction network that regulates cell cycle checkpoints, DNA replication and DNA repair?

Kondrashin A, Nesterova M, and Cho-Chung YS: Cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate- dependent protein kinase on the external surface of LS-174T human colon carcinoma cells.

Koo H-M, Gray-Goodrich M, Kohlhagen G, McWilliams MJ, Jeffers M, Vaigro-Wolff A, Alvord WG, Monks A, Paull KD, Pommier Y, and Vande Woude GF: The ras oncogene sensitizes human cells to apoptosis induced by topoisomerase II inhibitors.

Korobko VG, Biotchenko VE, Kuprash DV, Turetskaya RL, Kravchenko VV, and Nedospasov SA: Heterologous expression of murine LT alpha and LT beta and generation of antibodies to LT beta.

Kos L, Aronzon A, Takayama H, Maina F, Ponzetto C, Merlino G, and Pavan W: HGF/SF-Met signaling in neural crest-derived melanocyte development.

Kraemer KH: Skin Cancer and DNA Repair Mechanisms: Xeroderma Pigmentosum.

Kucera J, Fan G, Walro J, Copray S, Tessarollo L, and Jaenisch R: Neurotrophin-3 and trkC in muscle are non-essential for the development of mouse muscle spindles.

Kuprash DV, Udalova IA, Turetskaya RL, Kwiatkowski D, Rice NR, and Nedospasov SA:: Similarity and differences between human and murine TNF promoters in their response to LPS.

Lee C, Kim K, Geiman TM, Murphy WJ, Muegge K, and Durum SK: Cloning of thymic prescursor cells for alpha/beta, gamma/delta, and NK lineages.

Lee CGL, Gottesman MM, and Jeang K-T: Prospects for gene therapy of HIV-1 and AIDS.

Lewis RA, Shroyer NF, Singh N, Allikmets R, Hutchinson A, Li Y, Lupski JR, Leppert M, and Dean M: Genotype/phenotype analysis of a photoreceptor-specific ABC transporter gene, ABCR, in Stargardt Disease.

Liang R, Sentuker S, Shi X, Bal W, Dizdaroglu M, Kasprzak KS: Effects of Ni(II) and Cu(II) on DNA interaction with the N-terminal sequence of human protamine P2: Enhancement of binding and mediation of oxidative DNA strand scission and base damage.

Liddell R, Hirano MC, and Mock BA: Mouse chromosome 4.

Lillard, Jr., JW, Boyaka PN, Yamamoto M, Yamamoto S, Chertov O, Oppenheim JJ, and McGhee JR: Mechanisms for induction ofacquired host immunity by neutrophil peptide defensins.

Liu M, Darby K, Parker RMC, Eyre HJ, Copeland NG, Crawford J, Gilbert DJ, Sutherland G, Jenkins NA, and Herzog H: TSR32, a novel secretin-like human G-protein coupled receptor gene probably involved in cell-cell interactions.

Lorenz MGO, Kantor JA, Schlom J, and Hodge J: Antitumor immunity elicited by a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing CD70 (CD27L).

Lubkowski J, Yang F, Alexandratos J, Merkel G, Katz RA, Gravuer K, Skalka AM, and Wlodawer A: Structural basis for inactivating mutations and pH-dependent activity of avian sarcoma virus integrase.

Mao N-C, Steingrímsson E, Duhadaway J, Wasserman W, Ruiz JC, Copeland NG, Jenkins NA, and Prendergast GC: The murine Bin1 gene functions early in myogenesis and defines a new region of synteny between mouse chromosome 18 and human chromosome 2.

McNally JG, Karpova T, Cooper J, and Conchello JA: Three-dimensional imaging by deconvolution microscopy.

Menotti-Raymond M, David VA, Lyons LA, Schaffer AA, Tomlin JF, and O'BrienSJ: A Genetic Linkage map of microsatellites in the domestic cat (Felis catus).

Misquita L and Paterson, B: Targeted disruption of gene function in drosophila by RNA interference (RNA-I): A role for nautilus in embryonic somatic muscle formation.

Mittelstadt PR and Ashwell JD: Role of Egr-2 in upregulation of Fas ligand in normal T cells and aberrant double-negative lpr and gld T cells.

Morse III C, Qi CF, Taddesse-Heath L, Chattopadhyay SK, Ward JM, Coleman A, Hartley JW and Frederickson TN: Novel aspects of murine B cell lymphomas.

Murakami MS, Copeland TD, and Vande Woude GF: Mos positively regulates Xe-wee1 to lengthen the first mitotic cell cycle of Xenopus.

Murphy WJ, Menotti-Raymond M, Thompson MA, Lyons LA, and O'BrienSJ: Development of a feline whole genome radiation hybrid panel and comparative mapping of human chromosome 12 and 22 loci.

Murphy WJ, and Oppenheim JJ: Vascular endothelial growth factor and basic fibroblast growth factor induce expression of CSCR4 on human endothelial cells: in vivo neovascularization induced by SDF-1.

Nagaich AK, Zhurkin VB, Durell SR, Jernigan RL, Appella E, Harrington RE: p53-Induced DNA bending and twisting: p52 tetramer binds on the outer side of a DNA loop and increases DNA twisting.

Newton G, Eang P, Chen H, Duquette M, Weremowicz S, Morton CC, Jenkins NA, Gilbert DJ, Copeland NG, and Lawler J: The thrombospondin-4 gene.

Offord EA, Sharif NA, Mace K, Tromvoukis Y, Spillare EA, Avanti O, Howe WE and Pfeifer AMA: Immortalized human corneal epithelial cells for ocular toxicity and inflammation studies.

Olivero OA, Shearer GM, Chougnet CA, Kovacs AAS, Landay AL, Baker R, Stek AM, Khoury MM, Proia LA, Kessler HA, Sha BE, Tarone RE and Poirier MC: Incorporation of 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT) into peripheral leukocyte DNA of HIV-1-positive adults and pregnant women, and cord blood leukocyte DNA of infants exposed in utero.

Ortaldo JR and McVicar D: Murine NK receptors: Ly-49 expression, function and intracellular signaling.

Ortiz M, Lohrey N, Gooya JM, Ruscetti FW, Spence SE, and Keller JR: Functional characterization of a novel hematopoietic stem cell and its place in the c-Kit maturation pathway in bone marrow cell development.

Page JE, Pilcher AS, Yagi H, Sayer JM, Jerina DM, and Dipple A: Mutational consequences of replication of M13mp7L2 constructs containing cis-opened benzo[a]pyrene 7,8-diol 9,10-epoxide-deoxyadenosine adducts.

Palko ME, Coppola V, and Tessarollo L: Evidence for a role of truncated trkC receptor isoforms in mouse development.

Peng B, and Robert-Guroff M: Adenovirus recombinants as vehicles for AIDS vaccine development.

Polacino P, Stallard V, Montefiori DC, Brown C, Richardson BA, Morton WR, Benveniste RE, and Hu S-L: Protection of macaques against intrarectal infection by a combination immunization regimen with recombinant SIVmne gp160 vaccines.

Pourquier P, Ueng L-M, Fertala J, Wang D, Essigmann JM, Bjornsti M-A, and Pommier Y: Induction of reversible complexes between eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase I and DNA-containing oxidative base damages: 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine and 5-hydroxycytosine.

Puri A, Riley JL, Kim D, Ritchey DW, Hug P, Jernigan K, Rose P, Blumenthal R, and Carroll RG: Influenza virus upregulates CXCR4 expression in CD4+ cells.

Rao JKM, Bujacz G, and Wlodawer A: Crystal structure of rabbit muscle creatine kinase.

Resnick JL, Ortiz M, Keller JR, and Donovan PJ: Role of fibroblast growth factors and their receptors in primordial germ cell growth.

Romanova LY, Alexandrov IA, Blagosklonny MV, Nordan RP, Garfield S, Acs P, Nguyen PM, Trepel J, Blumberg PM, and Mushinski F: Regulation of actin cytoskeleton in lymphocytes: protein kinase C-gamma disrupts IL-3 induced membrane ruffles downstream of Rac1.

Rugge M, Busatto G, Cassaro M, Shiao Y-H, Russo V, Leandro G, Avellini C, Fabiano A, Sidoni A, Covacc A: Gastric cancer in patients under 40 years of age: Helicobacter pylori genotype & associated gastritis phenotype.

Rugge M, Shiao Y-H, Guido M, Bovo D: Letter to the Editor of Human Pathology.

Saavedra JE, Fitzhugh AL, Keefer LK: Diazeniumdiolates (formerly NONOates) in cardiovascular research and potential clinical applications.

Saccani S, Saccani A, Varesio L, Ghosh P, Young HA, and Sica A: Divergent effects of Dithiocarbamates on AP-1 containing and AP-1 less NFAT sites.

Salcedo R, Wasserman K, Young HA, Grimm MC, Howard OMZ, Anver MR, Kleinman HK, Murphy WJ, and Oppenheim JJ: Vascular endothelial growth factor and basic fibroblast growth factor induce expression of CXCR4 on human endothelial cells: In vivo neovascularization induced by SDF-1alpha.

Schilling G, Becher MW, Sharp AH, Jinnah HA, Duan K, Kotzuk JA, Slunt HH, Ratoviski T, Cooper JK, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG, Price DL, Ross CA, and Borchelt DR: Intranuclear inclusions and neuritic pathology in transgenic mice expressing a mutant N-terminal fragment of Huntingtin.

Schmutte C, Marinescu RC, Copeland NG, Jenkins NA, Overhauser J, and Fishel R: Refined chromosomal localization of the mismatch repair and hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer genes hMSH2 and hMSH6.

Shah M., Revis D Jr, Herrick S, Baillie R, Thorgeirsson S, Ferguson M, Roberts AB: The role of elevated plasma TGF-beta 1 levels in wound healing.

Shao R-G, Cao C-X, Zhang H, Kohn KW, Wold MS, and Pommier Y: Replication-mediated DNA damage by camptothecin induces phosphorylation of RPA by DNA-dependent protein kinase and dissociates RPA:DNA-PK complexes.

Shaughnessy JD Jr, Largaespada DA, Tian E, Fletcher CF, Cho BC, Vyas P, Jenkins NA, and Copeland NG: Mrvi1, a common MRV integration site in BXH2 myeloid leukemias, encodes a protein with homology to a lymphoid-restricted membrane protein Jaw1.

Shiao Y-H, Bovo D, Guido M, Capella C, Cassaro M, Russo V, Sidoni A, Parenti AR, Rugge M: Microsatellite instability and/or loss of heterozygosity in young gastric cancer patients in Italy.

Shibata R, Feng Y-R, Gee D, Norwood D, Xiao X, Zeichner SL, Martin MA, and Dimitrov DS: Telomere dynamics in monkeys: Increased cell turnover in macaques infected with chimeric simian-human immunodeficiency viruses.

Shroyer NF, Lewis RA, Allikmets R, Singh N, Dean M, Leppert M, and Lupski JR: The rod photoreceptor ATP-binding cassette transporter gene, ABCR, and retinal disease: from monogenic to multifactorial.

Shultzaberger RK and Schneider TD: Using sequence logos and information analysis of Lrp DNA binding sites to investigate discrepancies between natural selection and SELEX.

Shworak NW, Liu J, Petros LM, Kobayashi M, Copeland NG, Jenkins NA, and Rosenberg RD: Diversity of the extensive heparan sulfate D-glucosaminyl 3-O-sulfotransferase (3-OST) multigene family.

Solano F, Hearing VJ, and Garcia-Borron JC: Neurotoxicity due to o-quinones: neuromelanin formation and possible mechanisms for o-quinone detoxification.

Stairs DB, Gardner HP, Ha SI, Copeland NG, Gilbert DJ, Jenkins NA, and Chodosh LA: Cloning and characterization of Krct, a member of a novel subfamily of serine/threonine kinases.

Steingrímsson E, Tessarollo L, Reid SW,  Jenkins NA, and Copeland NG: The bHLH-Zip transcription factor Tfeb is essential for placental vascularization.

Strumberg D, Nitiss JL, Rose A, Nicklaus MC, and Pommier Y: Mutation of a conserved serine-residue in a quinolone-resistant type II-topoisomerase alters the enzyme-DNA and drug interactions.

Su SB, Gong WH, Gao JL, Shen WP, Grimm MC, Murphy PM, Oppenheim JJ, and Wang JM: T20/DP178, an ectodomain peptide of HIV-1 gp41, is a potent activator of human phagocytes N-formyl peptide receptors.

Suzuki I, Im S, Taka A, Scott C, Akcali C, Davis MB, Barsh GS, Hearing VJ, and Abdel-Malek, Z: Participation of the melanocortin-1 receptor in the UV control of pigmentation.

Szallasi A, Biro T, Szabo T, Modarres S, Petersen M, Klusch A, Blumberg PM, Krause JE, and Sterner O: A non-pungent triprenyl phenol of fungal origin, scutigeral, stimulates rat dorsal root ganglion neurons via interaction at vanilloid receptors.

Szeliga J, Amin S, Zhang F-J, and Harvey RG: Reactions of dihydrodiol epoxides of 5-methylchrysene and 5,6-dimethylchrysene with DNA and deoxyribonucleotides.

Takayama S, Sieber SM, Dalgard DW, Thorgeirsson UP, Adamson RH: Effects of long-term oral administration of DDT on nonhuman primates.

Tanaka M, Hara T, Copeland NG, Gilbert DJ,  Jenkins NA, and Miyajima A: Structure of the mouse oncostatin M (OSM) receptor: Molecular cloning of the mouse OSM receptor subunit.

Tessarollo L: Gene knockouts: Manipulating mouse embryonic stem cells.

Tessarollo L: Pleiotropic functions of neurotrophins in development.

Tolosa E and Ashwell JD: Thymus-derived glucocorticoids and the regulation of antigen-specific T cell development.

Tsukiyama T, Palmer J, Landel C, Shiloach J, and Wu C: Characterization of ISWI subfamily of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling factors in S. cerevisiae.

Tumanov AV, Nedospasov SA, and Turetskaya RL: Chromatinorganization in the tumor necrosis factor/lymphotoxin gene locus:correlation with tissue-specific expression.

Valenzuela DM, Griffiths J, Rojas J, Aldrich TH, Jones PF, Zhou H, McClain J, Copeland NG, Gilbert DJ, Jenkins NA, Maisonpierre PC, Davis S, and Yancopoulos GD: Angiopoietins 3 and 4: Diverging gene counterparts in mouse and man.

Wang LH, Kirken RA, Erwin RA, DaSilva L, Yu CR, and Farrar WL: Tyrphostin AG-490 selectively blocks IL-4 production and activation of the IL-4/JAK3/STAT6 signaling pathway in TH2 lymphocytes.

Wang JM, Shen W, Chertov O, VanDamme J, and Oppenheim JJ: Chemokine modulation of tumor cell physiology.

Wang K, Yin X-M, Copeland NG, Gilbert DJ, Jenkins NA, Keck CL, Zimonjic DB, Popescu NC, and Korsmeyer SJ: BID, a pro-apoptotic BCL-2 family member, is localized to mouse chromosome 6 and human chromosome 22q11.

Wang XW, Zhan Q, Coursen JD, Khan M, Kontny HU, Liu L, Hollander MC, O'Connor PM, Fornace Jr, AJ and HarrisCC: Gadd45 induction of a G2-M cell cycle checkpoint.

Weiler SR, Gooya JM, Ortiz M, Tsai S, Colllins SJ, and Keller JR: D3: a gene induced during myeloid cell differentiation of Linlo c-Kit+ Sca-1+ progenitor cells.

Wilken J, Hoover D, Thompson DA, Barlow PN, McSparron H, Picard L, Wlodawer A, Lubkowski J, and Kent SBH: Total chemical synthesis and high-resolution crystal structure of the potent anti-HIV protein AOP-RANTES.

Woody MA, Sun R, Wlniak LA, Tian Z, Henry M, Richards S, Raxiuddin A, Longo DL, and  Murphy WJ: Prolactin exerts hematopoietic growth-promoting efects in vivo and partially counteracts myelopsuppression by azidothymidine.

Xu L, Flynn BJ, Ungar S, Pass HI, Linnainmaa K, Mattson K, Gerwin BI: Asbestos-induction of extended lifespan in normal human mesothelial cells: Interindividual susceptibility and SV40 T antigen.

Xu X, Weaver Z, Linke SP, Li C, Gotay J, Wang XW HarrisCC, Ried T, and Deng CX: Centrosome amplification and a defective G2-M cell cycle checkpoint induce genetic instability in BRCA1 exon 11 isoform-deficient cells.

Yang X, Letterio JJ, Chen L, Hayman R, Gu H, Roberts AB, Deng C: Targeted disruption of SMAD3 results in impaired mucosal immunity and diminished T call responsiveness to TGF-beta.

Yuspa SH: Multistage carcinogenesis of the skin.

Zeichner SL, Palumbo P, Feng Y, Xiao X, Gee D, Sleasman J, Goodenow M, Biggar R, and Dimitrov DS: Rapid shortening of telomeres in children.

Zhang S, and Mock BA: The role of p16INK4a (Cdkn2a) in mouse plasma cell tumors.

Zheng Z-M, He PJ, and Baker CC: Function of a bovine papillomavirus type 1 exonic splicing suppressor requires a suboptimal upstream 3' splice site.

Zheng Z-M, Huynen M, and Baker CC: A pyrimidine-rich splicing suppressor binds multiple RNA splicing factors and inhibits spliceosome assembly.

Zhou Y, Gottesman MM, and Pastan I: Studies of human MDR1-MDR2 chimeras demonstrate the functional exchangeability of a major transmembrane segment of the multidrug transporter and phosphatidylcholine flippase.

Zolotukhin AS, and Felber BK: Nucleoporins Nup98 and Nup214 participate in nuclear export of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Rev.

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