Industrial crisis and the open economy : politics, global trade, and the textile industry in the advanced economies / Geoffrey R.D. Underhill.

Underhill, Geoffrey R. D.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog
List of Tables														ix
Preface and Acknowledgements								xi
List of Abbreviations												xvii

Introduction														1
Focus of the Study												2
The Arguments: The Political Economy of Trade
	Liberalisation													6
Implications for Theory											18
Structure of the Book											25

1	Material Underpinnings: Economic Structure
	and Industrial Crisis, 1974-84									33

	Economic Dimensions of the Sector: Complexity
		and Fragmentation										34
	Decline and Adjustment in the Textile
		and Clothing Sector										40
	Global Competition and Production Costs:
		The 'Competitive Equation' in Textile
		and Clothing Industries									47
	Conclusion													61

2	International Competition, Domestic
     Industrial Crisis, and the Strategies of
	Firms												70

	International Trade and Industrial Adjustment				72
	The Textile Problematic: The French Case					74
	Conclusion													94

3	State, Market Governance, and Particularistic
	Interests: The Political Economy of Capture				101

	Textile and Clothing Interests: the US and UK				103
	French Textile and Clothing Interests						109
	Policy Issues and State-Industry Relations in France:
		The Political Economy of Capture						120
	Flexible Specialisation and Associational Systems in
		the Italian Textile and Clothing Industry				136
	Conclusion													142

4	Capturing the Global Trade Regime							153

	From STA to MFA												157
	The First MFA Agreement									160
	Renewing the MFA: France, Transnational Capture,
		and the EU on the Offensive								165
	Conclusion: The Fourth MFA									187

5	Dismantling Protectionism: The Political
	Economy of Liberalisation in the Uruguay Round			197

	Firm Strategies and Changing Economic Structure:
		the Accelerating Globalisation of Textile and
		Clothing Production in the 1980s and Early 1990s		204
	The 1986 MFA Renewal and the Uruguay
		Round Launch											221

Conclusion: State and Market in Global Textile Trade			252

Appendix:  Uruguay Round Agreement on
			Textiles and Clothing								258
Index																274