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Maripelta (Red Algae) - Maripelta rotata
Photo by CBNMS

Maripelta (red algae) has a single blade that can grow to almost 5 inches in diameter and typically sits upon a two inch stem. It is deep red in color and is known to produce its blade seasonally. All types of red algae, collectively known as rhodophyta, contain two substances of economic importance that are widely used in food and pharmaceutical industries. These two compounds are agar and carrageenin which both help thicken everyday products such as toothpaste and ice cream.

Maripelta (Red Algae)
(Maripelta rotata)

Discontinuously from northern California to Baja California

Ocean floor from 50 -130 feet deep.

Sunlight and dissolved nutrients, which are required for photosynthesis


The status of this species is representative of the populations within the waters of this Sanctuary only, not global populations.

Quick Fact
Since blue light penetrates deeper than most other colors of the spectrum and red algae absorbs blue light for photosynthesis, it can grow deeper on average than most algae.

Learn More
- OceanLink
- Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
- Museum of Paleontology, UC Berkeley